Lovelace: Bar Card

Hello, how i remove/hide this frame?



Not sure how to get ridof those, I think theyā€™re part of the overall lovelace framework. It seems to add them for every individual card that is added. You might be able to disable them in your theme.


is there a way to change the line color? i want to change it to white.
because on the left line is invisible.

              - type: custom:vertical-stack-in-card
                title: HP Office Jet 3830
                  - type: entities
                    show_header_toggle: false    
                      - entity: sensor.sensor_40
                        icon: mdi:printer
                      - entity: sensor.printer_uptimetest
                        icon: mdi:clock
                        name: UP Time
                      - entity: sensor.pagecount
                        icon: mdi:file-outline
                        name: Pages Printed                    
                  - type: custom:bar-card
                    columns: 3
                    direction: up
                      - color: black
                        entity: sensor.ink_black_level
                      - color: '#a4205c'
                        entity: sensor.ink_color_level
                      # - color: '#a4205c'
                        # entity: sensor.pagecount
                        # entity: sensor.canon_mg5300_black_ink_level
                      # - color: Black
                        # entity: sensor.canon_mg5300_photoblack_ink_level
                    height: 200px
                    max: 100
                    min: 0
                    padding: 2px
                    target: 20
                    title_position: bottom
                    icon_position: inside
                    unit_of_measurement: '%'
                    width: 100%

Thank you,

To be honest Iā€™ve never tested a dark bar before. The easiest solution for now I guess is to make the bar dark gray. Iā€™ll see if I can make the target bar visible for dark bars whenever I find some time to work on it.

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Hi. I cant get ā€œbar percentage fillingā€ - sensor may show 7 or 21% but color bar is always fully colored. No animation or any changeā€¦


`############### Bar Custom ########################################
  - type: custom:auto-entities
      type: custom:bar-card
      unit_of_measurement: "%"
      title_position: inside
      padding: 2px
      columns: 2
      color: '#40bf40'
      animation: 'on'
        - entity_id: "sensor.bigbosspc_amd_ryzen_5_1600_load_cpu_core*"
  - type: custom:bar-card
    title: RYZEN CPU TOTAL
    title_position: inside
    color: '#40bf40'
    animation: 'on'
    entity: sensor.bigbosspc_amd_ryzen_5_1600_load_cpu_total

I donā€™t think a number with a comma is considered a number but a string. Is it possible to output the values with a period instead and see if that works?

Yeahā€¦ You are rightā€¦ it is comma matterā€¦
tried battery period and it is fineā€¦
Whats the best way for comma data?

For now the best solution is probably to create a template sensor that replaces the comma with a period. Or see if you are able to get the sensors to output with a period. Iā€™ll see if I can update the card to support commas when I get some time.

Similar to a post a few days ago about a printer I would like to know if it is possible toā€¦
Display four vertical bars of my ink colors (black, cyan, magenta, yellow) in that the background of the bar is the color of the specific ink.
So I would like one bar colored black, one cyan, one magenta, and the last one yellow.
I have looked at the css as well as creating four separate cards.
Any thing like this possible.

You can use something like:

       - type: custom:bar-card
         columns: 4
         direction: up
          - color: black
            entity: sensor.hp_b110_ink_black
            title: black
          - color: '#......'
            entity: sensor.hp_b110_ink_cyan
            title: cyan
          - color: '#.....'
            entity: sensor.hp_b110_ink_magenta
            title: magenta
          - color: '......'
            entity: sensor.hp_b110_ink_yellow            
            title: yellow
         height: 150px
         max: 100
         min: 0
         padding: 2px
         target: 20
         title_position: bottom
         align: center-split
         icon_position: inside
         unit_of_measurement: '%'
         width: 100%
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Thank you so much. This worked perfectly.
I was almost there but you helped to refine my mess.

Great card! Maybe, Iā€™m overlooking something very simpleā€¦ Is there any possibility to make ā€œtextā€ as the value?

For example:

  - color: '#EF7815"
    value: "Heavy rain"
  - color: '#d9240b'
    value: "Snow"

So it looks for the state at the sensor, but itā€™s not a numberā€¦
Would be great to get this working :slight_smile:

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Not at this time, but this sounds like a great feature.
Iā€™ll try to add this whenever I find some time next week.

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I am trying to use tap_action to reset maintenance hours of my xiaomi vacuum cleaner. So far unsuccessfully. What am I doing wrong?

            tap_action: service
              domain: vacuum
              service: send_Command
                entity_id: vacuum.xiaomi_vacuum_cleaner_my
                command: reset_consumable
                params: side_brush_work_time

The only thing I can see that could be causing your issue is a typo.

service: send_command

instead of:

service: send_Command

Iā€™ve just tested the tap action on my side and it works for turning on and off my vacuum.

This should now be possible in 1.7.0.

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Sounds great! But for some reason this doesnā€™t seem to work:

  - color: '#EF7815'
    value: 'Ijzel mogelijk'

Neither does:

  - color: '#EF7815'
    text: 'Ijzel mogelijk'


  - color: '#EF7815'
    state: 'Ijzel mogelijk'

Probably Iā€™m just overlooking something obvious?

Are you sure youā€™re running the latest version? The console should show you which version you have installed.

  - sensor.debug
  - color: var(--bar-red)
    value: Red
  - color: var(--bar-yellow)
    value: Yellow
  - color: var(--bar-green)
    value: Green
type: 'custom:bar-card'
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Which console?

F12 when using Chrome will show you DevTools, which includes the console.