Link to Automation configuration in side panel

Hi Guys,

i’m trying to add a link to /config/automation/dashboard to the side panel. Thought i use a panel_iframe for this. like:

    title: 'Automations'
    icon: mdi:robot
    url: ''

But u see my Problem. When clicking teh link two Sidepanels are visible.

Can i avoid this?

Related Post are Add Links to the SideBar
Hassio INSIDE of Hassio after setting up panel_iframe

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Use the Custom Sidebar add on. This will do what you want.

Thank you. Exactly what i wanted.

I found an easier way to to this here.

In short, edit configuration.yaml and add this to the end of the file

  - name: panel_automations
    sidebar_title: Automations
    sidebar_icon: mdi:cogs
    url_path: 'config/automation'
    module_url: /api/hassio/app/entrypoint.js
    embed_iframe: true
    require_admin: true

Thank you!

This is now url_path: 'config/automation/dashboard'


Yes, this was super helpful & easy to set up.

For beginners: You’ll have to restart your home assistant (for me restarting by reloading .yaml didn’t work, I had to do full restart)

UPDATE: Scrap that, I had an extra indent on my first line that I failed to notice. All working now thanks!

This is exactly what I wanted but I have just tried it on 2024.5.5 and it sadly doesn’t work. I even shut down the VM and did a clean boot. Weird… Anyone else having problems? I tried both URL paths as well, no difference