I’m at a loss here. I have Home Assistant running on mine and my wife iPads. Two days ago we both got a “lost connection to the server” message. I tried a number of things including reinstalling Home Assistant and at one point shutting down the system as it locked up, and restarting it. Nothing worked. When I accessed the Home Assistant app I could only get into the settings pages. None of my data was being displayed. When I tried an “sudo apt-get update” I could not access the “raspbian.raspberrypi.org” site or it’s archive site. This morning I pinged the two rspberrypi sites and got a connection to both, but I still could not get the data displayed in the app on my iPad. I checked my wife’s iPad and found she could get a connection and could operate our lights okay, but, a big but, the Lovelace interface I had created a few days ago had disappeared from her instance of the app.
I assume that my data for my home assistant instance is stored on a dB at the raspberrypi sites and I need to the connect to those sites to populate my instance of the app. If this is true then instability problems at or connecting to those sites may be the problem.
I also noticed that the IP address for my raspberrypi is still the same as when I made the initial connection but the IP address for my laptop, which is connected to the same modem, has changed from the original one. Is this normal.
I realise this sounds like a bit of a drama but all I’m trying to do is to allow my wife, who has mobility problems, the ability to switch lights on or off easily when I’m not home.
Any ideas or assistance greatly appreciated.