Lovelace: Button card

This method does not work. It show primary entity more-info

Well, that works on my test env. Are you using the latest version and did you clear your cache?

:tada::tada: Version 2.0.5 :tada::tada:


  • Locked buttons will now lock properly again after the first unlock
  • No more shadow clicks when using action: navigate
  • Reopens #200 as those 2 bugs where regressions introduced while trying to fix it.

Thnx so much @RomRider so far it looks like it has fixed all my problems. No more double clicking when turning off my input_booleans. And ofc the double click problem with lights and switches (which you have already fixed yesterday).

I will let you know if I find some other bugs. But so far so good! Thank you :pray:

Working all ok again, thanks for the great job and support

Thank you @RomRider! It is working properly again! :beers:

Give this section a read:

show_entity_picture: true

Why does my entities states wonā€™t show?

i want to make a notification bar:

type: vertical-stack
  - type: 'custom:button-card'
    color_type: label-card
    color: 'rgb(44, 109, 214)'
    name: Kitchen
  - type: 'entity-filter'
      - entity: binary_sensor.0x00158d000186ff02_contact
      - entity: binary_sensor.0x00158d0001b780b3_contact
      - entity: binary_sensor.0x00158d0002284d7b_contact
      - entity: binary_sensor.0x00158d0001c0e501_contact
      - on
      type: custom:button-card

Entity-filter only works with cards that support multiple entities. The button card supports one entity.

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a very quick one:

using this now:

      - border-radius: 6px
      - box-shadow: '0px 0px 2px 1px #F0C209'

but need a - shadow: 'elevation: 6dp' also. How can I add that, please?

ok thanks, will have to do then :wink:

please allow one more observation, which might lead to a small changeā€¦

using operator on state, and a template for the operator, we have to use the return phrase

with the new card:

    - operator: template
      value: >
          return states['light.test_light'].attributes
          && (states['light.test_light'].attributes.brightness <= 100)

previously like:

    - operator: template
      value: >
        return entity.state == 'not_home' && entity.attributes.country_code != 'nl'

what always has been awkward to me is the fact we need to use ā€˜returnā€™ while in fact this is the if-condition, the check. So not yet the ā€˜returnā€™, the resulting value to return in the front-end.

Would you be willing to consider changing that to:

    - operator: template
      value: >
          && (states['light.test_light'].attributes.brightness <= 100)

it is a very small change, but more logical, much clearer to read and will possibly prevent mistakes. It would also make these templates be more like what we do in other places in HA, be it Jinja or JS.

take out the ā€˜returnā€™ in the conditional templates.

No, thatā€™s not possible, sorry.
return creates the resulting value used as the field value. If I remove the need of return, thereā€™s not way to do more complex things like create variables, loops, etcā€¦ inside the templates.

javascript is a complete language, you canā€™t just arbitrarily remove some thingsā€¦

sure, wouldnā€™t want to have made the impression to have suggested that ā€¦

its just that your card is the first in HA that uses that exact construction on templates. Custom-ui, custom Tiles card, and now the Lovelace Tiles cards, to name a few major ones, all use the if statements without return on the condition part, only in the return section. So it never dawned on me that was incorrect.

thanks for your reply!

In all the cards youā€™ve mentioned, I can see return everywhere :thinking:

There is 2 examples I see in custom UI and it looks like a shorthand if statement with out the return.

"${attributes.power_consumption !== 0 ? (attributes.power_consumption + 'W') : ''}"

This one looks like its just the code without the return

${Math.round(attributes.brightness || 0) / 2.55}%

they call it ā€˜JavaScript templateā€™. Seems like a waste of time to meā€¦ just to replace the word ā€œreturnā€ with ${ and replace the termination with }%

sure. but not in the conditional (test) part of the template, only the exiting (result) part. Itā€™s almost asif you use ā€˜returnā€™ instead of ā€˜ifā€™.

but thats not a condition, its a return value.

I knowā€¦ Thatā€™s why I said

The difference in java script would be:

return Math.round(attributes.brightness || 0) / 2.55;

Not much change. And for the other oneā€¦

return (attributes.power_consumption !== 0) ? (attributes.power_consumption + 'W') : '';

Letā€™s move on, please