Lovelace: Swiper card

Thank you for creating the card.

Is there a way to set a start position for the swiper?
I have 3 cards (mini graph card) in the swiper and would like to have te second card as start position.

I added start_card:

      - type: custom:swipe-card
        start_card: 2
          - ...
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Works perfect !

Would it be possible to use it in combination with button-card?

I guess, have you tried?

Yes I tries and is not working.

My goal is to have a card with multiple scene to swipe (the scene are light scenes: bright, dimmed, colored and so on).

Now I have a button-card for each scene (for each set of light) , but would save lots of space swiping (one card for each set of light and swiping for changing scene)

Seems to work fine? Or is this not what you mean?

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Oh now I see my mistake. Would it be possible to swipe each button?

1 button per slide? yeah sureā€¦

Sorry for not being clear, I mean just each button

I donā€™t understand?

Sounds like they want a grid like in your first example, but where each square in the grid is individually swipeable, rather than swiping the entire grid at the same time. E.g. swipe ā€œLivingā€ and have it cycle through some things while all the other squares stay the same. Maybe? Just my guess.


Ohwww rightā€¦ yeah that would also be possibleā€¦


It does seems to not always play nice with the horizontal-stackā€¦
Created PR to fix thatā€¦


Yes I had it in horizontal stack, and not working

Yes I meant this

Hi, is it possible to have the 3d effect of the cards? Like original lovelace cards

Thank you very much for sharing this. Could you perhaps consider adding the json tracker which works with this component.

It effectively tracks your changes and informs users of changes/upgrades.

thank you again.

You mean the shadow? Yes it is, but I left it like this for now because the size of card would no longer match the other cardsā€¦ so would look weird.

I have 4 sensors. coverflow pagination. Works great. But regardless of what I set as start card it allways starts att first card. I dont see what I am doing wrong.

EDIT: Mutiple refreshes solved it.