Lovelace: Button card

I would play with a different font as well as the line-height. That could cause issues on mobiles when everything is scaled down to a new resolution.

The issue actually is that when I use the same code in pure YAML mode, it works well both for the browser and mobile. however the same code in managed mode gives a different resultā€¦

How would i add a icon file i made to my button (the icon i made is in SVG format)


here is my code

      - type: custom:button-card
        name: Jeffry
        entity: vacuum.roborock_s7
          !include popup/vacuum.yaml
        icon: local/icons/roborock.svg
          - base

Hi @RomRider,

this might seem an odd question for a seasoned button-card userā€¦ so forgive me if I miss the obvious.
I am using the button-card in an auto-entities template filter, like:

    - type: custom:auto-entities
      card_param: cards
        type: grid
        columns: 6
        template: |
          [{% for i in ['apple-homepod','apple-homepod-mini','cellphone-iphone','laptop-macl'] %}
                { 'type': 'custom:button-card',
                  'show_name': false,
                  'aspect_ratio': '1/1',
                  'icon': 'cil:' + i,
                  'label': i,
                  'show_label': 'true',
                  'tooltip': i,
          {% endfor %}]

works very nicely.

However, I was surprised but the fact we need to quote the label boolean to use 'show_label': 'true', and we nood to Not quote the show_name boolean, and use 'show_name': false, in the template object.

Is this something you can explain, or did I find a bug after such a long time of using the cardā€¦

hope you can have a look at some point, thanks! If a bug, let me know, and Ill issue that up the repo.

Hi, can you help for me?
Need to put a sensor value in the circle, sensor only have state. Entity must be switch or light.

I need to conditionally change the color of an icon, but otherwise, leave the color corresponding with defaults (colors defined in css)
It seems I had asked for that in the past because I found the following construct:

                - color: |
                      if (states['switch.washing_machine_empty'].state == 'undefined') return 'red';
                      else return undefined;

Its intention is to use standard colors for on and off states while setting icon to red in case of an undefined one.

Recently I found it doesnā€™t work. For some reason, the icon is rendered black. Not sure it either never worked or stopped worked after some recent updates.
Is there any syntax for expression above allowing to NOT influence the color?

how can i make this white text yellow?


i tried to put a style around with yellow but failed

Post your code using the preformatted button in here (like the person above you did) , so people can help you out.

where did I see this question beforeā€¦? didnt we meet in the custom button-card repo?

I believe we can summarize this to: if using the styles on an element, you need to completely take care of it yourself.

    - type: custom:button-card
      name: Test unavailable color
      entity: input_boolean.test
#     styles:
#        icon:
#          - color: |
#              [[[
#                if (entity.state == 'on') return 'red';
#              ]]]

without the styles section, button cards shows the theme colors. When using the styles section, it always shows black except for the ā€˜onā€™ state in this case.

(I recognize this from my own repo custom-ui, where we can set globs, and individual customizations. Setting a glob on lets say domain switch for state icon changing, and we would like to customize icons And color on an individual switch, we need to write the full customization on the individual switch, and it wont inherit the domain glob.

This is alike.

I confess though I seem to recall it wasnā€™t like this before, but that has been quite some while now. Not sure.

without style set:

with style set:

clearly visible it doesnt use the theme color here (but the fill of the icon, which is set to black on mdi icons?)

guess you should take care of that in your themes, and in your button-card-templates. would be a single additional line in the template

Yes, we discussed it yesterday in github. I had started over here on forum but due to no response, I wrote an issue to GitHub.

would be a single additional line in the template

Itā€™s not about the number of lines. Itā€™s about redundancy.

Since templates always return a value that is assigned to the attribute, every time sometimes is assigned to the attribute. Even if you use an incomplete decision tree, an empty string (or its other representation is returned). So following syntax:

          - color: |
                if (entity.state == 'on') return 'red';

sets color style to an empty value, effectively to black. Itā€™s also valid for other cases, but depending on HTML structure, they may inherit some values from their parents.

Anyway, being able to escape the decision tree without changing already set values would be helpful, allowing change of appearance for a single condition, letting default appearance otherwise.

It should be also pretty easy to implement even without introducing a breaking change.
For example, implicitly returning null might be used to instruct to not change a particular attribute at all (considering that incomplete decision tree returns an undefined object)

well, tbh, Since we can easily prevent the ā€˜blackeningā€™, I fear a PR you would raise to implement what you say is easy, would not be easily accepted. You could ofc write it up and see if Romrider thinks itā€™s of additional value.

Yes, colors are easy to resolve because are deterministic. It still might be limiting when using generic reusable templates though.

However once you start to play with other attributes which original values are not known nor fixed (ie a width which can be dynamic), it might be impossible to put the default value into decisions tree.

Anyway thank you for your support and discuss. I will somehow concert issue in github to FR

donā€™t template the icon color, template the color on the card.

color: >
    return (entity.state == 'on') ? 'red' : 'auto';

or if youā€™re dead set on templating the icon, return the off valueā€™s var.

          - color: |
                return (entity.state == 'on') ? 'red' : 'var(--paper-icon-dont-remember)';

sure thank you

          - type: custom:button-card
            entity: sensor.nikki_laptop_current_energy
            entity: switch.nikki_laptop
            name: .
            tap_action: sensor.nikki_laptop_current_energy
              action: none
                    - entity: sensor.nikki_laptop_current_energy
                        - value: 0
                          color: "#276696"
                        - value: 19
                          color: "#228C22"
                        - value: 22
                          color: "#d35400"
                        - value: 25
                          color: "#c0392b"
                    - entity: sensor.nikki_laptop_current_energy
                      color: gray
                      y_axis: secondary
                      show_line: false
                      show_points: false
                      show_legend: false
                      show_labels: false

              - power

template button file

  #                                               #
  #                  POWER                        #
  #                                               #

      - base
    show_state: true
      circle: >
        [[[ {
        const temperature = Math.round(entity.state);
        return `<svg viewBox="0 0 50 50"><circle cx="25" cy="25" r="20.5" stroke="#313638" stroke-width="1.5" fill="#FFFFFF08" style="
        transform: rotate(-90deg); transform-origin: 50% 50%;" />
        <text x="50%" y="54%" fill="#8d8e90" font-size="14" text-anchor="middle" alignment-baseline="middle" dominant-baseline="middle" dominant-baseline="middle">${temperature}watts</text></svg>`; } ]]]
          type: "custom:mini-graph-card"
          hours_to_show: 24
          points_per_hour: 4
          line_width: 8
          font_size: 75
          decimals: 0
            name: false
            icon: true
            state: true
            legend: false
            labels: false
            points: false
            - value: 0
              color: "#276696"
            - value: 19
              color: "#228C22"
            - value: 22
              color: "#d35400"
            - value: 25
              color: "#c0392b"
      name: [top: 57%, left: 0%, width: 100%, position: absolute]
        graph: [bottom: 0%, left: 0%, width: 100%, position: absolute]
          - display: initial
          - width: 90%
          - letter-spacing: 0.03vw
          - margin: -6% -6% 0 0
          - justify-self: end
          - opacity: 1
          - width: 67%
          - fill: "#9da0a2"   

taats sweet:

    - type: custom:button-card
      name: Test unavailable color
      entity: input_boolean.tesq
          - color: |
                return (!entity) ? 'red' : 'auto';

very nice indeed. and so elegant.

no, it has to be on the root level

    - type: custom:button-card
      name: Test unavailable color
      entity: input_boolean.tesq
      color: |
                return (!entity) ? 'red' : 'auto';

it did workā€¦

1 Like

ok, if it worked, I guess it worked. Must be something built into the card for icon color.

yeah well, it wasnt an icon that was colored red:

Schermafbeelding 2022-05-18 om 17.20.54

while test with the correct entity showing:

Schermafbeelding 2022-05-18 om 17.22.08
Schermafbeelding 2022-05-18 om 17.22.15

Iā€™m not 100% sure, but I believe you need to change the color of the name variable in this part:

      name: [top: 57%, left: 0%, width: 100%, position: absolute, color: red]

So add your color or theme variable in there and reload your lovelace dashboard. The card you use is more complex than a standard card because you use custom fields. So Iā€™m not 100% the part you want to change is indeed the name variable I highlighted.

If you replace your line with the one above, the text should become red. If thatā€™s the case, then it works and change the ā€˜redā€™ to any color you want (like hashcode or rgba values).

Also, that card uses a template on itā€™s own (see at the top).

      - base

So chances are you need to change the variable in that base template, which is a code on itā€™s own. My guess is you copied this button from someone else. Which makes editing it if you havenā€™t used button-card on your own much very hard. Post the complete code of the button (with all the templates included) in these cases so people know what theyā€™re looking at.