Hello @SildeHoop my friend, you can put the code on the buttons to the scene, I’m just trying to fight how to get it and something does not work out, and I see that you did it
I have created a pr
Since we are a bit behind on the wiki…
How do I implement chips_alarm?
Is there any good buttons for toggling my alarm?
type: custom:button-card
entity: alarm_control_panel.your_alarm
template: chips_alarm
Can anyone help with having the person cards show “Away” instead of “not_home”?
####Edit: #######
I ended up fixing this by changing the template for the label.
label: >
if (states[variables.ulm_card_person_entity].state === 'not_home'){
return "Away";
if (states[variables.ulm_card_person_entity].state === 'home'){
return "Home";
else {
return states[variables.ulm_card_person_entity].state;
I am pretty close but struggling with a script. I have adjust the card_light_slider to support light groups (incl. slider that only adjust the brightness of lights that are actually on).
Next step is to not just toggle the lights but instead store the scene and restore the scene on tap_action (see code below). I am passing on the current state, entity and a name for the scene to the script.
action: call-service
service: script.turn_on
entity_id: script.store_scene_and_turn_off_lights
state: "[[[ return entity.state ]]]"
light_entity: "[[[ return entity.entity_id ]]]"
scene_name: light_bg_zit_revert
However, I am unable to read the light_entity properly. The light is turned off but the scene is not stored; there seems to be an issue with {{ light_entity}} in the state_attr command. See code below
- data:
scene_id: '{{ scene_name }}'
snapshot_entities: >-
{{ expand(state_attr('{{ light_entity }}', 'entity_id'))
|map(attribute='entity_id')|list }}
service: scene.create
- service: light.turn_off
entity_id: '{{ light_entity }}'
Anybody that knows how I can solve this? Highly appreciated!
Yes you can use an automation. Take a look at this UI/set_theme.yaml at 936a1701cd06d3f054ac4725ab21adcd2402dad5 · stokkie90/UI · GitHub
Set theme on backend selected and it should work. I know there are also some blueprints that do it based on state of the sun.
How did you make the temperature in the background of the card? (Graph card)
For example the network card.
can you post your config?
Thank you.
comes probably with next release: Make state of person card translatable by pierrecle · Pull Request #186 · UI-Lovelace-Minimalist/UI (
That’s just the normal behaviour of our card_graph
- type: 'custom:button-card'
template: card_graph
ulm_card_graph_color: "var(--google-blue)"
ulm_card_graph_name: Temperature Livingroom
ulm_card_graph_entity: sensor.livingroom_temperature
Added the following lines to the card
z-index: 9
margin-top: -56px;
ulm_card_graph_color: var(--info-color)
ulm_card_graph_name: n/a
- '[[[ variables.ulm_card_graph_entity ]]]'
- grid-template-areas: '"item1" "item2"'
- grid-template-columns: 1fr
- grid-template-rows: min-content min-content
- border-radius: var(--border-radius)
- box-shadow: var(--box-shadow)
- padding: 0px
type: custom:button-card
- icon_info
- card_generic
- box-shadow: none
- border-radius: var(--border-radius) var(--border-radius) 0px 0px
- padding: 12px
- background: none
- z-index: 9
entity: '[[[ return variables.ulm_card_graph_entity ]]]'
name: ' '
type: custom:mini-graph-card
- entity: '[[[ return variables.ulm_card_graph_entity ]]]'
line_color: '[[[ return variables.ulm_card_graph_color ]]]'
name: false
icon: false
legend: false
state: false
style: |
ha-card {
box-shadow: none;
border-radius: var(--border-radius);
margin-top: -56px;
I don’t know how to fix this. But what could help you debug this is to log the variables to somewhere you can easily see whats going on:
- service: persistent_notification.create
message: "Light entity: {{ light_entity }}"
title: "DEBUG"
- service: persistent_notification.create
message: "Snapshot entities: {{ expand(state_attr('{{ light_entity }}', 'entity_id'))
|map(attribute='entity_id')|list }}"
title: "DEBUG"
But know that i look at it, it seems your using {{ inside of other {{. I dont know if this works.
Can you try you template {{ expand(state_attr('{{ light_entity }}', 'entity_id') |map(attribute='entity_id')|list }}
inside de Developer Tools > Templates, but with the light_entity filled in as a real entity instead of the variable. There you can try and get it to work.
Thanks good suggestion to debug. {{ light entity }} gives the right entity but the state_attr doesn’t (i.e empty list). The command without the variable works fine:
{{ expand(state_attr('light.dimmer....', 'entity_id'))
|map(attribute='entity_id')|list }}"
So question is how to get this variable to be executed within the state_attr command.
I’m not sure but can you try this:
{{ expand(state_attr(light_entity, 'entity_id')) | map(attribute='entity_id')|list }}
Instead of
{{ expand(state_attr('{{ light_entity }}', 'entity_id')) | map(attribute='entity_id')|list }}
That’s it! Indeed, big thanks!!
Is it possible to combine scenes together with welcome?
- type: custom:layout-card
layout_type: grid
- type: 'custom:button-card'
template: custom_card_paddy_welcome
ulm_custom_card_paddy_welcome_time: sensor.time
- type: "custom:button-card"
- card_scenes
entity_1: "scene.bad_time"
entity_2: "scene.lights_off"
entity_3: "scene.builaer"
entity_4: "scene.YOUR_SCENE"
entity_5: "scene.YOUR_SCENE"
name_1: "Sleep"
name_2: "Off"
name_3: "Builaer"
name_4: "YOUR_NAME"
name_5: "YOUR_NAME"
icon_1: "mdi:weather-night"
icon_2: "mdi:lightbulb-group-off"
icon_3: "mdi:water-boiler"
icon_4: "mdi:YOUR_ICON"
icon_5: "mdi:YOUR_ICON"
color_icon_1: "yellow"
color_icon_2: "blue"
color_icon_3: "purple"
color_icon_4: "green"
color_icon_5: "red"
color_bg_1: "yellow"
color_bg_2: "blue"
color_bg_3: "purple"
color_bg_4: "green"
color_bg_5: "red"
I seem to recall something about not using “bold” because of a conflict with Chrome. But maybe not.
Don’t know why but for various cards (e.g. graph, vacuum) I am getting this
- type: custom:button-card
template: card_graph
entity: sensor.switch_bg_woon_loox_temperature
ulm_card_graph_entity: sensor.switch_bg_woon_loox_temperature
ulm_card_graph_name: Woonkamer
ulm_card_graph_color: "var(--google-blue)"
What am I missing? Doing wrong?