Lovelace: mini graph card

You might want to have a custom template sensor with the value set to 0, then use that sensor as a second entity in the card.

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Ok,don’t worry and take your time.Thanks for your work

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Worked a treat! Great suggestion


Yep, that’s what I do as well: for me.

I love this change in 0.9.0:

  • New aggregate functions first & last #229 (#241)

It’s exactly what I going to attempt to add myself, but here it is! And it works! Without it I was getting weird oscillations in my electricity consumption graph when the data was actually much smoother.

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I have a mini graph card with multiple energy sensors. The state however only shows the power consumption of one of the devices. Can the state show the aggregated current power consumption?

Current config:

type: 'custom:mini-graph-card'
  - entity: sensor.fibaro_system_fgwpe_f_wall_plug_gen5_power_3
  - entity: sensor.fibaro_system_fgwpe_f_wall_plug_gen5_power_7
name: Energieverbrauch Wohnzimmer
points_per_hour: 5
line_width: 4
  icon: false
lower_bound: 10

You would have to create a template sensor that calculates the combined usage and then use that sensor in the card, preferably as the initial entry, you could also hide it from the graph.

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That works fine, thank you. I still find it a bit misleading that by default the value of the first entity is displayed, even when no entity is selected. Would it be possible to add the option to display combined usage without creating a template sensor?

And is it possible to show a timeline like in the stock history graph?

I can’t say, that I’d find this a great idea, sorry! :slight_smile: If there is already a known and working setup, like the template sensor, the code for the mini-graph-card shouldn’t be bloated. This makes the card slower, harder to debug and in the end, it’s simply the same result

Take the button-card for example
 As nice as it is, this card is a “monster”, code and configuration wise. And why? Because some 5% of the users may be using the full feature set. Nope, sorry, I can’t see anything good in this trend, to give every card and component every function

Just my two cents, sorry. :slight_smile:

guys, if i update from 0.8.2 to a higher version, my bars are gone? any idea what could cause it?

          - type: custom:decluttering-card
            template: mini-graph
              - entities:
                  - sensor.asuswrt_download
              - name: Download
              - line_color: '#1427ff'
              - graph: bar 
              - extrema: true
              - decimals: 0 
              - font_size: 65

example before / after

EDIT: nm, seems cache issue, 0.9.1 fixed it


It seems to be broken on my HA, as the graph does not render any points or data with this option as ‘true’.

HA 0.104.3
Card 0.9.1

align_state: center
  - entity: sensor.quadro_geral_tensao
    show_state: true
hour24: true
hours_to_show: 24
name: TensĂŁo (24h)
points_per_hour: 12
  extrema: 'true'
type: 'custom:mini-graph-card'

So, is is possible to show a timeline below the graph, like in the normal history graph? That would super helpful.

It’s fixed in 0.9.1, HACS is wonky with updating cards atm, try reinstalling it from HACS or manually.

No, as mentioned before, the default history card can do this for you.

Upgraded to 0.9.1 and my bar graphs work for the first time, no cache issue anymore.
But I have another problem now, I have a bar graph for my power usage for 7 days but the first bar has a value of zero. If I change it to 8 or 6 days the first bar has still a value of zero. The data is in the database but why won’t it display in the first bar?

Hi could we have possibility to dynamically change time interval of graph I have try with
config-template-card but seem not working

I don’t see why config-template-card wouldn’t work, or if you only need it to change between a few hours_to_show, a couple conditional cards could work I guess?

I had get a quote issue, now it s work great

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Hi! Thank you for the awesome plugin! These graphs look gorgeous and very easy to setup.
I just have a small doubt.

Is it possible to force them to be square (1:1)?
Here’s my problem:


Thanks in advance :ok_hand:

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Thanks, great setup!
No that’s not possible, the gap between the state and the graph looks vey big in your screenshot, are you on the latest version of the card?

Thanks Karl for the reply!

Yes, I’m using version 0.9.2.
I stil couldn’t figure what was wrong but I did some small adjustments and replaced the graph for a button:


It still looks good!

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I’m using the mini-graph-cards in combination with swiper cards to be able to swipe them to the sides and make better use of the available screen space on phones.
But I’m seeing a strange graphic/render glitch when I click on them to show the ‘points’ in the graph, the points do not align with the line graph, instead the graph seems to move to the side

Example of the issue i see:

card code:

  - cards:
      - elements:
          - entity: device_tracker.yellowghost
            hold_action: toggle
              01: /local/images/picture_card/location/01.png
              02: /local/images/picture_card/location/02.png
              03: /local/images/picture_card/location/03.png
              04: /local/images/picture_card/location/04.png
              05: /local/images/picture_card/location/05.png
              06: /local/images/picture_card/location/06.png
              07: /local/images/picture_card/location/07.png
              08: /local/images/picture_card/location/08.png
              09: /local/images/picture_card/location/09.png
              left: 50%
              top: 86%
              width: 90%
            type: image
          - entity: sensor.battery_level
              left: 8%
              top: 64%
            type: state-icon
          - entity: sensor.battery_level
            label_color: green
              left: 10%
              top: 74.5%
            type: state-label
          - entity: sensor.battery_state
              Charging: /local/images/picture_card/charging.png
              Full: /local/images/picture_card/1x1_clear.png
              Not Charging: /local/images/picture_card/1x1_clear.png
              left: 85.5%
              top: 75%
              width: 25%
            type: image
          - entity: sensor.connection_type
              Cellular: /local/images/picture_card/4G.png
              Wi-Fi: /local/images/picture_card/wifi.png
              left: 94%
              top: 65%
              width: 10%
            type: image
        image: /local/images/picture_card/martijn.png
        style: |
          ha-card {
          border-radius: 10px;
          color: #ffffff;
          font-size: 14px; 
        type: picture-elements
      - elements:
          - entity: device_tracker.rineke
            hold_action: toggle
              01: /local/images/picture_card/location/01.png
              02: /local/images/picture_card/location/02.png
              03: /local/images/picture_card/location/03.png
              04: /local/images/picture_card/location/04.png
              05: /local/images/picture_card/location/05.png
              06: /local/images/picture_card/location/06.png
              07: /local/images/picture_card/location/07.png
              08: /local/images/picture_card/location/08.png
              09: /local/images/picture_card/location/09.png
              home: /local/images/picture_card/location/home.png
              not_home: /local/images/picture_card/location/away.png
              left: 50%
              top: 86%
              width: 90%
            type: image
          - entity: sensor.battery_level_3
              left: 8%
              top: 64%
            theme: oxforddark
            type: state-icon
          - entity: sensor.battery_level_3
              left: 10%
              top: 74.5%
            theme: oxforddark
            type: state-label
          - entity: sensor.battery_state_3
              Charging: /local/images/picture_card/charging.png
              Full: /local/images/picture_card/1x1_clear.png
              Not Charging: /local/images/picture_card/1x1_clear.png
              left: 85.5%
              top: 75%
              width: 25%
            type: image
          - entity: sensor.connection_type_3
              Cellular: /local/images/picture_card/4G.png
              Wi-Fi: /local/images/picture_card/wifi.png
              left: 94%
              top: 65%
              width: 10%
            type: image
        image: /local/images/picture_card/rineke.png
        style: |
          ha-card {
          border-radius: 10px;
          color: #ffffff;
          font-size: 14px;     
        type: picture-elements
    type: horizontal-stack
  - color_thresholds:
      - color: '#e8d195'
        value: 0
      - color: '#e8d195'
        value: 100
      - color: '#e895bc'
        value: 150
      - color: '#ff0000'
        value: 200
      - entity: sensor.computer_woonkamer_watts
          fill: true
          points: true
          state: true
    icon: 'mdi:flash'
    icon_adaptive_color: true
    labels: true
    name: Computer Woonkamer
    name_adaptive_color: true
    style: |
      ha-card {
        color: #FFFFFF;
        border-radius: 10px;  
        font-variant: small-caps;
    type: 'custom:mini-graph-card'
  - color_thresholds:
      - color: '#e8d195'
        value: 0
      - color: '#e8d195'
        value: 100
      - color: '#e895bc'
        value: 150
      - color: '#ff0000'
        value: 200
      - entity: sensor.computer_zolder_watts
          animate: true
          fill: true
          points: true
          state: true
    icon: 'mdi:flash'
    icon_adaptive_color: true
    labels: true
    name: Computer Zolder (Red)
    name_adaptive_color: true
    style: |
      ha-card {
        color: #FFFFFF;
        border-radius: 10px;    
        font-variant: small-caps;
    type: 'custom:mini-graph-card'
  - color_thresholds:
      - color: '#e8d195'
        value: 0
      - color: '#e8d195'
        value: 3100
      - color: '#e895bc'
        value: 600
      - color: '#ff0000'
        value: 1000
      - entity: sensor.sfeerhaard_watts
          fill: true
          points: true
          state: true
    icon: 'mdi:flash'
    icon_adaptive_color: true
    labels: true
    name: Sfeerhaard
    name_adaptive_color: true
    style: |
      ha-card {
        color: #FFFFFF;
        border-radius: 10px;  
        font-variant: small-caps;
    type: 'custom:mini-graph-card'
  - color_thresholds:
      - color: '#e8d195'
        value: 5
      - color: '#e8d195'
        value: 10
      - color: '#58b0d5'
        value: 15
      - color: '#ff0000'
        value: 20
      - entity: sensor.shelly_dimmer_f3109a_power_0
          fill: true
          points: false
          state: true
    icon: 'mdi:flash'
    icon_adaptive_color: true
    labels: true
    name: Shelly Dimmer - Hanglamp Woonkamer
    name_adaptive_color: true
    style: |
      ha-card {
        color: #FFFFFF;
        border-radius: 10px;  
        font-variant: small-caps;
    type: 'custom:mini-graph-card'
  - color_thresholds:
      - color: '#e8d195'
        value: 5
      - color: '#e8d195'
        value: 10
      - color: '#58b0d5'
        value: 15
      - color: '#ff0000'
        value: 20
      - entity: sensor.shelly_dimmer_f3e9d1_power_0
          fill: true
          points: false
          state: true
    icon: 'mdi:flash'
    icon_adaptive_color: true
    labels: true
    name: Shelly Dimmer - Eettafel
    name_adaptive_color: true
    style: |
      ha-card {
        color: #FFFFFF;
        border-radius: 10px;    
    type: 'custom:mini-graph-card'
  - color_thresholds:
      - color: '#e8d195'
        value: 10
      - color: '#e8d195'
        value: 20
      - color: '#58b0d5'
        value: 25
      - color: '#ff0000'
        value: 30
      - entity: sensor.woonkamer_temperatuur
          fill: true
          points: false
          state: true
    icon: 'mdi:thermometer'
    icon_adaptive_color: true
    labels: true
    name: Woonkamer Temperatuur
    name_adaptive_color: true
    style: |
      ha-card {
        color: #FFFFFF;
        border-radius: 10px;  
        font-variant: small-caps;
    type: 'custom:mini-graph-card'
  - color_thresholds:
      - color: '#e8d195'
        value: 10
      - color: '#e8d195'
        value: 20
      - color: '#58b0d5'
        value: 25
      - color: '#ff0000'
        value: 30
      - entity: sensor.hue_motion_sensor_1_temperature
          fill: true
          points: false
          state: true
    icon: 'mdi:thermometer'
    icon_adaptive_color: true
    labels: true
    name: Toilet Temperatuuur
    name_adaptive_color: true
    style: |
      ha-card {
        color: #FFFFFF;
        border-radius: 8px;    
    type: 'custom:mini-graph-card'
  centeredSlides: true
    depth: 1000
    modifier: 1
    rotate: -200
    slideShadows: true
    stretch: -200
  effect: coverflow
  grabCursor: true
  slidesPerView: auto
start_card: 1
type: 'custom:swipe-card'

Any idea what could cause this behaviour ?