Looking for underfloor heating thermostat recommendations


I live in the UK and am about to do a bunch of home renovation. This will include putting in wet underfloor heating on the ground floor (around 200 sqm of flooring across 9 rooms). I currently have a HA setup with a ZWave stick on a RPi4 which works pretty well but is not mega reliable. Occasionally I need to restart HA/zwavejs2mqtt.

Can anyone recommend a hardware setup for this? I want to be able to control the flooring remotely, turn it on and off when on holiday etc as well as being able to control it using wall thermostats.

I’m not sure if its better to go with z-wave thermostats or use wifi connected ones that have some form of cloud integration with Home Assistant.

What are people’s thoughts on this?! Thanks!

I have temp sensors in every zone and actuators on the zone supply. And a simple relay on my kettle to switch it on or off. I use the “simple thermostat” frontend hacs plugin to do the math and turn off or on the relay. The actuators per zone are regulated on manual demand (normally open).
