šŸŒ» Lovelace UI ā€¢ Minimalist

I am hoping to give Minimalist UI I try, but am already off to a rough patch, and can;t seem to figure out where my mistake could be,

Iā€™ve started by following the excellent youtube video greated by Lewis at the wiki. I already followed his video for mushroom, and now looking to try Minimalist.

But I canā€™t seem to get started. Iā€™ve installed it, but get stuck at the point off adding in the welcome card and it just return a blank dashboard. I setup the helper toggle, setup the custom card folder and custom card. Everything looks correct from a folder and file path perspective, just a blank dashboard.

The yaml code looks correct from what I can see. But would an extra space someplace or something cause a blank dashboard?

Iā€™ll give it another try tomorrow with some fresh eyes. But for now, Iā€™m just stuck.

Edit. Found the typo. It was missing " - " in referencing the include.

I have just installed Lovelace ui minimalist but it seems to be a bit buggy?

I think if you are referring to the lines around the cards, itā€™s because you need to set in your profile the theme to be one of the minimalist themes.

Yes. I have set the theme to the minimalist mobile theme but the border lines are still there

I am still new with Minimalist, so unsure if its a coding issue on my end or other.

I am trying to get either the Expander Card or the Collapsible Card to work with Minimalist

I can get both of those to work and show up on my PC in a web browser. But then both of them also give an error on my mobile device of ā€œCustom element doesnā€™t existā€.

Why would it work in the web browser but not on the mobile device?

I am also having a lot of difficulty getting this working, and see the same issue sometimes.

About 90% of the time I refresh the page, I get ā€œCustom element doesnā€™t existā€ errors, but it varies which element is missing. Sometimes it is all elements, sometimes it is only some.

Other times, everything loads but with incorrect styling - as you are seeing.

Very occasionally, it all loads correctly.

Hi @Freshhat ,

Love your Tesla card. I wanna try to integrate it for my Model Y but templates are missing :frowning:
Is it possible to share all the components needed pls ?

Thank you !

Which templates are missing? In the end i only use the standard templates which came with minimalist UI

v1.3.2 :rainbow_flag: Hotfixes

:warning: Important to also update button-card and card-mod after HA 2023.4.0

This release should fix the changes made to the HA frontend in 2023.4.0

Also make sure to reload your themes from the dev-tools > services.
After that reload the browser cache to load all changes.

:warning: iOS users also update the HA-app


New design feature to colorize the icon and background in in active state (not all cards are supported)

  • ulm_card_[card_name]_color: "green"
  • ulm_card_[card_name]_force_background_color: true


:bulb: Features

:sparkles: Code enhancements

:bulb: New Custom Cards

:sparkles: Custom Card enhancements

:bug: Bug Fixes

:memo: Documentation

:heart: Thank you so much for helping out to keep this UI awesome

=, @Cruguah, @albinmedoc, @basbruss, @benbur98, @ellisdickinson46, @github-actions, @shogun160 and @vlape

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It looks like v1.3.0 fixed most of the issues with this release. Thanks!!

I do notice theres still an issue with the tapbar for the minimalist-ios-tapbar theme. The hamburger menu lines and the ā€œā€¦ā€ show there while it should only show the ā€œtabsā€. Wonder what changed that would require a theme update?

The hamburger menu is added as there were some rumors within the beta that the swiping to get the sidebar could be deprecated for the ios-app. For now at least you are able to show the sidebar :smiley:

PS; Due to the changes to the header in the frontend this was the quickest method to get everything working.

Gotcha. Yeah its a bummer as it used to be the perfect width for a 5 page tab bar (image attached). Now Iā€™ve got to rethink bottom layout.

The ā€œā€¦ā€ is here to stay for now too?

Just updated and the mobile tapbar isnā€™t sticky to the bottom when I scroll anymore. Iā€™ve tried uninstalling the iOS app to clear cache and also clearing cache on desktop chrome browser. Any ideas?

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Any ideas why room cards would disappear after the update? No error, just missing.

Same here, but I can see the error message: it refers to the active state variable added to the default.yaml in the translation folder.

Iā€™m using the ESH room card, which doesnā€™t require an entity, I think this explains the problem

After the HA update all my cards had errors but after doing to the UI-m, card mod update and clearing the cache the errors went away. Now that iā€™m home im getting the same error as you


Below is my code for one of rooms if someone sees anything Iā€™m over looking

    - type: 'custom:button-card'
        grid-area: b8
        - card_room
        - grey_no_state
      name: Garage
      icon: mdi:garage
        action: navigate
        navigation_path: 'garage'
        label_use_temperature: false
        label_use_brightness: false
          entity_id: cover.garage_door
            - yellow_on
            action: toggle

Having the same issue since update, anyone ideas?


After digging in the .yaml theme file of minimalist-ios-tapbar.yaml
I added an extra position fixed argument below line 35

    transform: initial;
    padding: 0 !important;
    position: fixed !important;
    margin: 0 !important;
    width: 100%;
    height: 100% !important;

Maybe a fix that can create other issues but this temporarily solves my issue.

Same issue. 2 room cards are visible, the others give an error

Same here. Same problem after update. I use minimalist-mobile theme but I see the top bar that was previously hidden

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I think I have resolved the problem of the top barā€¦but after the UI update trough HACS I see a black bottom bar that cut out part of the view