Lovelace: Button card

after several tries, i did it,
I was going around and it was as simple as possible,thanks for this awesome cards :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

Ok thanks again, i installed browser.mod but how to get the various ID from devices?

You have to read the instructions :wink:

I read them, but cannot find where it says how to get devicesā€¦ i see the various services now, but no device ID. Sorryā€¦


service: browser_mod.debug

Display a popup with the deviceID and a javascript alert with the deviceID on all connected devices .

Or I think if you just search for media_players in the States page they will appear there.

Hmmm maybe i have something wrong as running that service from the frontend tools i get no popup and between my media_players i donā€™t see any new media playerā€¦
I only added browser_mod:to the configuration yaml and restarted.

I assume you restarted? (Just checkingā€¦)

Yes, restartedā€¦ and after several minutes i finally get the ID !!! :-:sweat_smile:

must be missing the obvious, but I canā€™t find a way to do what I want: have a button with an input_number sliderā€¦

As it stands I have it in an entity card, and it is utterly disturbing my Hassio system tab:

so question for my fellow buttoneers: can we Button down an input_number?

thanks for pointing me in the right directionā€¦

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What do you mean with button down? Are you looking for a folding entity card? Which folds downwards when pressed? Or is it that the card is larger than your stacks?

it was a punā€¦ sorry if that wasnā€™t clear.
No, I am simply looking for a button with a slider. Nothing fancy, no motion or sliding needed.

Ah ok and the entity card you use is too high? (At least that is what I can make out of this).

Hm I donā€™t use entities cards myself, but wouldnā€™t removing the title (if that is even possible) do what you want?

Nothing missed. button-card does not show sliders for input.

ok thanks, so I can stop looking :wink:
might be a cool enhancement thoughā€¦

might I conclude from your words it does take input_numbers box?

Why not make a button that shows the value and a popup on tap with the slider?

well, yes, why not :wink:
(other than it requires yet another user action, would like it to be as effortless as possible)
Didnā€™t think about that yet, and donā€™t have any popups configured other than the regular more-info cards.
do I need something special for that?

a ok. saw that beforeā€¦ and because of all the complexity had it parked up to now.
tbc, had something simpler in my mind than thatā€¦will check it out though, so thanks!

hey @Mariusthvdb this buttons look great can you share the code for one of these buttons ?
thank you