Lovelace: Home Feed Card

I’ve just had another look and the card is showing a bunch of sensors all with a last detected time of 8 hours ago… the sensors have been trigger much more recent than this, less than an hour ago.

I haven’t restarted yet as I’m at work and my girlfriend is home making use of the automations :grin:

One more thing to check, do you have more than one home-feed-card in the same view? If you do, and they have have the same title (or no title), there was an issue where they would share the same cache in local storage and possibly conflict with each other.
In 0.4.0 I resolved this by adding a card_id option which, if present, is used to define the id used for caching.

No, only the one home-feed-card in my entire lovelace ui

Still no reaction on this. Is there realy no idea how to do it?

After a HA restart the card is working again on version 0.3.8

I’ll try updating again and see if it has dramas this time around…

I am trying to understand why one of my entities stopped showing in the home-feed card. My setup has worked for several months and now on of the entities doesn’t show.

My card:

type: "custom:home-feed-card"
    id_filter: ^home_feed_.*
    more_info_on_tap: true
        entity: binary_sensor.wyzesense_779324f0
          - 'off'
        include_history: true
        keep_latest: true
        max_history: 20
        remove_repeats: false
        show_empty: true
        content_template: '{{display_name}} arrived at {{state}} ({{latitude}},{{longitude}})'
        entity: device_tracker.bill_pixel_gps
        name: Bill
        entity: binary_sensor.wyzesense_778a7342
          - 'off'
        include_history: true
        keep_latest: true
        name: Mailbox
        entity: cover.west
        include_history: false
        keep_latest: true
        remove_repeats: true
        entity: cover.middle
        exclude_states: 'off'
        include_history: false
        keep_latest: true
        entity: binary_sensor.wyzesense_777fef56
          - 'off'
        include_history: true
        name: office
        remove_repeats: true
    title: Motion

I need entity: binary_sensor.wyzesense_779324f0 to show at all times. The logbook correctly shows the status.Just not showing in home-feed anymore.

Tried a reinstall of hacs (.23.2) , and home-feed (4.1b5) and no difference. Also several of the sensor times are wrong after the restart due to HACS reinstall. All the covers and entity: device_tracker.bill_pixel_gps, changed to the reset time.
I did some further testing and this is no longer working for me:

          - 'off'


I discovered an issue with the history API call, where it wasn’t including the timezone when passing the time range in the query. The query should use UTC, but this was preventing this from working properly. This should be fixed in the release version of 0.4.1 I have just published. Can you give this a try?

Thanks for the quick fix. This fixes the exclude_states: off issue. Does this also address reset time?

I think the time reset issue is a Home Assistant rather than with the card. You can avoid it being an issue by using include_history: true and remove_repeats: true (this is actually the default). So, for example:

- entity: cover.west
  include_history: true
  remove_repeats: true

This almost works. It show the correct time but it also has the time of the reset. Not sure why? This is not in the logbook. Not a big deal if it is a problem to fix as I only reset on updates and I understand that it is a false reading.

Thanks for the continued work on this card. Question - can this card be updated to support state_color: true? Or is there otherwise an efficient means of auto coloring icons as the standard cards do?


I’ve just released a new beta version of the card, 0.4.2b3, which has a fix for the changes in translations in Home Assistant 0.109 which were preventing binary sensor device class from being applied correctly (e.g. door sensors showing as “On” and “Off” instead of “Open” and “Closed”).
I have tried to make this backwards compatible so it will still work if you haven’t updated to 0.109 yet, so I’d be grateful if anyone who hasn’t updates yet could let me know if this version of card works correctly for them.

I use the standard state-badge, the same as the entities card so this should be possible. I just need to investigate how the entities card handles it.

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I found this card today. I think i realy gonna like this.

Is there a way to configure all the sensors at once with this objects:

include_history: true
remove_repeats: false

So instead of each sensor:

  • entity: switch.lamp2
    include_history: true
    remove_repeats: false


  • binary_sensor.cv_status_tapwater
  • binary_sensor.cv_status_vermwarming
  • switch.lamp1

and then set the objects for all of them at once. It will save me a lot of typing :slight_smile:

C copy and paste works. Not that much harder.

The latest version, 0.4.2, now supports state_color.

It also has a fix for the popups on some items missing the close button (this was due to the changes in the way 0.110 handles icons).

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@Steven_Rollason, just for info, if i click on your card in the new HACS, it shows:

Thanks for letting me know. I’ve made an update to the default branch of the repository which should fix it, but it won’t take effect until I make a new release.

I’ve just released a new beta version, 0.4.3b1, which adds header and footer options like the standard Entities card (with the same picture, buttons, and graph types available). For example:

type: 'custom:home-feed-card'
title: Home Feed
card_id: main_feed
show_empty: false
  type: picture
  image: ''
  type: graph
  entity: sensor.outside_temperature
  hours_to_show: 24
  detail: 1
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Sorry, absolute off-topic, but how do we install a beta in the new HACS?