Lovelace: Simple thermostat card

I’m afraid I don’t use neither hvac or preset modes with my tado setup

Hmm, are you sure that the mode buttons are not using hvac_mode? That’s how mine are set up… Could you send a screenshot of one of your climate entities like I did?

Here you go @scstraus but I think that they are managed internally in a completely different way, because tado handles all the scheduling in their app/cloud:


Wow, cool, thanks… Yes that is totally different than mine!!

Anyone else know if preset_mode can be set with the buttons?

Can anyone confirm that this works with zwave thermostats that show up as several thermostats?

It should this is just a card to display your data

Looks like the Tado component does not really follow the HA programming-rules…
Looks like the version of the Tado component on your system is old…

I guess you refer to some of the last HA versions (0.96?)
I’ve seen comments about changes on the climate component. Until it gets fixed i’ll stick to an older and functional version.

These changes make me hate HA a little more everyday. It happened in the past with other components that worked great, and without a consistent new feature policy leads final users to continuous headaches, because compatibility is not maintained across versions.

Sorry for being direct but I guess the problem is: you.
When you don’t upgrade but the world around you does, you are bound to run into compatibility problems.
The Tado platform is part of HA, I just checked the code, and I actually must correct myself: it is fully up to spec. So the latest version that is part of HA 0.99.2 should work with the card. In a better way than what you are reporting now.

@bouwew thanks for the clarification.
My participation in this thread (and all other threads) was motivated by the request of another user, as in my other posts I’m always aiming to help the other users of this great software that is HA.
So if the information that I gave was outdated, my fault for not reporting my current version - or checking if there had been a breaking change in the last versions-.
I will edit the posts stating the current versions so the information is complete.

In the other hand, it’s my personal choice to stay in an older version (maybe because I like to enjoy the summer, instead of being an slave of the updates with breaking changes).


Thanks for the clarification, the tado component corresponds to an older HA version.

Don’t worry, I understand your feelings and choices :smile:
I didn’t mean to offend you but I felt some correction was necessary.

No problem @bouwew :wink:

Hi Woody, I also have a Netatmo thermostat and I can’t put the buttons / icons. Can you please tell how you put the code in lovelace.yaml

Thank you very much

Have you followed the instruction in the github page?

Now the operation list is not called like this but hvac_modes and the only values are auto,heat,off

In any case my code is

      - type: custom:card-modder
          type: custom:simple-thermostat
          entity: climate.my_net
          name: Termostato Netatmo
          step_size: 0.5
            - entity: sensor.first
              name: Temp. first
            - entity: sensor.second
              name: Second
            - entity: sensor.third
              name: third
            idle: mdi:timer-sand-empty
            heat: mdi:radiator
            temperature: false
            state: true

Hello thanks for the help
I’m using HACS and there is only up to 0.25.0, I don’t know if it’s the version you use.
Looking at your code, I can’t understand where you have the thermostat control modes.

I have this but it doesn’t work …

  - url: /community_plugin/simple-thermostat/simple-thermostat.js?v=1
    type: module

  - title: Example
    icon: mdi:home
    path: /lovelace/example
    theme: dark-orange
    type: vertical-stack
      - type: custom:simple-thermostat
        entity: climate.netatmo_room
        name: Casa
        step_size: 1
          heat: mdi:fire
          off: mdi:power
          state: true

Like this very much, thank you!

Anyone able to share how they set this up with a Z-Wave thermostat that creates 2 entities? I get 2 thermostats that show up for me (one for heat, for for cool). From my understanding, this is how almost every zWave thermostat works. Someone created a dual thermostat card which works great. But I prefer this style as opposed to the circle design that HA uses. Any ideas?

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Hello, I really like this card. I use it within an “entities card”, so I get a nice layout:

But when I use it like that, a click on the up or down arrow opens the more-info dialog. Of course I do not want that.
If I use the card “stand-alone”, the more-info dialog does not appear.
Does anybody know how I can use this card whithin an entities-card without the more-info dialog?

Is this what you’re talking about?
Mine has the heat set point at 65 and the cool point at 76–one physical thermostat–and it shows with the two set points without any custom settings.

entity: climate.nativezone
    icon: 'mdi:snowflake'
    name: COOL
    icon: 'mdi:fire'
    name: HEAT
    icon: 'mdi:fan'
    name: FAN
name: Thermostat
  - entity: sensor.thermostat_1_relative_humidity
    name: Humidity
  - entity: sensor.thermostat_1_nativezone_zone_setpoint_status
    name: Mode
step_size: 1
type: 'custom:simple-thermostat'