Linear NGDZ00-4 - missing entities

In the latter stage of setting up a new (my first) HA setup, migrating from SmartThings. Running the latest HA (2021.2.3) with Supervisor, & ZWave JS (0.1.10)… all from within a VirtualBox VM on a MacMini, with the GoControl HUSBZB-1 USB stick plugged in and mapped to the VM. I have multiple ZWave & Zigbee devices added to HA and working correctly.

I have two Linear GDZ00-4 controllers that were working as expected (remotely control open/close, tilt status, etc) on my double garage (double bay + single bay). I had a lot of trouble getting these two to pair with HA, but after reading tons of posts in this community, I finally got them paired doing a factory reset of each, bringing them to my office to pair them within 20’ of the USB Z-Wave radio. I then moved them to the garage.

However, I’m having two issues:

  • neither expose the cover action to open/close the doors
  • neither reports the status of the tilt sensor

I’ve tried to get a good list of all the entities, but can’t find one place that exposes them without truncating the list: Here’s a list of everything (only the double door is listed… but both show the same things):

  • enabled entities
    • binary_sensor.garage_door_double_access_control_barrier_sensor_low_battery_warning
    • binary_sensor.garage_door_double_access_control_barrier_sensor_not_detected_supervisory_error
    • binary_sensor.garage_door_double_access_control_barrier_unattended_operation_has_been_disabled_per_ul_requirements
    • binary_sensor.garage_door_double_home_security_tampering_product_cover_removed
  • disabled entities
    • sensor.garage_door_controller_alarmlevel
    • sensor.garage_door_controller_alarmtype
    • sensor.garage_door_double_access_control_barrier_battery_status
    • sensor.garage_door_double_access_control_barrier_sensor_status
    • sensor.garage_door_double_access_control_barrier_ul_disabling_status
    • sensor.garage_door_double_home_security_cover_status

I’ve seen other places where you need to run the doors a few times to get some things to appear… I’ve opened & closed both 10x times… but no changes.

Any idea how I can get this resolved? I’ve seen tons of old questions/posts about these controllers with the older Zwave integrations. I’m also not sure if it’s an issue with the fact the devices weren’t hooked up to the garage door openers when they were paired with HA in my office. Since then, I’ve paired a Zwave switch just outside the garage so if the solution is to repair them, I can go through that again if necessary… just dong want to do it if it’s not necessary.

I’m a dev and don’t mind SSH’ing into the config files, which I’ve done to try to find any missing entites for cover or the tilt sensor, or a list of all the entities that should be reported… can’t find anything in the HA log either…

Garage doors are supported in release 2021.3.

Thanks for this… I was a bit confused for a minute because I saw posts by others that had this device working in HA, but now I get it. To expand on @freshcoast’s response for others…

Other posts are using oldez ZWave support in HA. But ZWaveJS is the new preference in HA… which is what I’m using. But…

Currently the ZWaveJS implementation in v2021.2.* doesn’t support garage doors fully (as in my experience). However, it’s a known limitation, but looks like it’s been implemented in the ZWaveJS project, so it just needs to be added to HA, which (from @freshcoast’s reply) sounds like it will be done in the next HA release: 2021.3.

IOW: “be patient” :slight_smile:

Now… to try to find a list of all the entities exposed by this device with an English translation to what they map to… some of these sensors are confusing… for instance… what’s the tamper cover reference on the sensors. I have two garage doors, almost identical models, but one shows the tamper door is unsafe while the other is safe.

I’m curious if you got this working with 2021.3? I’m on 2021.3 and I was able to get mine to pair, and I can trigger it to make a noise and flash the light via Home Assistant, but am unable to get it to open and close the door (the most important part! haha).

Yeah… the controls showed up immediately after updating to 2021.3. It does take about 5-15 seconds for the command to be received, but it does work pretty consistently.

I don’t think the new zwave fully supports garage doors as I had a similar issue. It won’t let you change the device name so you are stuck with that. But as far as opening and closing- this is what you need:

That will open/close the door. I had similar issues with my door lock and both are zwave plus and I am wondering if that is the issue but not sure. But it does work and hopefully will get better in time.

I’ve changed mine in Home Assistant.

Make sure you paired the device securely and have a key in your addon/docker config.

Mine also says the same thing : "Garage Door Controller
" but it won’t let me change it. Can you change yours to something else?

Sure does:


You must have had a better upgrade experience than me because mine is locked @ Garage Door Controller

If you click on the device page does your screen look like this or has it updated the name that you changed it to?

It’s updated to the name I gave the device.

How are you attempting to rename the device?

I’ve also renamed mine without issue, and just tried again to confirm it, no problem here.

Device and entity page. Others said to use notepad plus but don’t want to go there as it is working fine just frozen.

So you click here:

Type in the name here and click Update and nothing happens?

No I don’t have any problems changing entities and mine is changed to the proper name there. It’s the device name (like what you see on my screenshot ) that is locked. Same with my door lock. It’s stuck at “Touchscreen Deadbolt Z-Wave Plus” instead of the proper name. Also with door lock it won’t display the battery level even though it’s there and working.

Please circle the item(s) in your image that you are having trouble renaming.

Ok, so clicking here:

and updating the name and clicking Update doesn’t change it?