Looking for a small/narrow smart lock

Our front door has a large window and so my options for a lock are very limited. Are there any locks with a narrow body? Zwave preferred for integration with HASS, though an August may be the next option, at least it integrates with HomeKit for control…

August introduced a version of door lock which is “Smart Lock Pro.” Unfortunately, it’s only for security dealers and integrators (Firefox does not have enough correctly-spelled words in the dictionary, marking “integrators” as a misspelled word) and you will have to be an August Pro member. But it does support Z-Wave!

Just because an August Smart Lock Pro supports Z-Wave does not mean you and I cannot install it ourselves. It’s like saying you and I can’t go buy Anthem MRX 1120 A/V receiver that’s made for custom installers and integrators (link below).


I will ask Schlage and Yale in Twitter to see if they have smart locks that are small and support Z-Wave.

Update: Okay. Here’s my tweet that I mentioned to Schlage and Yale. I’m hoping they will get back to me shortly and I can then respond back here as an update.

Update as of 1:03 PM Central Time:

OH! I found one! A little more scrolling in Amazon when I did a search for “Yale Z-Wave Smart Lock” (no quotes) and I saw this:


Could this fit in with your door?

Let me if that does not fit your description. Could you do a photograph of what the door looks like? If you can’t show what your door looks like, Schlage_Locks does allow you to send a direct message with a photograph of your door if you have a Twitter account, but yalelocks does not allow you to direct message them.