Lovelace: mini graph card

An weather forecast with this card would be pretty deam sick. Sadly I don’t found a way yet.
Somebody here got this already?

New release v0.4.3


Including beta changes


  • Color threshold transition option, color_thresholds_transition (yeah…very long name) (#91)

  • Added hover effect to legend to highlight entity and display current entity state

  • Purging of old cached history (#96) - (@bramkragten)


  • Interpolate fill, name & icon color based on color thresholds

  • Redesign of line point hover (#99)

  • Moved to localForage for caching (#96) - (@bramkragten)


  • Center state misalignment

  • Interpolate color for out of bound thresholds (#91)

  • Error when localStorage quota was exceeded (#95, #97)

  • Empty graph when color thresholds wasn’t being used (#92)

  • Invisible graph lines when color thresholds where out of bounds (#91, #92)

  • Invalid rendering of color thresholds when lower bound wasn’t at zero (#91, #92)

Should be fixed in the latest release v0.4.3

Available in the latest release v0.4.3


I’m using custom updater/tracker card and my card still shows 0.4.2 as the latest version - if I click “Check” I don’t see the new version available. I have it set up as per the documentation. Any thoughts?
I’m on HA 0.92.2.

Forgot to merge the dev branch into master (which the tracker tracks) :man_facepalming:, merged it now so check again!

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That did it! All checked and updated, thanks so much! And thanks again for this card - I love it :slight_smile:

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Well I was on the beta which was fine but the release has changed the colour of one of my graphs again.

It’s supposed to be a yellow line and gradient

              - type: gauge
                name: Mbit/s Download
                unit: ' '
                min: 0
                max: 50
                  red: 0
                  yellow: 30
                  green: 40
                entity: sensor.speedtest_download

Hey, I think you posted the wrong card config, but make sure you specify the colors in hex format: e.g. #ff0000.

you’re right! wrong config! doh!

          - type: custom:mini-graph-card
            hours_to_show: 24
            points_per_hour: 2
              - sensor.speedtest_download
              labels: true
              - value: 0
                color: red
              - value: 30
                color: orange
              - value: 40
                color: green

I’ll try hex but I have always used these names…

Ok config like this:

          - type: custom:mini-graph-card
            hours_to_show: 24
            points_per_hour: 2
              - sensor.speedtest_download
              labels: true
              - value: 0
                color: '#ff0000'        #red
              - value: 30
                color: '#ffa500'        #orange
              - value: 40
                color: '#00ff00'        #green
          - type: custom:mini-graph-card
            hours_to_show: 24
            points_per_hour: 2
              - sensor.speedtest_upload
              labels: true
              - value: 0
                color: '#ff0000'        #red
              - value: 9
                color: '#ffa500'        #orange
              - value: 13
                color: '#00ff00'        #green

but they are ignoring the thresholds.

I have this rain-prediction-sensor with prediction-data (no rain):

Would it be possible to display this data with this card?

Strange, copy pasted your config, and works fine.

What browser are you using, can you check the browser dev console log for potential errors?

Don’t think so, unless you somehow insert that data in history and manipulate the timestamps to be in the past.

Chrome. No errors. Maybe I was too close to the threshold for it to show? No errors in browser console log.

Hmm… no it’s gone way below today and still solid. Stupid thing is if the individual dots are highlighted they all show the correct colour but the line and shading stay green. Like I said in b2 this was working 100%

I wonder if it’s 0.94.0b1 error?

Okay, weird, still haven’t been able to reproduce it, not running the beta of HA though.
Try using this option color_thresholds_transition: hard and see if that makes a difference.

Just a fyi, the points might not match the color of the line exactly when using color thresholds, I decided it was too performance intensive to calculate an exact gradient for each point, so they are just given a solid color of the closest threshold they are above. Although, when using the option color_thresholds_transition: hard the points and line color should match correctly.

So with that they look like this:
Without it they are like this:

Again, it’s only since I went from the beta to the release…

(I am on 0.94.0b4 too)

Hey, I really like this card, is it possible to passe an variable to the hours to show somehow?

hour24: true
hours_to_show: _varHoursToShow
line_width: 3

Yes, it’s possible, with the help of the config-template-card.

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Hi, is there any possibility to make mini graph a button. For example when I tap the card it toggles my humidifier?

Mine is the same… doesn’t have the transitions, just a solid colour

  - color_thresholds:
      - color: '#f39c12'
        value: 20
      - color: '#d35400'
        value: 21
      - color: '#c0392b'
        value: 21.5
      - sensor.temperature_158d0001a4c5c9
    font_size: 75
    line_width: 8
    points_per_hour: 6
    hours_to_show: 24
    hour24: true
    more_info: false
    fill: false
    name: Temp
    color_thresholds_transition: hard
      labels: true
      legend: false
      extrema: true
    type: 'custom:mini-graph-card'
  - entities:
      - sensor.pressure_158d0001a4c5c9
    font_size: 75
    hour24: true
    hours_to_show: 24
    line_color: '#e74c3c'
    line_width: 8
    more_info: false
    name: pressure
    points_per_hour: 6
      extrema: true
      legend: false
    type: 'custom:mini-graph-card'
  - entities:
      - sensor.pressure_158d0001a4c5c9
    font_size: 75
    hour24: true
    hours_to_show: 24
    line_color: '#e74c3c'
      - color: orange
        value: 21
      - color: red
        value: 25
    line_width: 8
    more_info: false
    name: Humidity
    points_per_hour: 6
      extrema: true
      legend: false
    type: 'custom:mini-graph-card'
type: horizontal-stack

Can someone help me with an information? I want to use in my application the switch chart from hassio. What type of chart is it and an example(template)? I already searched on internet!


Thank you

Not that I’m aware of no, there could be a custom card around that does this but I haven’t seen one, it would certainly be possible to create.

Can you post a pic of the card with the issue? I’m not able to reproduce it, tried with my temp sensor, changed the thresholds a bit so they match.

Maybe try clearing cache/updating the card if not done so already.

  - color: '#f39c12'
    value: 23
  - color: '#d35400'
    value: 24
  - color: '#c0392b'
    value: 25


Hey, this card doesn’t support that type of chart, that’s the default History Graph Card, I believe it’s displayed like that instead of a line chart if the entity is a binary sensor or if it doesn’t have a unit of measurement set.

Example config could be

type: history-graph
title: Recent Switches
  - sensor.air_conditioner