📺 Lovelace: Roku Remote Card

I thought your comments regarding

Known issue since 0.97.


Release 0.1.0 Check for source_list to avoid crash

were directed at me, and if they were I dont know what to do with the link.

It is a known issue but the new release does not address it

Echoing what lawsuitup said. Love the remote! It’s very responsive and easy to use. But the resending of the input made me remove it until the bug is fixed

My fix would be to remove inputs for now while I do the rewrite, I guess

Release 0.1.1

  • remove input selection until rewrite is complete

Also the link is to the new release so that you can upgrade your installed version if you are manually tracking updates. If using HACS, it will eventually show upgrade automatically

Big rewrite is complete. Let me know if there are any issues

Version 1.0.0


Hi Ian,

Thank you for the work it looks awesome! I just started to install HA and I’m trying to add my first cards. The default media control card being limited I found your card but I have a hard time installing it.
I cannot find the ui-lovelace.yaml file to add this.
I did copy roku-card.js in config/www.

Get rid of that and use HACS to install it. Much easier to maintain your custom stuff :slight_smile:

Ahh, I did not find it in there though, do I have to add a repository to see it?
Once installed I can just add a custom card in the raw config editor?

No, it should be there by default as it is part of the custom-cards organization. You use the raw config editor to place it in your resources, yes

1 Like

Oh my, thank you so much. I apologize for the confusion, I was looking in the add-on store and not HACS! I had no idea this needed to be installed :smiley:

Edit: Awesome I got it to work but I have two questions:

  • On mobile/tablet I get the error "custom element doesn’t exist: roku-card.
  • For the “app” value, is it limited to Hulu and Netflix? I tried to change it for let’s say Youtube and it returned an error.
  1. You need to clear your browser cache
  2. You need to include a image to reference in your www folder

Thanks for following up Ian!

  • I just cleared my cache and cookies to give it another try but still get the same error.
  • The image is displayed correctly, but when I click it it gives me an error message if I change the id under apps for ex. Youtube. Netflix does work properly. Is it limited to what is physically present on the actual remote?
    The error message is : Failed to call service media_player/select_source. 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'launch'

Share you configuration

Here is what I have in the raw config editor:

  - type: module
    url: /local/roku-card.js?v=0
title: Home
  - badges:
      - person.yohan
      - person.emma
      - entity: weather.home
        type: weather-forecast
    icon: 'mdi:home-outline'
    path: default_view
    title: Home
  - badges: []
      - entity: switch.aeon_labs_zw096_smart_switch_6_switch
          action: more-info
        icon: 'mdi:power-socket-us'
        name: Porch Light
        show_icon: true
        show_name: true
          action: toggle
        theme: default
        type: entity-button
    icon: 'mdi:lightbulb-outline'
    path: lights
    title: Lights
  - badges: []
      - apps:
          - icon: /local/netflix.png
            id: Netflix
          - icon: /local/youtube.png
            id: Youtube
        entity: media_player.55_tcl_roku_tv
        tv: true
        type: 'custom:roku-card'
            action: call-service
            service: remote.send_command
              command: play
              entity_id: remote.55_tcl_roku_tv
            action: call-service
            service: remote.send_command
              command: play
              entity_id: remote.55_tcl_roku_tv
      - entity: media_player.55_tcl_roku_tv
        type: media-control
    icon: 'mdi:youtube-tv'

Check the spelling, such is in the Developer Tools -> States

My guess is that it should be “YouTube”

That was it!

Still getting the error on the mobile device though :frowning: thank you for your help! I bought you a beer :smiley:

Hey! Thanks!

I still think that has to be a caching issue

Hi Ian,

I wanted to test it on more devices and browsers to see if the issue is coming from there and it is really doubtful.
I tested it on an iPhone, iPad, Android tablet and Android smartphone. On Safari, Firefox, Firefox Focus and Brave.
All cache and cookies have been erased beforehand and the browser has been freshly installed in some cases. Most of the devices connected to HA for the first time as well.