Lovelace: Home card

Home Card

I wanted a way to get a quick glance of the current state of my home, so I started hacking on a custom card which resulted in the Home Card:

It’s very early in the development phase, so it’s not very pretty and lacks a lot of feature but I wanted to get it out there for feedback. Feel free to give it a spin if you like!

Instructions can be found here:


That looks awesome so far :ok_hand:

Awesome work, going to test it out tonight!

Love it, great job!

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Amazing ! :slight_smile:

worked like a charm. Good job!!!

Wow… you use a lot of electricity :wink:

Very creative, nice work! :+1:

Cool thing! Go on with this!

Really nice, I can think of many feature additions to this! :smile:

Thanks for all the feedback, really appreciate it! :smile: I will continue add features and improve as time allows. Just pushed the first work UI editor, so at least a few things can be changed without having to touch yaml.

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Thats pretty cool!

This is SO cool, works perfectly. Which I knew enough to do this kind stuff. If I could request, maybe a sprinkler outside coming on, single story house (one or two garages) with one or more cars. But I love it, thank you!

awesome work !

Excellent!!! I’ve had a lot of fun customizing this to match my own house and car.

Look forward to updates!


Love this card! will keep the other half happier :smile:

With regards to the electricity consumption, just out of pure curiosity. Why would you need to slide that? Have I been missing some cool trick!?

He’s doing this for a demo to show the value changes on the card.

@jojo416 what did you use to make your house?

So you can effectively change that to the Central heating temp? Or light dimmer etc.

Photoshop. There are probably easier ways, but I basically just drew & flood-filled shapes in layers over a photo of my house. Then went through adding shadows with the burn tool.

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