Location settings in Home Assistant IOS App

Hi I will need to set up an IOS app for access to our home assistant. The person is an employee and I don’t want to track their exact location only that they have entered or exited the home zone. But I am confused by the settings in the iOS app.
The settings are and what I think is required:
Location Permission - “Always” to ensure accurate positional information
Location Accuracy - Takes you to the phone settings which I do not want to change
Background Refresh - Takes you to the phone settings which I do not want to change

Zone Enter / Exit - Set to “On” (this determines if zones are tracked?)
Background Fetch - Set to “On” (I don’t understand how this differs from “Background Refresh” above)
Significant Location Change - Defaults to on, I think this should be off to avoid tracking location but does it stop zone entry / exit working?
Push Notification Request - Not sure what this does in relation to Background Fetch and Background Refresh??

The documentation is a little unclear on what each of these settings does and how they affect the App location services.

I note that an entity called (name) phone Geocoded Location provides detailed information on the location of the phone which is what I am trying to avoid.

So to summarise:
Which settings should be on or off to have the phone track when it enters a predefined zone but not where the phone has been. If that is at all possible?

Companion App Settings >> Select your server >> Location Sent >> “Zone name only”

Thank you, that worked !