Long lived access token probelm with alexa skills


i hope anyone can answer my question. I have an admin account and a normal user in my HA installation. I have two Alexa skills (Haaska and Alexa Reaction) that need long lived access token. Due security reason the access to the admin account should only possible in my local LAN and the normal user without admin permissions should access from everywhere (www). My problem now is, the alexa skills only works when i create the token in the admin account with www access. When i allow the access for the admin account only for local LAN the skills not running correctly and when i create a long lived access token in the UI from the normal user the skill also not running. What can i do to solve this problem?

Thx for your help!

I think i have found the answer :frowning:

Long-lived access token issued by non-admin does not work - Home Assistant Community (home-assistant.io)