Lovelace: Mini Media Player

Not sure about your question, but I’m trying something like this, but missing the platform:

type: custom:mini-media-player
  entity: media_player.BEO_Kitchen
    power: true
    icon: true
    source: true
    platform: xxx
    show_group_count: true
      - entity_id: media_player.BEO_Kitchen
        name: Kitchen sound
      - entity_id: media_player.BEO_Bedroom
        name: Bedroom sound

and configuration:

  - platform: beoplay
    host: 192.x.x.x
    name: BEO_Bedroom
  - platform: beoplay
    host: 192.x.x.x
    name: BEO_Kitchen

Where are you getting that beoplay integration from?

Can confirm that v1.8.0 mostly resolves the icon handling now. My config now looks back to normal everywhere except shortcuts:buttons:icon … just in case that one got missed. Thanks guys! :+1:

i tried background to get the idle background but its not working

- type: custom:mini-media-player
  entity: media_player.emby_kodi_cinema
  artwork: full-cover
  background: /local/kodi.jpg

It should show the background when the player is idle or unavailable right?
Cause its not
And the jpg file is in the correct folder

I was searching this topic for exact the same request!

@kalkih , Is it possible to do this? Because I love your media player card, it has a lot more options! But the background of the general mediaplayer had a better background.

I just updated to the latest MMP running on hassio 109.6 and hiding the prev and next button doesn’t work for me. Hiding play_pause does.

  - entity: media_player.basement
      prev: true
      next: true
      play_pause: true
      icon_state: false
      power_state: false
      source: true
    icon: 'mdi:speaker'
    info: scroll
    scale: 0.8
    type: 'custom:mini-media-player'

I’m using MMP version 18.1 on hass 0.110 and i have no power button shown on any of my entities.

all where fine before 0.110 version of hass.
any advice?

First step, icon handing has changed a LOT in 0.110. Make sure your browser cache is cleared.

I assume you mean 1.8.1?

I just fixed this.

reinstall from hacs and make sure your module is added as below"

  - url: /hacsfiles/mini-media-player/mini-media-player-bundle.js
    type: module

All good now.

@juan11perez Thanks Man !! I was completely lost trying to recover my power On/Off buttons. Your one line tip did the trick, I did not have MMP installed trhough HACS prior. All good know !


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Do you have plans to include the new Squeezebox sync as a Mini Media Player group option? That would be real cool.


Yes :slightly_smiling_face:

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Great, I can stop stressing about how the code works then!

Haha, I’ll see if I can get it done tomorrow.
Would be great if you could test it for me when it’s added though!

Will do! Working from home so have constant access.

Would you mind sending me the entity attributes of a squeezebox entity that is currently synced with others? Thanks.

anyone got any idea?

Yes it should
I just tried to make sure.

- type: custom:mini-media-player
  entity: media_player.chromecast_example
  artwork: full-cover
  background: /local/images/bg-example.jpg

Screenshot 2020-05-24 at 12.30.43

Make sure the image is in the right directory, “local” refers to “www” so /www/kodi.jpg in your case.