Livolo RF433 Switches

Hello @ReneTode. As far as I understand these RF switches (Livolo andcetc) do not report their state. They are supporting only one way communication - receiving commands. How do you manage situations when someone physically push turn on button? HASS only have last state reported by Mysensors.

i dont know about the livolo switches, because i dont have one, but the 433 mhz switches i own, dont have a physical button to push.

There is no direct way to report manual status changing.
Unless you use a light sensor in the same room, you must send all off commands (two or three times) to ensure it is off, and then you know it is off…

@ReneTode, @oliverdog thanks.

did you got dedicated on and off command for livolo switches instead of the toggle or All off command?

No. But it is a livolo limitation. There is no dedicated on command for livolo switches.
You can have a dedicated off by connecting one gang remote for each gang but nothing about dedicated on button.
And we still need the button developing from HA instead of using a switch

Hi! I am using Livolo Switches with RFLINK GW and using domoticz for sending 433 and switch them over hass
I also have a remote with 4 buttons on it. you can pair 3 buttons and the last one is group off.
the idea is, to pair several remotes with one switch and sending for off the group off…
so remote codes will be needed… hopefully that the remotes have diffrent codes…

Button A was -> echo ‘10;Livolo;00B1;8;ON’ > /dev/ttyACM0
Button B was -> echo ‘10;Livolo;00B1;16;ON’ > /dev/ttyACM0
Button C was -> echo ‘10;Livolo;00B1;56;ON’ > /dev/ttyACM0
Button D was -> echo ‘10;Livolo;00B1;42;ON’ > /dev/ttyACM0


I tried diffrent codes with the ui from domoticz but I can’t figured out the codes, because
it costs so much time to test each codes which where listet in the ui…

I also got the on-off-on when sending adding 00 to eg. 0000B1 and so on…
what I donÄt understand is, that the remote is sending Unit-Codes.
In domoticz there is not a possibillity to set unit code…
So itested with the echo to ttyACM0

Hi. With the hass and the rm-pro from broadlink, I used the script existing in this page to retrieve the codes and I was able to automate the whole set to my liking.:grin:

Hi, so you really can send a dedicated Off to one switch?and it stays off when Sending off again?

Yes. The RF remote command from Livolo (Switch Controller VL-RMT-02) with 4 buttons have 1 button dedicated to stop all the 3 other buttons on the remote command. If you have copied this rf code, you can stop one or all the three actions from the three buttons.

Are the livolo plugs also remotely controllable?

Socket? I do not know of any smart socket from Livolo. They only have switches with remote command in RF.

where you connect an electric appliance. So you can commad the on/off of the socket.

So those are only “dumb” passthrough sockets?

No. They are not smart plugs or sockets…
They exists only to make the front appearance the same the switches…

As oliver said, these sockets have no remote control module.

Hello, aha… so how many Livolo Switches do you have? You learned one remote - the 4 button one? and you can control more than 3 switches? I think I dont really understand this… I only was able to switch all off with the fourth button…

Five Livolo Switches. Yes, I found in th Broadlink database several commands and use one command for each blind. (Three buttons for each blind: Up, down and stop.) The advantage is that I can control each blind individualy. :grin:

which blinds? Are they good, you have a link?

I dont’ know. I just changed the switches. The blinds were already electrics.

Fernando, boa noite. O script que vc desenvolveu funciona para os Livolos com mais de 1 gang? Até quantos eles conseguem monitorar? Já está disponível no GitHub para baixar em Python? Obrigado.