Losing network connection after a few hours

After downgrading my homeassistant does not want to startups anymore


after installing debian 11 on my raspi 4 and supervised HA i had no crashes or freezes since 9 days now.

yeah this has happened once or twice to me, unplugging then replugging the network cable seems to sort it

connect to switch connected to router helps me

After being on 6.6 for a long time, i’ve updated to 7.4 a few days ago (and more recently to 7.5) and only had constant connection issues again.

To add insult to the injury, also at least daily full lockups - the Pi again completely vanished from the network.

I suppose i’ll be downgrading to 6.6 once again - i really just wonder how such an issue doesn’t seem to be more widespread and at the same time being so persistent for that many OS-versions?

Has anyone had any luck yet with this?

My internet goes down about once a day and starts working if kill the power to and restart my HA Raspberry Pi that is connected via ethernet. I’ve made sure I’ve set HA to a static IP and reserved an IP on my router. I’m about ready to give up on HA and try something else because I can only tell my gf I’m trying to fix it for so long lol

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Same issue here…
Can’t hold off my gf much longer

I had the same problem. In my case the dhcp client was overflowed by many docker containers all requesting a lease. It can be recognized by seeing “route socket overflowed” in the journal of the dhcp daemon (journalctl -u dhcpcd).

A workaround is to add the following line at the end of /etc/dhcpcd.conf:
denyinterfaces veth*

Afterwards the service needs to be restarted (sudo systemctl daemon-reload followed by sudo systemctl restart dhcpcd)

See here for more info: Raspberry Pi 4: DHCPCD route socket overflowed · Issue #4092 · raspberrypi/linux · GitHub


I had the same issue after upgrading HAOS to the latest. After a while of not getting things to work, I reluctantly moved to openHAB which I don’t like. openHAB is buggy as heck. Nowhere close to the stability of Home Assistant. Anyhow, Interesting enough i had to install Ubuntu first in order to install openHAB and the issue started with Ubuntu. The exact issue I was having with HAOS. Turns out, there’s a bug with Realtek drivers in the Ubuntu OS.
With that said, is HAOS built on top of the Ubuntu framework and if so, is there access to default Linux commands?
I ran sudo apt-get install r8168-dkms rebooted and my wire network popped up.

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