Lovelace: Slider Button Card

you have to go here now

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Thanks for the info zigomatic. The warning was just so generic. Really happy to see that the slider-button-card is going to live on.

@ zigomatic
you have to go here now

iā€™ve been there and what to do there, if i have it installed and the message persists?

i have the issue, that everytime i set the position, like on 70% - the slider jumps back to 0% and then back to 70%. is there any way to fix this?

Iā€™ve been very happy using this card, but Iā€™ve been unable to change the icon on/off color using action-icon-color-on and action-icon-color-off card-mod options. Hereā€™s the configuration Iā€™m using:

type: custom:slider-button-card
  style: |
    ha-card {
      border: solid 1px var(--light-primary-color);
      box-shadow: none;
      color: var(--light-primary-color);
    :host {
      --action-icon-color-on: darkgreen;
      --action-icon-color-off: crimson;
      --state-color-on: darkgreen;
      --state-color-off: crimson;
entity: light.fireplace_lights
show_state: true
  direction: left-right
  background: gradient
  use_state_color: true
  icon: mdi:light-flood-down
  use_state_color: true
    action: more-info
  mode: toggle

Iā€™ve tried adding !important to the CSS as well, but that makes no difference. Interestingly enough the state-color-off and state-color-on options are working fine. Anybody have any ideas?

After reading some more here and on the repository page it seems you can set the icon color via the --icon-color, but not toggle it based on the state as that would require --icon-color-on and --icon-color-off directives. The best I could come up with is to set an action_button icon and toggle the color of that. Would prefer it to be off to the left instead, but will suffice for the time being. Hereā€™s my new config:

type: custom:slider-button-card
  style: |
    ha-card {
      border: solid 1px var(--light-primary-color);
      box-shadow: none;
      color: var(--light-primary-color);
    :host {
      --action-icon-color-on: darkgreen;
      --action-icon-color-off: crimson;
      --action-spinner-color: var(--light-primary-color);
      --state-color-on: darkgreen;
      --state-color-off: crimson;
entity: light.fireplace_lights
show_state: true
  direction: left-right
  background: gradient
  use_state_color: true
  show: false
  mode: custom
  icon: mdi:light-flood-down
    action: toggle

Does this card support templating for the action button icon?
Trying to chanhge it dynamically based on media playing, something like this:

          mode: custom
          icon: >
            {%- set sensor = states('media_player.living_room_display') %}
            {%- if sensor == 'playing' %}mdi:pause
            {%- elif sensor == 'paused' %}mdi:play
            {%- endif %}

Hi all!

First of all, thank you for this great card, it looks fantastic in my Lovelace dashboard.

Iā€™m currently running into an issue though. I have a couple slider buttons on top of eachother to control my lights. On my phone, they fill the entire width of the screen. I canā€™t scroll down, because when I touch the slider button, it adjusts the brightness immediately. Thereā€™s no way to scroll the screen.

Any ideas on how to fix this?

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Also experiencing the following message.

Removed repository mattieha/slider-button-card
Abandoned, community fork maintained at custom-cards/slider-button-card

I installed the latest release via HACS module and rebooted. I keep the message itā€™s not clear to me how to solve this. Ignore is not helping and remove is not a option :wink:

Iā€™ve tried this on a media player entity to select the volumee (I want to limit between 0% and 30%), but he result is very odd. It shows only the range selected by min/max, but allows me exceed the range and becomes quite sensitive, as if the selection was still on the 0-100% range.

Is this a bug or am I missing something?

@qoheleth, in case you didnā€™t find a solution to your height issue, I found a way to do it.

I just started experimenting with this slider card over the weekend and I used card_mod to fix the height because I have a really compact UI design. I had to reduce min-height in 2 places (card uses 7rem). The rest of what I did is just fixing the vertical positions of the text and toggle.


type: 'custom:slider-button-card'
entity: fan.master_ceiling_fan
name: Fan
show_state: false
  style: |
    :host ha-card {
      min-height: 1rem;
    :host .button {
      min-height: 3.5rem;
      padding: 0.5rem;
    :host .text {
      position: absolute;
      left: 40px;
      top: 50%;
      bottom: unset;
      transform: translateY(-50%);
    :host .action {
      position: absolute;
      right: 5px;
      top: 50%;
      transform: translateY(-50%);
      height: 23px;

Thanks. That works nicely.

Yep, love this too because it looks so great but I have the same problem. What would be great if the slider responds only after a horizontal slide and not the first touch contact. Then a vertical slide could just be a scrollā€¦

How do I show an attribute instead of / next to the state?
For example hvac_action for a climate entity?

Same thing happens to me.
Did you find a solution?
Very strangeā€¦

Iā€™m having a problem using this card. It doesnt show up when i have it installed with HACS
I have installed Mushroom, and that shows up as custom:Mushroomā€¦ but this doesnt seem to show up, and when i try to change the type manually to type: custom:Slider-button-card it says its not valid. any ideas?
Iā€™m running
Home Assistant 2022.11.1
Supervisor 2022.10.2
Operating System 9.3
Frontend 20221102.1 - latest

Anybody knows how solve this and see always current cover % position?

Hallo, thank you for this beautiful card,
is there a chance please to have more buttons for covers/curtains (inside or somewhere on the side) of the slider button?
(more like the original cover entitiy, what shows ā€œupā€, ā€œstopā€ and ā€œdownā€ buttons, but with the sliding option for the position, what is really great).
The problem is, that during the movement I cant stop the cover, since the ā€œtoggleā€ option continues to go in the running direction (e.g. down) until the final position (e.g. bottom) is reached.
it would be great then! :slight_smile:
thank you

you proably dont have the position reported by the cover?

Where can i change it?