Lovelace: Home card

Exactly those sliders can be tied to things like, volume, lighting dimmers etc. However, in the example from the OP he is just using that slider to demo the card view.

If/when you have something ready, you should send a PR and have it included by default :smile:

Just merged a PR that adds support for tap_action and hold_action (just like how they for for entity buttons) for overlays and resources. So it’s not possible to change what happens when you click or hold+release on something :smile: Also changed default actions to be more sane (hold displays a more-info dialog and tapping/holding the car does that as well).

any update?great project

Hi postlund

Great work creating this.

I have a question.
I do not have a weather component, as I am just using,which creates sensors to keep track of all the different weather parametres. I saw that weather is optional, but if I remove it in the lovelace card, I get an error saying “Error: Empty entity id specified for weather”.
Should I remove it from another place as well?

No new updates for a while, been busy with some other things but I will continue work on it once I find some more time :+1:

Yeah, it currently needs a weather entity but I will probably change that and make it more flexible in the future. You should just be able to remove the entire weather: row and it should work (I hope).

In the card? That did not work for me. Still had an error in the frontend.
Just removed all parts mentioning weather in the js file. That fixed it for now. :blush:

BTW, good job making this component very easy to figure out. Will definitely be playing a lot more with this one

That’s weird, I’ll have to have a closer look.

Thanks, that was my goal :blush: I hope to see some cool usage of it!

So far so good.

Took me a while to figure out that the on/off states in the overlays required a ’ to show the image. For the open/opening/closed/closing states for garage, I did not need them.
All working now. Will be working on som open/closed state for the double doors next.

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It looks great! :smile:

I found the weather bug and pushed a fix, so it’s possible to not specify a weather entity now.

Awesome, thank you :smiley:

hi, the card is great, but suddenly stops working, im using chrome and clear the cache, with no luck, any ideas?


Anyone with this issue?, i’m still facing this problem

Maybe you have same issue as me.
I used HACS for this and had to change the location of the themes files.
Took me some time before remembering to step up the versioning in the resource segment

yes, i tought that hacs was the reason, can you tell me where tu put the files?and step up the version?

Would love this in HACs!


Yes, that is on my list!



I’ve been using this card and love it! It inspired me to redo my entire lovelace front end. Looking for more features soon!! Thanks for your work on this

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Hi everyone,

I just started using the Home card, and I’m really liking it so far. I’ve hit one snag -

For some reason, when the binary sensor I’m using for my door reports off (i.e. closed) the home card image shows it as open, and vice versa when the sensor reports on (i.e. open) home card displays the closed door image.

Any ideas why that might be?

I even tried using state_map to reverse on and off, but didn’t have any success even after a restart of HA. Any thoughts are appreciated. Thanks.