LinkPlay Integration

Does anyone know if Alexa can be used with Acrylic amps so that you can say ‘Alexa play music on “acrylic room1”’ My current setup today uses an old echo dot and dumb class D amp and this works well - but I’d like to use the acrylic A30.

The linkplay website speaks of an Alexa Voice Integration (VII) effort so I’m curious if the above is possible.

I have encountered this issue too with Radio Stations that are moving to newer streaming services.

I have one radio station that used to use: and this worked for my linkplay devices.
THEN they decided to go to different provider and now their stremaing URL is but this does not work.
(PS: Ignore the aac → mp3 transition - I used to use the mp3 url but I could not find it anymore)
*** Failed async communicating with LinkPlayDevice (httpapi) ‘Arylic_Living’: <class ‘aiohttp.client_exceptions.ClientConnectorError’>**

I think that the newer implementation from this newer provider ( is not compatible with the outdated integration.

If I use other URL’s of radio stations then it still works, but not this newer one I think that someone needs to update the code

Hi! Is support for the Wiim Mini/Wiim Pro planned for this integration? I know there is a wiim_custom integration, but it is severely limited in what it can do. It would be great to have the full features of the LinkPlay integration available for the Wiim devices.
Thank you!

Have you found a good solution to control Wiim devices?

What has everyone done to manage multiroom audio join / unjoin in the UI? Looking for a card that provides similar operation as the 4Stream App and provide drop down of all players able to join / unjoin.

I am using mini-mediaplayer.
It allows you to configure a speaker-group which should contain all speakers that can be grouped to the main media-player. If a speaker-group is set, it displays a button to toggle the dropdown.

It does what it should and is very customizable as much as I have seen. However in my case it does not always correctly display the grouping state of a speaker.
For example if I add a speaker to the current media-player, sometimes the button still displays “off” (not part of this group), while it is already playing in grouped mode.

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I’ve implemented mini-mediaplayer and can confirm the same experience. The card is not being refreshed beyond the first zone being added.

Another bug I found is the “master” may not be muted. If you slide the volume all the way off, it shows muted but will not let you unmute nor allow you to increase the volume from the miniplayer. Can you try this?

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When I slide the volume down to 0, the player is muted and the volume slider is disabled.
The unmute button does not work in this case and I have to open the “more info” dialog, where I can unmute using the slider or the “volume+” button, the unmute button does not work here either.

I have 3 speakers in my linkplay group, one master and 2 slaves. Sometimes, one of the two slaves disconnects from the group. I would like to create an automation based on the members of either linkplay_group or group_members (they seem to have the same members at any point in time) to detect this condition and re-join the missing speaker. Suppose that the device that gets unlinked is slaveB. Normally, when all devices are linked, the linkplay_group attribute would look like:

  - media_player.master
  - media_player.slaveA
  - media_player.slaveB

Neither of the following seems to work to detect slaveB leaving the group:

platform: state
  - media_player.master
attribute: linkplay_group
  - media_player.master
  - media_player.slaveA


platform: state
  - media_player.master
attribute: linkplay_group
to: media_player.master, media_player.slaveA

Does anyone have an idea of how I can detect the unlink properly?


I’m trying to integrate a Yamaha YAS-209. I’ve installed the LinkPlay integration but the YAS-shows up as unavailable, with these attributes listed in Developer Tools>States

The config is:

  - platform: linkplay
    name: Living Room Sound Bar

I’ve confirmed the YAS-209 is pingable and it’s hard-wired to ethernet
Firmware 5.31

What am I doing wrong?

Don’t think it’s a Linkplay device

According to the Linkplay website, it is.

Same here…did you have find any solutions?

No, not yet. It is on the back burner because it is beyond my ability to deep-dive

Hi guys,

i have just a short question:

Is it possible to create an automation with an Zigbee Button which checks if one Linkplay Device is currently playing and the device where the button is located will create / join the multiroom-group?
In this setup I plan to use only acrylic devices so all device will have the same hardware / software.

Best regards …

hi there,

i got 2 arilyc devices (miniv3, pro v4) - i got them working with the linkplay integration from nagyrobi. Everthing is fine but i can´t get any artwork/cover shown in HA with media player and mini-media-player.
I started looking for help already in the mini-media-player thread (last entries).

But after some digging i guess the issue may be related to the linkplay integration and not the media-players.

any help is very appreciated - i would really love to see sone pictures on my Dashboard :slight_smile:

My artwork only works when using Spotify, but not with internet radio

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This config works for images on mine with internet radio :

  - platform: linkplay
    name: Office Media
    icecast_metadata: "StationNameSongTitle"

thanks guys …

got the same config and when choosing spotifymusic in the android app - i get a cover shown in HA … :slight_smile: lets see if we can get more

appreciate the help :slight_smile:

I missed a bit of my config … you need the lastfm entry too!!

So it is :

  - platform: linkplay
    name: Office Media
    icecast_metadata: "StationNameSongTitle"
    lastfm_api_key: (you need to sign up for a free api key and put it here!)

This will then look up the artwork for you from the radio stream using the icecast data.

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