So, are you planning to manually specify the date when you are going to be away? That part I’m still not sure I understand.
there will be period of 3 weeks later this year. As I’m retired, I’m home 99% of the time
I’m away one day at the weekend so I’ve used that as a test.
I’ll also adapt the script to run an automation to switch lights on and off while we are away
I still think the input_boolean approach is probably your best route in this case. If you’re trying to do something for specific dates, you’d have to update your YAML and reload your automations any time you schedule time away, which seems unwieldly. Your other option would be to integrate the Google Calendar platform, add your time away to Google Calendar, and create an automation that triggers based on that Google Calendar event.
Noted on the boolean approach, I’ll look in to it,
I’ll also see if I can find anything on multiple actions triggered by a single event
I liked the UK channel zone too though. Unless you visit that place frequently.
Here’s an example of an automation that executes multiple actions:
OK thanks, that makes sense.
the config check says I can also do this:-
service: homeassistant.turn_off
entity_id: automation.shack_supply_on
entity_id: switch.hot_water_boiler
I just copied and pasted to see if the config checker would accept i, but it means I can deactivate and re-activate several automations with two scripts, useful learning curve
It’s less confusing if you write it like this:
service: homeassistant.turn_off
- automation.shack_supply_on
- switch.hot_water_boiler
Since that is the way you will see it written in the vast majority of examples on the forum and in the docs. As a matter of fact, I’ve never seen it written that way so if you would have asked if it was legal syntax I would have been sure that the answer was no.
The other thing I’d say is, just because the config check recognizes it as valid YAML doesn’t mean it will work. I’d definitely recommend testing to make sure it does what you expect before you actually go out of town, @richard-g8jvm.
I’ll make sure I test everything before hand., thanks for the syntax correction Finity.
I’ve been think of you boolean approach to an away flag, and been reading thru the docs,.
but so far not found the relevant section to set the flag with a “button” or what ever its called in lovelace. could you point me in the right direction please.
Create an entity button. Point to your Boolean.
You can add it to an entities card or create an entity_button card for it:
Do you have to create the entity on configurations.yaml, in the UI its only listing existing entities
Yes, see below:
If you want a manually configured input Boolean, you have to create it. Home assistant doesn’t know what you want to create…
Thanks both
back in to reading mode
Two Boolean state s added to a glance one for vacation the other for day trips
I’ve been playing with history graphs directly from lovelace UI config
The graph on the History card page looks nice, scale on the Y axis in 2 degree lines
Mine looks horrible with 10 degree lines.
type: history-graph
gr1: null
- sensor.hot_water_temp
unit_of_measurement: C
how do I make it look pretty ?
think of adding cloud_cover as well, would that put the Y scale for that on the RHS
Another question with the UI and history graphs
I 'd like to plot sun elevation so I can see the correlation between the angle of the sun above the horizon , and the hot water temp, which is part powered from PV panels
How do I get the data to the graph. its already used as a condition with
value_template: '{{ states.sun.sun.attributes.elevation < 15 }}'
for the graph config I have
- sensor.hot_water_temp
### would this be correct:-
- states.sun.sun.attributes.elevation
## or
- sun.sun.attributes.elevation
I could be wrong but I don’t think you can graph attributes. It doesn’t mention that in the docs for the history graph.
you will probably have to create a template sensor that extracts the elevation out of the entity and then use that in the history graph.
Thanks Finity
I tried all the combinations I could think of but nothing worked.
I guess it would be to filter the attribute with the value template , which I’m using elsewhere and
pipe that to a dummy sensor.
The pipe symbol in linux “|” is used in HA as filter is it the same function which just a different name.
more reading