Lovelace: mini graph card




And ‘Empty cache and hard reload’

Still got 0.9.0 :roll_eyes: :man_shrugging:

That’s quite odd, try to remove it and install it back from HACS (no need to change configs and/or restart HA)

Hi,after updating to 0.9.1 version,my graph has a weird issue:

It doesn’t visualize both min,avg and max graph but only one.It happens with every entity,i tried to create a new card,clear cache but no way.
My config is the same as in the example on github page and never a problem before 0.9.1.

- type: custom:mini-graph-card
    - entity: sensor.dark_sky_temperature
      aggregate_func: max
      name: Max
      color: #e74c3c
    - entity: sensor.dark_sky_temperature
      aggregate_func: min
      name: Min
    - entity: sensor.dark_sky_temperature
      aggregate_func: avg
      name: Avg
      color: green
  name: Temp outside daily (last week)
  hours_to_show: 168
  group_by: date

Did i miss something or it’s a bug?

Definitely a bug when using the same entity more than once in the same config.

I’m moving this weekend so could be a few days before I have time to address.

This is exactly why I decided to start logging the version number.
I’ve had many HACS users reporting issues with getting the latest version to load properly even though HACS says it’s installed, from my understanding reinstalling the card usually fix it.

Thanks yes I’m OK now, but I did need to clear the cache in between uninstalling and reinstalling.


I am having a problem with graph card. I upgraded to the newest version and now I am getting this console error:

And there are no graphs showing.
I also tried to reinstall it, but it made no difference.

Here is the configuration of the card and how it looks at the moment:

Alright good, possibly related to this.

What mini-graph-card version does it say at the top of the developer console log?
Try without the extrema and average show options, does it work correctly without them? If that’s the case make sure you got the very latest version of the card, HACS seems to not update the card correctly in some cases, see post 1082.

Yeah it’s the exact same thing. Not sure what @ludeeus is doing about it - he closed the issue and refers to it in a different issue as well but there hasn’t been a new HACS version for a while. HACS is also deleting some custom components when I update them as well now so really not sure what is going on. (It’s gotten so bad with cards not updating that I use Winmerge to compare old vs new with updates to see if there has been any change!)

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According to the console it is version 0.9.1.
I allready tried it, but it makes no difference.

I just tried it in chrome instead of firefox and it works without a problem with the newest version of hacs and the mini card.
If I try it in firefox private mode it works…

Okay strange…
I’ll have to see if I can recreate the issue in firefox.
Did you try clearing cache in firefox?

Yes I tried and it made no difference, but I have just discovered something really strange

This works:

but this does not:

Also the history is working correctly:

Do have any idea what could cause my problems with firefox?

Im playing with a sun elevation graph which currently looks like this


Is there a way of having a ‘0’ line going through the graph so that it better shows if the sun is above or below horizon ?

You might want to have a custom template sensor with the value set to 0, then use that sensor as a second entity in the card.

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Ok,don’t worry and take your time.Thanks for your work

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Worked a treat! Great suggestion