Lovelace: Mini Media Player

I suggest you post an issue in the beoplay github asking for join/unjoin services so that @kalkih can add to the speaker_group functionality.


Is it possible to have a input_select as the device_name: using spotcast as a short cut.

      name: 'Select Speakers:'
        - Google Study
        - Google Garage
        - Google Kitchen
        - Google Bedroom
        - Google Home
        - Bose
      initial: Google Home
      icon: mdi:speaker-wireless

Then in lovelace

          - type: entities
              - type: 'custom:mini-media-player'
                name: Spotify
                artwork: cover
                artwork_border: true
                entity: media_player.spotify
                group: false
                icon: ''
                  mute: false
                  power_state: true
                  source: true
                scroll_info: true
                show_progress: true
                source: icon
                  - name: Cams Classics
                    type: service
                    id: spotcast.start
                      device_name: {{states.input_select.sound_targets.state}}
                      uri: spotify:playlist:6AD1X7ZuZKzOcwq8a9u11t
                  - name: 2 Cellos
                    type: service
                    id: spotcast.start
                      device_name: {{states.input_select.sound_targets.state}}
                      uri: spotify:playlist:0LXa3hI8Jaedsf4nnUshst

I have tried this but its not working.

Any Help please.

Install this for templates to work in any lovelace card:

Thanks Tom

But its not working.

        - type: custom:card-templater
                - type: 'custom:mini-media-player'
                  name: Google Bedroom
                  style: !include includes/style.yaml
                  artwork: cover
                  artwork_border: true
                  entity: media_player.spotify
                  group: false
                  icon: ''
                    mute: false
                    power_state: true
                    source: true
                  scroll_info: true
                  show_progress: true
                  source: icon
                    - name: Cams Classics 2
                      type: service
                      id: spotcast.start
                        device_name_template: >-
                        uri: spotify:playlist:6AD1X7ZuZKzOcwq8a9u11t

You would be better off asking in the template card thread. This isn’t mini media player specific.

Ok Thanks i found this card that does what i want.

Do you have any link to a description?
it already have the following:

    def join_experience(self):
        """Join on ongoing experience"""
    def leave_experience(self):
        """Leave experience"""

looks like thats the part

Hi all,

I setup a few mini-media-player cards. For some reason the buttons are not visible, but I can press them. Any ideas what that could be? Here is the code

type: conditional
  - entity: media_player.schlafzimmer
    state_not: paused
  - entity: media_player.schlafzimmer
    state_not: idle
  type: 'custom:mini-media-player'
  style: |
    ha-card {
     margin: 0px 14px -5px 14px;
  entity: media_player.schlafzimmer
  icon: 'mdi:cast'
  artwork: cover
  artwork_border: true
  power_color: true
  scroll_info: true
  show_source: true
  mini-media-player-base-color: null

For a start, i have no idea what an “experience” is in this context.

The beoplayer integration needs a service that joins or unjoins speakers to a group. Please see the source and docs for the supported integrations (which are listed in the mini-media-player docs).

But above all, you need to have this conversation with the beoplayer author on his github. When/if he has implemented the appropriate services, come back and post an issue on the mini-media-player github.

same here, Version 0.110.2

El Grande

see the post here

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“First of all: Check for updates” - what I always tell my family and friends.

Thanks a lot

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I seem to have 1.9.1 and the buttons are still invisible

Have you cleared your browser cache?

Awesome work! Fellow Google guy here just wrapping my head around Home Assistant (loving the possibilities), and this was just what I was looking for.

Hi , @kalkih , sorry to bother , i was trying to play with the squeezebox group , from services i used
squeezebox.sync and it works , but squeezebox.join doesn’t exist.
Is squeezebox still not available or i am missing something ?

Nevermind , my bad i didn’t update to latest version
Thanks so much , the job you made is awesome

MAy i ask if is possible to control volumes separately , i do not see the controls of the single players.

empty browser cache… :slight_smile:


I don’t have any plans for that, would make the card a multi entity card and that is not the path I want to take with this card, at least not at this time.

Also, “group all” will not work for squeezebox, but that should be addressed in the backend in my opinion, more info below.

Thanks , i managed linking various pieces , adding also the radio selection.
Seriously , great job , thank you.

Please note for everyone , i think you have to set sync volumes in order to let that work , otherwise the main volum just manage the volume of the single " master"

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I’m out of ideas here. Can’t get it working no matter what.
I’ve installed through hacs and added the resource via UI (Config>Lovelace>Resources Tab).

No luck so far.

Resource path: /community/mini-media-player/mini-media-player-bundle.js

Any help would be appreciated.