šŸŒ» Lovelace UI ā€¢ Minimalist

Being still a noob considering style modification, css voodoo and may be just failing to use the correct search termā€¦ how do I get rid of the border (frame?) for a standard markdown card?

While playing around with different cards on the way to build a dashboard for my needs I noticed that titles and this custom clock card (nik clock) donā€™t have any borders.

How to achieve this for the standard markdown card (see snippit I used)?

  - type: horizontal-stack
      grid-area: footer

    - type: markdown
      content: |
        This doesn't work... Why?

Thankful for any pointers where to look. :wink:

Popups Never worked - ? - I donā€™t think Iā€™ve ever gotten them to show up correctly (unless I thought it was much uglier than I believed - or maybe I am using a lame default of some kind)? Currently on my minimalist home page:

If I press and hold (or just tap - no difference) the 73 degrees shown on the home page below:

then this shows up and I thought that it was incorrect of me to say thatā€™s the popup - that is not really the ā€˜popupā€™, is it?

Am I doing something wrong or missing someting? I believe itā€™s just showing the properties screen of that entityā€¦ My home.yaml has this related code -

  - type: horizontal-stack
    - type: "custom:button-card"
      template: card_thermostat
      entity: climate.nest_learning_thermostat
        ulm_card_thermostat_enable_collapse: true
        ulm_card_thermostat_enable_controls: true
        ulm_card_thermostat_enable_hvac_modes: true
        ulm_card_thermostat_enable_popup: true
        ulm_card_thermostat_preset_mode: true

Also I have updated custom_actions.yaml to the belowā€¦ but my ā€œholdā€ action still only results in the properties for the entity to come up:

    ulm_card_tap_action: "toggle"
    ulm_card_hold_action: "popup"
    ulm_card_double_tap_action: "more_info"
    ulm_icon_tap_action: "toggle"
    ulm_icon_hold_action: "popup"
    ulm_icon_double_tap_action: "adaptive"
    ulm_name_tap_action: "toggle"
    ulm_name_hold_action: "popup"
    ulm_name_double_tap_action: "adaptive"

As a last resort I also tried changing EVERYTHING to ā€œpopupā€ in custom_actions.yaml but even that made no difference - the only thing that ever comes up is the prepoerties for that entity (which in this case I think is being called ā€œmore-infoā€). Iā€™ve never gotten these popups to work. Any ideas?

Hello! Look into the yaml of the custom card you are trying to edit; in the ā€œstyleā€ part of the code, look for ā€œimg_cellā€ and then under it, ā€œbackgroundā€. Edit to your liking. Be cautious tho, if you edit the template, this change will be reflected in all aspects that use that specific template.

Hope this makes sense :slight_smile:

Thanks @thathomieruffian,

Indeed I found these, but they only remove it up to some point.
There is still a slight difference in the background.

I found out though that this is controlled in the ulm_templates widget_icon.yaml file:


Iā€™m pretty sure if I change this, it will be reset upon the next update.
So Iā€™m looking to create my own custom template next to it which I can use as a substitute instead.
Not sure yet where to place it, and how to include it. But letā€™s see :smiley:

Why donā€™t you create a template which overrides this value and assign it to all your cards?

Hi, perhaps a very basic question but havnā€™t found any answers anywhere. Is it possible to combine this with existing dashboard? I have a setup using the Mushroom theme which I really like but I would also add some custom cards from Minimalist, is that possible?

If so, I guess I need to add this line somewhere?

# Button cards location
button_card_templates: !include_dir_merge_named "custom_components/ui_lovelace_minimalist/__ui_minimalist__/ulm_templates/"

Yes, but you let go the ability to edit your dashboard in UI mode, so you can only edit through YAML

Ok but could you please help me understand how to do it?

What and where do I edit my original Dashboard (the one called Overview) to be able to include Minimalist?

Im not very familiar with the filestructure but you can just copy your existing dashboard into a yaml-file in UI minimalist, and then do your modifications there?

I started using this theme 3-4 days ago so Iā€™m not that deep into it yet, sorryā€¦

Maybe someone more experienced can jump in here and correct me?

This is the best video I used to get started.


Can you stack the templates?
If not, I would have to recreate each template, correct?

Is there a way to include multiple folders with templates?
I tried to use two lines of !includes, but that didnā€™t work:

# This didn't work #
button_card_templates: !include_dir_merge_named "../../custom_components/ui_lovelace_minimalist/__ui_minimalist__/ulm_templates/"
button_card_templates: !include_dir_merge_named "../../templates/button_card_templates"

# Nor did this #
    - !include_dir_merge_named "../../custom_components/ui_lovelace_minimalist/__ui_minimalist__/ulm_templates/"
    - !include_dir_merge_named "../../templates/button_card_templates"

Any tips?

please allow me to ask a beginner question. I followed the video tutorial for minimalist (ā€œits hard butā€¦:ā€) and installation was smooth. I can see the demo dashboard.
But when I modify the demo dashboard yaml, the dashboard stays empty. It does not even show the headline to update the dashboard. Its just an empty page. When I paste the demo yaml, everything shows up ok.
Any ideas what I am doing wrong here?

My ui-lovelace.yaml is

button_card_templates: !include_dir_merge_named "../../custom_components/ui_lovelace_minimalist/__ui_minimalist__/ulm_templates/"

title: "B18A"
theme: "minimalist-desktop"
background: "var(--background-image)"
   !include views/home.yaml

and the home.yaml in the views folder is:

title: "Home"
path: "home"
  - type: 'custom:button-card'
    template: card_battery
    entity: sensor.battery_level
      ulm_card_battery_charger_type_entity_id: sensor.battery_level
      ulm_card_battery_battery_level_danger: 30
      ulm_card_battery_battery_level_warning: 80
      ulm_card_battery_name: Smartphone

Hi @mroggi ,

I think youā€™re missing a ā€œ-ā€ā€¦

button_card_templates: !include_dir_merge_named "../../custom_components/ui_lovelace_minimalist/__ui_minimalist__/ulm_templates/"

title: "B18A"
theme: "minimalist-desktop"
background: "var(--background-image)"
   - !include views/home.yaml

i have two questions. I use the Custom Card ā€œWelcome Navigationā€ is there a way to use the card also to add entitiy on the pills?
Also i use the Custom Card ā€œRoomā€ this works well but i have one room without any additional information in the ā€œlabelā€
Screenshot 2022-12-23 150000
as you can see the size of the room card is different. I tried several thing to put anything in the label but this is not working at all. How it is possible to get the same size?

Thank you, watched that, but unfortunately that only uses the default minimalist dashboard. But perhaps importing my complete yaml code into the minimalist dashboard will workā€¦

i would not import the entire thing, but I do copy cards in all of the time from my GUI.

THANK YOU SO MUCH!!! This is a great forum!


Hey! so I started to use the amazing project and iam trying to create my own custom card.
Boiler card, with power button, remaining time, and 4 different timers that I can press and the boiler will work accordanly, and stop boiler.

how I can I create custom card? iam losing myself when I try to do it.
(I have already entities: power, current status, auto shutdown, power consumption, remaining time)

Hi I am a beginner to Home Assistant and Minimalist.

Iā€™ve just set up my first card and it seems to be working ok.

The formatting on desktop is looking fine but for some reasons the formatting on mobile is completely messed up. Any advice would be highly appreciated! Thanks!

How it looks on Chrome:

How it looks on mobile app:

Change theme to a minimalist one. Press on the avatar in the bottom of the ā€œhamburger menuā€ on the phone to change theme.