Lovelace: Landroid card

And just to correct myself - this has nothing to do with the HA version. It’s an URL and parameter change in the API that I need to sniff out.
ALL HA versions are affected by this. Expect at least a week before there will be any time to fix this - sorry.

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Small followup.

Just received an invite to Positec (the brand behind Landroid) private girhub repo - meaning they finally have agreed to supply all information to help make a super strong and reliable integration to their products.


That’s cool :+1: Congratulation! :tada:

Fix is up now, should fix Worx and Landxcape logins. Kress is still not working, in case any of you uses that one.

My Worx S500 is up and running again - thanx a million for your work!

Hi there.

After updating to the new landroid cloud version (coming from 1.8.2) and to the new card
i see that all sensors are gone and now there are attributes only.
In addition to that it’s one attribute for several states.

I created this complete page for the old versions and I got no idea how to get this working again now:

At the moment I am trying to figure out how to get template sensors for these attributes running,
but i stumble upon this:

For example, when I enter the following into developer template
{{ states.vacuum.robby.attributes.firmware.version }}
i got the result: “3.27”
but if I enter it this way:
{{ state_attr(‘vacuum.robby’, ‘firmware.version’) }}
the result is: “none”
If I only enter firmware (without.version),
both results are “{‘auto_upgrade’: False, ‘version’: 3.27}”

Same problem if I use attribute on an entities-card:

  • type: entities
    • type: attribute
      entity: vacuum.robby
      name: Firmware Version
      attribute: firmware.version

it doesn’t work.

Is there anybody who can help me with this issue?

Thank you.

Make template sensors like this:

  • Version → value_template: “{{ state_attr(‘vacuum.robby’, ‘firmware’).version }}”
  • Auto Upgrade → value_template: “{{ state_attr(‘vacuum.robby’, ‘firmware’).auto_upgrade }}”
  • Bladetime → value_template: “{{ state_attr(‘vacuum.robby’, ‘blades’).current_on }}”
    etc. etc.
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{{ state_attr('vacuum.robby', 'schedule').primary.monday.start }}
{{ state_attr('vacuum.robby', 'capabilities')[0] }}

Edge Cut
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Thanks a lot for your help.
I tried everything except the point after the closed bracket.

Any idea about the correct syntax for the attribute on the entities card?

I made use of it before the update and there was no need to add template sensors.
Here’s an example of the old config.

No idea how to deal with nested attributes in an Entity Card, but you could create sensors for all the items you are interested in (Batteriespannung, Batterietemperatur, Ladezyklen, etc.) and then put them as entities in an Elements Card,


Since some days I have a problem communication with my robot. In android app everything ok. I can see robot status and I can send any commands to it.
In Hassio something went wrong. Landroid Coluds connected to Worx server. Integration can read robot name. (if I change in the android app also change in Hassio to.). But thats all.
Status is : Initializing.
No information about moving, charging, blade time . etc. Also can’t send commands to the robots. I get MQTT connection issue…
I already deleted all parts, and reinstall again. Robot was repairing too. No solution.

Does anyone have similar problems?

I know this forum for Lovelace card, but I not found better forum.
(All parts are up to date)


Hi there,
I created a video for the worx landroid using the updated method with the landroid cloud and the landroid card. In case you need video guidance jut have a watch.

It is in german though, but you can use auto subtitle from youtube

Hope it helps :wink:

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Any wishes for Landroid_Cloud v3?
I’m currently doing the finishing touches for making the pyWorxCloud module fully compliant with the API as documentented by Positec.

Shortly I’ll begin adapting this to the Landroid_Cloud integration, so if you have some wishes for the new major overhaul of the integration, speak up now :slight_smile:


I read carefully this and previous thread and have a few questions for you, more experienced already in using HA with Landroid:

  1. If you are using Landroid with HA do you switch off all Landroid automatics (schedulers, rain-delay, etc…) and made it fully automated by HA or leave something for Landroid (e.g. mowing time)?
  2. What does exactly Play/Start do? Is it just start or start for calculated by Landroid time (for defined lawn area, grass species, soil, fertilizers)?
  3. Do you experience sometimes problems with multi-minute lags in gathering data for HA from Landroid? Or is it just now when the Landroid_Cloud is in its new beta version?
  4. What does trigger data import from Landroid to HA? Maybe it is a question of how it is planned to be in Landroid_Cloud v3?

The zone with new update. Doesn’t work

@Barmalej can you help me?

I was wondering if it would be possible to expose the One Time Schedule?

Whatever the answer, thanks for this integration!

No - barmalej can’t help you, as it’s a bug in the Landroid_Cloud integration and not the card.
I’m pretty sure it’ll be working for you when I get the time to investigate why it’s not mapped/interpreted the right way

ok thanks very much
I wait

there have been updates to the landroid integration, but the zones still don’t work