Ll TTS give unknown error

There was no url I have no functioning TTS I don’t have anything to browse I just want it to say sornething like open or close

expanding the error I get

websocket_api script: Error executing script. Unexpected error for call_service at pos 1: RTSP/1.0 method ANNOUNCE failed with code 453: Not Enough Bandwidth

ok. selecting MaryTTS under media and choosing browser. I can get MaryTTS to speak Still no id

you’re saying that when you look in the States menu at the media_player entity that there’s no attribute there?

my attributes are

volume_level: 0.33
friendly_name: Beachtick
supported_features: 137093

I think the nature of this device doen’t support what we re trying to do, It is an apple airport express router. which was discontinued 7 years ago, Thanks for all the effort

looking at this… I am thinking about utrying to add an Owntones server. to HA and then using Airplay to get the TTTS output to my speakers Does that makem any sense to anyone?

no luck with this or MaryTTS

Still playing and leaning, The issue was with the media players. The one I was trying to use was a BT in the Mac OS. In this Link. https://community.home-assistant.io/t/tryin-to-get-tts-to-work-on-host-computer/552930/4 I learned about browers mod which worked great for mat limited purpose