Lovelace: Flexible Horseshoe Card (Donut graph, flexible layout, multiple entities, actions & animations), including next-gen experimental examples

Maybe you can see my error. I have reduced the card to base and still cannot get it to work. I only have one animation.

    - state: 'on'
        - animation_id: 1
            - fill: red;
    - state: 'off'
        - animation_id: 1
            - fill: black;
            - opacity: 0.2;
  '10': green
  '45': orange
  '50': red
  - attribute: current_humidity
    entity: climate.south_main
    unit: '%'
  - entity: switch.south_dehumidifier
    icon: 'mdi:cup-water'
      action: call-service
      service: switch.toggle
        entity_id: switch.south_dehumidifier
  max: 60
  min: 30
    - animation_id: 1
      entity_index: 1
      icon_size: 3.5
      id: 0
      xpos: 30
      ypos: 55
    - entity_index: 0
      id: 0
        - font-size: 2.5em;
        - opacity: 0.9;
      uom_font_size: 1.5
      xpos: 50
      ypos: 28
  horseshoe_style: colorstop
type: 'custom:flex-horseshoe-card'

Any help would be great and I love this card.

That is weird. I can’t see anything wrong looking at it. It looks very much the same as the light example.

Some assumptions & questions:

  • I assume you can switch your dehumidifier while clicking the icon?
  • The states of the switch are indeed ‘on’ and ‘off’?
  • If you hit F5, the icon shows the expected state?

I can’t reproduce the problem with your example.
I replaced the switch with my light:
‘off’ state:

‘on’ state:

I used this definition:

        - animations:
              - state: 'on'
                  - animation_id: 1
                      - fill: red;
              - state: 'off'
                  - animation_id: 1
                      - fill: black;
                      - opacity: 0.2;
            '10': green
            '45': orange
            '50': red
            - entity: sensor.disk_use
              decimals: 1
              icon: mdi:harddisk
            - entity: light.1st_floor_hall_light 
              icon: mdi:lightbulb
                action: call-service
                service: light.toggle
                service_data: { "entity_id" : "light.1st_floor_hall_light" }
            max: 60
            min: 30
              - animation_id: 1
                entity_index: 1
                icon_size: 3.5
                id: 0
                xpos: 30
                ypos: 55
              - entity_index: 1
                id: 0
                  - font-size: 2.5em;
                  - opacity: 0.9;
                xpos: 50
                ypos: 28
            horseshoe_style: colorstop
          type: 'custom:flex-horseshoe-card'

Thanks for your quick response.

Yes you can switch the dehumidifier on/off by clicking the icon
Yes the states for the swtich are on/off
Yes, when I hit F5 it updates

When I changed the line in the code, from false to true it did not make any difference. It still is not working.

I did update my previous answer. I made a mistake with your example (wrong entity_index). I posted the defininition I have used now including screenshots. I can switch my light and it updates immediately.

Question 1:
Does the state displayed change from on to off? As this reacts to the same update as the icon should…

Question 2:
Is you icon the same as the primary text color (probably white or black)? Or does it display the expected color, but not real-time, but only after hitting F5?
What browser are you using?

Question 3:
Do you have any error in the hass log? Or if you are using Chrome and check the inspector (right mouse button, → Inspector, or ctrl-shift-I), do you see errors?


Yes the state is changing when the icon is clicked. I confirmed with Developer/States
Yes the icon displays correctly when using F5. Yes the icon is black and white. Since I am not using a theme, these should be my primary text colors.
I am using Chrome but also have the same issue on the IOS app
I do not see any errors in the logs or inspector.

Not sure it is matters but the switch is a value template created switch. I don’t have any lights defined.


Template sensors have a history of not updating, it’s even a breaking change.


And the breaking architectural change:

I have no idea of course if your template falls into this category, but I wonder if you manually call the homeassistant.update_entity_service if the icon does change!

I checked and the icon does not update after calling the homeassistant.entity_update service.

Ok. And the state you display, ie ‘on’ or ‘off’, does that change or not, just as the icon?

The state is changing when I click the icon.

Ok, so data is coming in.

I think it has to do with how the animation and entity state are compared in the card.

In the set hass(hass) function, you will find the following line of code:

// if animation state not equals sensor state, return... Nothing to animate for this state...
if (!(this.entities[entityIndex].state === item.state)) return;

Can you replace the triple ‘===’ with ‘==’ ??

if (!(this.entities[entityIndex].state == item.state)) return;

Then save, and ctrl-F5 in the browser to force reloading the card.

I updated it on line 792. It did not work, but the update gave me an error about confusing use of !

I have some lint warnings I still have to fix, this is one of them.
Probably if you change the line to:

if (this.entities[entityIndex].state != item.state) return;

the error disappears.

I hoped that that compare change would fix this weird issue, but if it doesn’t I will have to look further.

Unfortunately that did not fix the main issue just the lint warning

That is what was expected.

Can you give me the switch template? I have no templates in my configuration, so can’t test with templates. If I can adapt your template for my config, I might be able to reproduce the problem

Thanks for all your help. I love this card as I see many uses of it.

  - platform: template
        value_template: '{{ states.input_select.south_dehumidifier.state }}'
          - service: script.turn_on_south_dehumidifier
          - service: script.turn_off_south_dehumidifier

Here is the input_select

    name: South Dehumidifier
    - on
    - off
    initial: off

Here are the scripts

  alias: Toggle South Dehumidifier
  - service_template: >
      {% if is_state('binary_sensor.south_dehumidifier', 'on') %}
      {% else %}
      {% endif %}
  alias:  Turn On South Dehumidifier
  - data:
      event: Turn South Dehumidifier On
    service: ifttt.trigger
  - data:
      entity_id: input_select.south_dehumidifier
      option: true
    service: input_select.select_option
  - data:
      event: Turn South Basement Fan On
    service: ifttt.trigger
  - data:
      entity_id: input_select.south_basement_fan
      option: true
    service: input_select.select_option
  alias:  Turn Off South Dehumidifier
  - data:
      event: Turn South Dehumidifier Off
    service: ifttt.trigger
  - data:
      entity_id: input_select.south_dehumidifier
      option: false
    service: input_select.select_option
  - data:
      event: Turn South Basement Fan Off
    service: ifttt.trigger
  - data:
      entity_id: input_select.south_basement_fan
      option: false
    service: input_select.select_option    

Ok new question for a great new card.
I have been playing with it and have tried to make a few things.
Here is what I want to do.
I have 15 XIOAMI (temp/humidity/pressure) sensors in my house.
Question 1, If using the card 4 example how would I display all the cards on a single page. Do I need to replicate the entire code for all 15 sensors?
Question 2, where I live up until a few days ago the temps were averaging 105 to 110 F for the last 3 months. I would like the display to show a blue color from 45 to 68, green from 69 to 82, and red from 83 to 95. Is this possible. If it is I can not seem to make it work.

Any help is greatly appreciated.

Just released 0.8.2. Mainly a maintenance release with some small changes.

@daphatty, this version has an extra show option. Requirements haven’t changed for the card :smile:

@daconrad0, if added some case insensitive compares. No idea if that fixes your icon, but you can give it a try of course. I still can’t replicate what you’re seeing with the icon animation.

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That is where I’m using card 4 for: the xiaomi sensors in the rooms!

Yes, you need a card per sensor. Normally, that would be done using a decluttering template. In that template you use card 4 for layout and colors, and in the view you only pass the entities and attributes to the template. This keeps you view very compact.

I’m using zigbee2mqtt for my Xiaomi sensors. This gives me these three sensors:

  • sensor.bathroom_iaq_temperature
  • sensor.bathroom_iaq_humidity
  • sensor.bathroom_iaq_pressure

In my view.yaml:

    - type: 'custom:decluttering-card'
      template: dc_horseshoe_example_4
        - name: "Bathroom"
        - entity_1: sensor.bathroom_iaq_temperature
        - entity_2: sensor.bathroom_iaq_humidity
        - entity_3: sensor.bathroom_iaq_pressure

The decluttering template then uses the three variables for filling in the entity list:

            - entity: '[[entity_1]]'
              decimals: 1
              name: '[[name]'
              unit: '°C'
            - entity: '[[entity_2]]'
              decimals: 0
              unit: '%'
              icon: mdi:water-percent
            - entity: '[[entity_3]]'
              decimals: 0
              unit: 'hPa'
              icon: mdi:gauge

That should be possible with the colorstop list and the show.horseshoe_style set to colorstop.

    horseshoe_style: 'colorstop'

    30: 'purple'
    45: 'blue'
    68: 'green'
    83: 'red'
    120: 'red'

    min: 30
    max: 120

I haven’t tested the above, but this is how it should work.
I have added purple for 30-45 btw.

Hope this helps!

Thank you for the response.
Lets start with what I understand what you said. I am good with the colorstop information.
I understand the concept of what you said but do not understand how to implement it.
For example if my lovelace for this is called house_temps.yaml what do I enter?
Then do I need another yaml file to contain what you call view.yaml.

If an example can be posted that would be good for me.

Were you referring to scale_tickmarks:? If so, that option doesn’t seem to remove the horseshoe. In fact, scale_tickmarks: doesn’t seem to do anything at all in my test card.

Edit: I should clarify, using scale_tickmarks: with any value (true or false) would display the tickmarks in my test card. Removing scale_tickmarks: from the YAML subsequently hid the tickmarks from my test card.