Lovelace: Swiper card

@Bram_Kragten and @thomasloven I use your swiper card and I try to use it in a popup card. Now the cards will display fine, but it takes from 2 to 5 seconds to be able to swipe on an iphone x (it is scrollable but it will hang halfway the animation). Once it is loaded after those 2/5 seconds it will work perfectly fine, until you close the popup and open it again.

The swiper card does not do this on a regular view. I have tried it with different configs and I even switched to browser-mod to see if that would be any better (and actually it has a little bit but only when the card is bugging like the screenshot)

As you can see in the screenshot it is bugging (it shows the card twice!) but funny thing is, when the card does this it will work immediately, most of the time.

If it shows it the way it should be, the screen will hang halfway for a few seconds like this:

This problem only occurs with the swiper card on a popup card (be it via popup-card or browser-mod, they both have similar results). It works perfectly fine with any other card. Any ideas?

Is it possible to navigate directly to a card within the swiper? I tried looking around, but didn’t see any related questions/answers.

I have button cards for each room/room temp, and a swiper card below, which includes graphs of the room temperatures. I’d like to click the temperature button for a room and have the associated graph display in the swiper. I think this would be possible using lovelace-state-switch, but I’d have to give up the swiper function.

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Conditional cards would be a better solution than state-switch as this is a core feature. I don’t think it is possible though what you ask. I was looking for this as well. But swiper gives me too much headaches, it doesn’t run smooth. It always hangs for 2 to 5 seconds when used in a popup card and I even tried to put the views in swiper. This looks amazing and the coverflow effect really is cool. But it is so laggy that I got frustrated using it at all.

It does work fine on standard views when I don’t use many cards. For graphs like your situation this card works perfectly fine.

I’d try a conditional card anyways, saves you installing state-switch (unless you are looking for user-specific cards you can do everything with conditional cards).

I hope one day this swipe card will be able to render entire lovelace views without lag (and without the accidental clicks on swipe) this card would be so awesome. (It still is but only for smaller projects).

This is awesome! Can this be added to HACS?

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Is it possible to integrate a “title” to this awesome card?

I´m not a programmer but would be glad if anyone could tell me what I´ve to adjust to get a title


I am trying use swiper card with slider cards. Is it possible to disable draggable and use only navigation?
Thank you for answer.

@Nesty, here is the code I use for my thermostat cards. I tap the arrows to change between the up and dowstairs tstats. Look at the parameters specifically.

          - type: custom:swipe-card
              centerInsufficientSlides: true
              slidesPerView: 'auto'
              spaceBetween: 0
              nested: true
              allowTouchMove: false
              - entity: climate.downstairs
                type: thermostat
                style: |
                  ha-card {
                    margin: 0px 4px 4px 4px;
              - entity: climate.upstairs
                style: |
                  ha-card {
                    margin: 0px 4px 4px 4px;
                type: thermostat

How it looks:



Thank you! allowTouchMove: false is the magic :smiley:

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Has anyone tried using the direction: ‘vertical’ in order to vertically navigate through cards instead of horizontally? I haven’t figured out where to insert this parameter mentioned in the page.

You could simply put in a markdown card at the top and have the card set up to be transparent.

Example below:

@Bram_Kragten I know it is still a beta, but I would like to mention that the swiper-card doesn’t work with HA 0.101.x as of yet. See screenshots below what I mean. I have tried to remove everything but the swiper-card and it seems the swiper-card is causing this problem (when commenting the swiper card it works perfectly fine). It also works fine with older versions (and the current stable version).

Like I said it is still in beta, though I still felt I should mention it as it might be something breaking.

This is what it should actually look like:


How can I change the color of the arrow? Is it possible?


Is it possible to use a navigate type command to jump between slide cards.
I’d like a button without the panel that would jump to another panel within the slide?


Hi @jimz011
I really like the way your dashboard looks.
Would it be possible to share your lovelace yaml please? :angel:

@Tagazok ofc,

Though, you might prefer my current looks:

Click here for video
Click here for my thread

@marat did you got this issue solved? I see the same issue on my set up

Thanks alot for the great work with this card.
I made a autoplay swipe-card with 3 weather location cards that plays nice.
But if you go to another tab/screen and then come back again the autoplay is disabled (or not animating anymore). Going to the hamburgermenu (or manually draging the weather cards) and updating the lovelace configuration gets the autoplay going again

      - type: custom:swipe-card
#        start_card: 1
          effect: flip
          slideShadows: true
            delay: 7000
          speed: 3000
 #         pagination:
 #           type: 'bullets'
            hide: true
            draggable: true
            snapOnRelease: true
          - type: custom:weather-card
            entity: weather.smhi_nobel
            name: MalmĂś Nobel
          - type: custom:weather-card
            entity: weather.smhi_are
            name: Åre
          - type: custom:weather-card
            entity: weather.smhi_salen
            name: Sälen

(btw this is my second post ever and first time encluding code so I hope I got it right)

You can do this:

                disableOnInteraction: false

This won’t fix the cards stopping the animation, however simply touching a single card (tap, swipe, slide whatever) will make the animation start again. This is how I use it in my own setup.

Jup, found that also, to bad it doesn’t come back on when going from tab to tab.

Both cards are installed. Mini Graph card works fine alone but not working here with the swipe card.

No card type configured.
- type: 'custom:swipe-card'
    spaceBetween: 8
      hide: false
      draggable: true
      snapOnRelease: true
    - type: 'custom:mini-graph-card'
      entity: sensor.basement_sensor_relative_humidity_measurement
      name: Temperatuur
    - type: 'custom:mini-graph-card'
      entity: sensor.living_room_sensor_relative_humidity_measurement
      name: Luchtvochtigheid
    - type: 'custom:mini-graph-card'
      entity: sensor.master_bedroom_sensor_relative_humidity_measurement
      name: Licht