Lovelace: Decluttering Card

Hi, can I use this card with not yaml mode?
I have put a template definition at the top of the file in raw-modus of my dashboard and on another place in that dashboard I used that template but that I get this error


the card is installed correctly I think


Show how you put a definition.

  - url: /hacsfiles/decluttering-card/decluttering-card.js
    type: module
      type: custom:simple-thermostat
      entity: '[[entity_climate]]'
        - entity: '[[entity_batterie]]'
          name: Batterie
        step: row
          names: false
          icons: false
          headings: false
      header: true
      control: false
        state: true
  - theme: Backend-selected
    title: Home
    icon: mdi:home
    type: custom:horizontal-layout

and a bit later in the same file

      - type: custom:mod-card
          style: |
            ha-card {
              --st-font-size-xl: 28px;
              --st-font-size-m: 20px;
              --st-font-size-title: 15px;
              --st-font-size-sensors: 13x;
              --st-spacing: 1px;
              height: 375px
          type: grid
          columns: 1
            - type: vertical-stack
                - type: custom:decluterring-card
                  template: thermostat_template
                	- entity_climate: climate.thermostat_sz1
                	- entity_batterie: sensor.thermostat_sz1_batterie

Typo here.
Correct this and then check again.


I have corrected the misspelling and now it works!

One last question? Can I somehow put these templates in a yaml file and include them like I could do this in yaml-mode? If yes where should I put that file and how should the import/path look like ?

Thanks for your help and a Happy X-Mas :slight_smile:

Assume this is your “dashboards” file:


    mode: yaml
    title: System
    icon: mdi:xxxxxxxxxxxx
    show_in_sidebar: true
    require_admin: false
    filename: lovelace/lovelace-system.yaml

    mode: yaml
    title: Climate
    icon: mdi:xxxxxxxxxxx
    show_in_sidebar: true
    require_admin: false
    filename: lovelace/lovelace-climate.yaml

And these are your files for each dashboard:

### lovelace/lovelace-system.yaml
  - !include views/system/view11.yaml
  - !include views/system/view12.yaml
  - !include views/system/view13.yaml
  - !include views/system/view14.yaml
### lovelace/lovelace-climate.yaml
  - !include views/climate/view21.yaml
  - !include views/climate/view22.yaml
  - !include views/climate/view23.yaml
  - !include views/climate/view24.yaml

Everything is inside this tree structure:

  |_ ...
  |_ ...
  |_ views
  |    |_ climate
  |    |    |_ view11.yaml
  |    |    |_ view12.yaml
  |    |    |_ view13.yaml
  |    |    |_ view14.yaml
  |    |_ system
  |         |_ view21.yaml
  |         |_ view22.yaml
  |         |_ view23.yaml
  |         |_ view24.yaml
  |_ lovelace-climate.yaml
  |_ lovelace-system.yaml

Now add a new folder “decluttering-templates” for your templates and create any tree structure inside (like “these templates are for climate only”):

  |_ decluttering-templates
  |     |_ common
  |     |     |_ template11.yaml
  |     |     |_ template12.yaml
  |     |     |_ template13.yaml
  |     |_ network
  |           |_ template21.yaml
  |           |_ template22.yaml
  |           |_ template23.yaml
  |_ views
        |_ ...

Each file may be 1 decluttering template:


or several templates (like “a bit different representations of same card”):



And place this string into each file for each dashboard:

decluttering_templates: !include_dir_merge_named templates-decluttering/
  - ...

Now ALL your dashboards are sharing same templates.

Note: splitting config described here.


Thanks you!

So I can import decluttering templates only if I use “mode: yaml”? I can’t import a decluttering template file if I use this mode?


In storage mode you only may use templates defined in a “raw yaml editor”.
If you have 3 dashboards in storage mode - then the same template you need to put into each “raw yaml editor”.


Ok, thank you so much for your help!

Hey guys, if I have '[[var]]' in the decluttering template, passing a string like '14' works fine (right card), but passing '{{states("sensor.buienradar_temperature_1d")}},' produces the JSON parse error in the left card.

Then I found that passing '{{states(''sensor.buienradar_temperature_1d'')}},' (i.e. with two single apostrophes '' around the sensor name instead of one double apostrophe ") does not return this error but works as expected.

So everything works for me now but just wanted to notify here and/or ask why this behavior occurs?

I also have another question. Why is this code not working? It just returns the jinjia template as string.

type: custom:decluttering-card
template: weather_now_template
  - secondary: >-
      {% set buienalarm = states(''sensor.buienalarm_precipitation'')|float %}
      {% set owm = states(''sensor.openweathermap_rain'')|float %}
      {% if (buienalarm + owm)/2 > 0 %}
      {{min([buienalarm, owm])|round(1)}} tot {{max([buienalarm, owm])|round(1)} mm/h
      {% else %}
      {{states(''sensor.openweathermap_cloud_coverage'')}}% bewolkt
      {% endif %}

If I add newlines between each line in the template, I get a JSON parse error ‘unterminated string’.

so its not possible to use the same decluttering templates for multiple dashboards?

ups… I should read the whole comment. Thanks a lot for the explanation!

Edit: Sad that it’s not really worth to dive into this card, as everything seems to slow down if this card is used. Plus there have not been any updates for almost 3 years now…

It would declutter my code so much, but those are deal breakers imo


decluttering does not evaluate templates unfortunately. it only passes strings.

explain please? can not state the same experience on this side, using a rather extended frontend, and some serious decluttering going on.
Maybe you have another issue at hand?

now that is true. otoh, there have been no real issues to solve and it keeps doing its job nicely

I noticed this while using the tap_action: more-info popup. The popup is slowed down by a second if using decluttering card. That’s what scared me

Right, I see.
not using that myself, so I couldn’t respond to that really, but are you sure there’s nothing else in that card config that might cause the delay? The decluttering card really only ‘rewrites’ the yaml, and once that is loaded shouldn’t be any different than writing the card without it.

Note I say ‘shouldnt’… ofc there is always the exception to the rule :wink:

I only tested this with custom mushroom cards. But the delay is definitely not there if I use them regularly. Would you mind to test this on your environment?

paste you’re yaml here, and I can have a look

Thanks for the reply, that is too bad really. I wanted to show a mushroom card with a simple string on one lovelace page, but showing the template on another page. I guess there’s now way around this unless decluttering card gets an update?

I can confirm, I have a simple camera card with more-info popup which shows instantly, and multiple declutter cards in a stack-in-card (so different card, but same popup) where the popup shows with a slight delay. I’d say it’s almost unnoticeable (can’t be more than 0.3 seconds), but when compared to the popup of the camera card there is definitely a difference.

Have terrible experience with camera cards and especially the more info myself, but also without the decluttering card so that might be another issue. See this post

On the template , give us an idea in yaml what you would like and we can see.

Maybe it’s just taking it 1 step earlier in the yaml rebuild sequence