LinkPlay Integration

I’d stay with the old one until the replacement has matured. It is lacking a lot of features.

Please be specific. Which features are missing?

Missing :

Ability to set up inputs (i.e. sources)

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you mean the possibility to define your own sources and assign names to them, right? Can you confirm that it works to change sources, e.g. switching to bluetooth?

I’m actually very hyped that linkplay finally gets an official integration, but now I’m not sure if I should switch to the new integration yet. Does anyone know if it is now possible to use the standard ha join service so that linkplay works with the grouping of custom media player cards?

I couldn’t define my own (which is my main use case) - I reverted as soon as I saw how basic it was.

The Standard HA Join not working for me and theres no way to join the speakers like it was with the HACS linkplay integration.

thanks for your reply! ok too bad, sounds like it doesn’t make much sense to switch to the new integration (yet)

Maybe we should create issues for the missing features.
Anyways, thanks to @robi for your work on this great custom integration!

Please do so!

Yeah just want to say I agree.

I switched but I can see I will likely switch back as the default integration didn’t include WiFi as a source for me and my main use case with my Arylic Up2Stream Amp is switching between that and bluetooth depending on the app I am using/“casting” from on my phone.

No, you can’t. I juste rolledback to home-assistant-custom-components-linkplay

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same problem, sources not definable, thats how i called for internet radio stations, need to revert to HACS version. curious how long it will work when unsupported now

Hi All. I was hoping to connect my WiiM Pro to HA using the new official LinkPlay support. However, it does not detect my WiiM or connect to it when I supply the IP to the LinkPlay add modal. I appreciate that this is not exactly the right thread to ask this on, but also figure that there might be some WiiM peeps on here. Does anyone have it working? I’m surprised how hard it is to find support for WiiM and HA. Cheers.

WiiM support is incoming. I’ve added the prerequisite HTTPS and mTLS bindings for a whole bunch of players to the python library, just waiting on a new linkplay integration + HA release (and any bugfixes needed!)

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Is there any way to join/unjoin or start presets with the new integration? I had a bunch of automations for my Arylic streamers that are all broken with the new integration. I used to start a preset and join a couple of players with an automation, for example, but those options give me errors now and dont work. any work around to start a preset and join a media player? I saw someone suggest going back to the CLI config, but id really rather not deal with that if i dont have to.

What do you mean by preset?

I understand the core integration doesn’t support join yet. But it’s intended to.

Use the custom integration in the meantime.

Amazing! Thank you for letting me know Dan. If you need a beta tester or anything like that let me know. I’m a Software Developer, so can write half decent bug reports :wink:

I’ve got a PR up for playing presets, though the owner or the repo has asked for a few changes.

Probably won’t be in the next release of HA, but it’s coming. :slight_smile:

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In the 4stream app arylic uses, you can start a playlist, like on spotify, then go back to the 4stream app and save a preset. Before the latest update to linkplay, i could call that preset from a script. I had an automation that ran when we started cooking that joined the living room and kitchen arylic streamers (linkplay.join) and started the preset. It was rock solid before this change, now both of those actions are broken.

any chance that can include the join and unjoin service? I had them using linkplay.join based on espresence, so my music automatically added the room when i went into a different room or on the deck.

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