Local realtime person detection for RTSP cameras

Yeah works fine, except for my media browser issue (see above) but it’s been the problem from 0.117.

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  # Optional: default log level (default: shown below)
  default: info
  # Optional: module by module log level configuration
    frigate.werkzeug: info

Like this? Sorry couldn’t find a sample after searching this thread or the Github repo.

Release candidate 1 is now available: https://github.com/blakeblackshear/frigate/releases/tag/v0.8.0-rc1

Note that this requires an update to the custom component as well.

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Actually, there probably wont be any messages there. See what the nginx logs say at /var/log/nginx/error.log inside the container. How are you mounting your volume for the clips folder?

Thanks for the great work ! Quick one: now, masks for detect role have to be defined for each camera and each object in the objects -> filters -> <object_name> section, right ? I’ve tried to setup it in motion but objects are still detected, even with the mask.

Here is an example.

      mask: '0,900,1080,900,1080,1920,0,1920'
          min_area: 5000
          threshold: 0.6
          mask: '574,1058,772,1072,768,632,439,636,34,600'

You can also provide a list of masks:

        - '0,900,1080,900,1080,1920,0,1920'
        - '574,1058,772,1072,768,632,439,636,34,600'
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Thanks for the quick reply ! Masks defined in the mask section do not seems to filter object for camera with the detect or clips role, I still get events. There, I guess I have to add them, object by object, in the filters section.

Another question: with the notifications API (https://your.public.hass.address.com/api/frigate/notifications/{{trigger.payload_json["after"]["id"]}}/thumbnail.jpg), how do you get a full size snapshot of an event instead of the thumbnail.jpg ?

The old https://url.com/api/frigate/notifications/{{trigger.payload_json['after']['id']}}.jpg do not seem to work anymore.

Sorry for a bit of a wishy-washy question… however I run frigate alongside zoneminder… I simply run zoneminder as it does all that I want but for a couple of cameras I run frigate because it does realtime detection where as zm only processes an event once the motion has stopped.

However I also want zm to carry on monitoring the two cameras I use frigate with. The problem is I can’t start frigate up while zm is running… the FPS for the cameras shows 100FPS and no live image is received… and also after a random number of days frigate seems to silently stop monitoring the cameras…

Given there’s no errors to go with any pointers on how I could resolve this? or for that matter is it just matter of fact frigate requires exclusive access to a camera?

That is why the mask was moved under motion. It only applies to motion and does not do any filtering for objects.

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Use https://your.public.hass.address.com/api/frigate/notifications/{{trigger.payload_json["after"]["id"]}}/{{trigger.payload_json["after"]["camera"]}}/snapshot.jpg. This will only be available once the event has ended.

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Frigate is aggressive about fetching the latest data from the camera, so its probably just saturating the bandwidth. Have you set the fps option in the config? Also, you may need to update the input parameters to be less aggressive. See the example in the docs for blue iris config.

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Hey Blake, I just updated the integration to 1.0 and am no longer able to connect to my Frigate container. Navigating to the container via the url returns the “Frigate is alive and healthy” response, and I can see all is good in the container logs.

Any idea what’s going on? I believe it was working just fine prior to updating.

Check the homeassistant logs.

Got it. I was still running beta 2. Updating the container to the rc took care of it.

Thanks Blake! Just got the RC running and I am seeing a few things that I can fix in the Web UI this week.

For anyone checking out the Web UI, if you have feedback, questions, or ideas, please post them to the discussion on GitHub if you can, as they’ll be a lot easier to discover and keep track of.

Thanks for your answers ! Is there a way to get the thumbnail.jpg not cropped ?

The snapshots config can be changed to disable cropping:

  crop: false

No. The thumbnails are a fixed size to support the media browser and to prevent them from overfilling the database. The snapshots config only applies to the jpg files saved to disk.


I’m running the Home assistant add-on (Frigate NVR Beta), but it doesn’t show the new rc version available. Is there anything I need to do to refresh the repository, or is it just a matter of patience?

EDIT: 12 hours later RC1 is available in the add-ons section of home assistant. AFter some major rework of the config it’s now up and running again! Thanks.