Have anyone got integration between Lockly WiFi Hub and Hass.io?
This is the product: https://lockly.com/products/secure-link-wifi-hub
Any ideas?
Have anyone got integration between Lockly WiFi Hub and Hass.io?
This is the product: https://lockly.com/products/secure-link-wifi-hub
Any ideas?
Bumping as I have just purchased the Lockly locks as well, and would be interested in seeing if there is some integration.
These really seem like the best smart lock available today, with the glaring exception that there’s no good way to integrate. Has anyone figured out how to pull this off? I need to buy 5+ smart locks for my new home build and I’d like these if I can integrate with them.
I’ve got the secure pro deadbolt and the lock itself is very slick. The app is a bit clunky and lacks some features. An integration for home assistant would be great! I’m trying to figure this out, although I have very little programming experience.
Plan to pick one of these up this week, and would love if someone could come up with some level of integration for it as well! It’s a bit pricey at $300, but its features are phenomenal… if it had Home Assistant abilities as well, then it would just be off the charts!
Yes, the lock itself is really good. The integration sucks.
I got it working with Google assistant, but not integrated with HA.
Any developers out there??
I’m still looking into this. I’ve found the python API for the august component. I’m going to have a look at that code and see if I can figure out Lockly from that. Both locks work essentially the same way. The lock communicates via BLE only while the wifi hub connects to your home network. When you send a remote command, the wifi hub sends the BLE command to the lock. All that needs to be done is reverse engineer the Lockly API and see if we can take control of the lock via API calls.
Just bought one of these. Love the lock and the integration is just kinda eh ok…
Hope someone can figure out how to make it work with Home Assistant
me want too
Same here. I wish I had the skills to do so myself.
Any updates? I just bought one of these to try out and test. They appear to be one of the best on the market after doing a lot of research. If they work out I want to do more…my house and warehouse with these.
Anyone figure this out? I’m about to pull the trigger on a few smart locks and I really love the look of the Lockly but want ones I can integrate.
Installed the Lockly smartlatch with fingerprint reader about 3 months ago. In a word - awesome. not one problem or issue I could think of. I have the smart hub as well, about to connect, so I’d really appreciate a HA integration.
Would love to see this integration too. Thinking of getting the Lockly vision, which combines door bell and lock in one unit.
Got a Lockly a couple of weeks ago and started looking at whether I could find out how the Lockly App talks to a Server to query the state of our Lock and send commands to it.
I have rooted an old Android phone and managed to capture some pcap log of SSL ecnrypted communciation to the host apiserv03c.pin-genie.com
I think I am on the right track but the API is far from being easy to understand and naming is quite cryptic…
Any expert out there who would like to pair up and discuss my findings?
Please share the log you got. Thanks
Edit:. I gave up on these and installed Baldwin touchscreen z-waves instead
If anyone is willing to donate one I’ll gladly work on it. I think Home Depot is doing the lock for $150 now and the hub for $50.
Have there been any significant attempts to reverse engineer these yet? If they don’t use certificate pinning, then it should be as easy as a simple MITM attack.