🌻 Lovelace UI • Minimalist

@andriuskr Than this UI card

    - type: horizontal-stack
        - type: custom:button-card
            - card_welcome_scenes
            ulm_weather: "weather.openweathermap"
            ulm_time: "sensor.time"
            icon_pill_1: "hue:bulb-group-sultan-lightstrip-off"
            icon_pill_2: "hue:room-lounge"
            icon_pill_3: "phu:ls-sultan-iris-group-v2"
            icon_pill_4: "hue:room-dining"
            icon_pill_5: "fapro:party-horn"
            name_pill_1: "Uit"
            name_pill_2: "Avond"
            name_pill_3: "Avond1"
            name_pill_4: "Eten"
            name_pill_5: "Test"
            entity_pill_1: scene.alles_uit
            entity_pill_2: scene.avond
            entity_pill_3: scene.avond_1
            entity_pill_4: scene.eten
            entity_pill_5: scene.test
            color_pill_1: yellow
            color_pill_2: blue
            color_pill_3: purple
            color_pill_4: green
            color_pill_5: red   

@andriuskr this wilbe the outcome



Hi guys, it’s been a while now since you’ve heard from us again.
We have not been idle in the meantime and there has been some new development and especially improvements to the code and our documentation.
So many that it would take way too long to list them all here. Please read the changelog and open an issue on Github or visit us on our Discord channel if you have any questions.

However, there is one important change that we should discuss in more detail:

:warning: Breaking Changes!

Since the HACS release, we have noticed increased confusion regarding the naming of some cards. Therefore we have decided to rename some of the cards with this release (PR: 342) to avoid confusion for upcoming users.

Old name New name
card_cover_with_buttons card_cover_buttons
card_media_player_with_control card_media_player_art
card_media_player_with_controls card_media_player_controls

:bulb: Features

  • #335 Give a Glance of Minimalist-UI basbruss
  • #372 Feature: my enedis custom_chip acesyde
  • #125 Initial attempt at creating the room card bavo
  • #378 Create custom_card_irmajavi_entities irmajavi
  • #338 Add welcome_card for auto-generated dashboard basbruss
  • #379 Custom card for Speedtest.net Integration irmajavi
  • #363 All in one card for thermostat + popup schumijo
  • #377 Allow use of label or icon color in some chips aehru
  • #390 Custom Person Card + Popup imswel
  • #395 Custom Card Homeassistant updates AndyVRD
  • #385 Added minimalist-mobile-tapbar theme Ned-Tom
  • #399 Add card_vacuum basbruss
  • #388 Show Geolocation as label telefoon13

:sparkles: Code enhancements

  • #341 Version: 1.0.1 of custom_card_input_number sildehoop
  • #339 card_light: Use icon if it’s set on the device stokkie90
  • #355 [custom_card_input_datetime] Update readme and add image and rename yaml file sildehoop
  • #354 [custom_card_scenes] Fix readme and update image sildehoop
  • #353 [custom_card_input_number] Update readme and add image sildehoop
  • #362 Add support for xy mode schumijo
  • #342 Fix card naming sildehoop
  • #363 All in one card for thermostat + popup schumijo
  • #365 Add some predefined color templates to the ui bavo
  • #383 Pre-release improvements card_welcome_scenes basbruss
  • #382 [custom_card_scenes] Implementation of nested variables sildehoop
  • #398 Update card_cover_buttons.yaml AndyVRD
  • #404 Update icon color to red when active only mekenthompson
  • #403 Added ulm_language variables to name template AndyVRD
  • #402 Variables updated AndyVRD

:bug: Bug Fixes

  • #336 Fix Unknown_panel_warning stokkie90
  • #375 Correct slider when unavailable schumijo
  • #368 Fix card_battery charging icon AndyVRD

:speech_balloon: Translations

  • #343 Adds norwegian translation. jonkristian
  • #359 Fix translations aehru
  • #367 custom_card_paddy_welcome italian translation AlbertoAbruzzo
  • #394 Update Polish translation desty2k
  • #389 Add Czech & Slovak translations. mstefany
  • #408 Language adjustments CM000n

:memo: Documentation

  • #349 Correcting the titles in the doc(s) r0binj
  • #361 Fix folder hirarchie on wiki CM000n
  • #356 Updated docs for vert_butt mp-se
  • #363 All in one card for thermostat + popup schumijo
  • #348 Add Usage Layout and removed custom-repo from hacs docs stokkie90
  • #387 Improve custom card documentation basbruss
  • #401 Fixed Typo Hypercookie

:heart: Thank you so much for helping out to keep this UI awesome

AlbertoAbruzzo, AndyVRD, CM000n, Hypercookie, Ned-Tom, acesyde, actions-user, aehru, basbruss, bavo, desty2k, github-actions, github-actions[bot], imswel, irmajavi, jonkristian, mekenthompson, mp-se, mstefany, r0binj, schumijo, sildehoop, stokkie90, telefoon13


Finally managed to create a card for manually controlling an irrigation system (I use irrigation unlimited) - for having a look on the automatic piece of irrigation_unlimited I will create an additional card…
For manual irrigation see my 4 zones:


The manual runtime is incremented/decreased by the standard ha service. The upper right button enables the valve and the lower two buttons cancel/stop or start the valve. They trigger the corresponding services for irrigation unlimited.


If anyone wants randomized icon colors for example when combining this theme with auto-entities or you simply too lazy to define a color codes for a card I use this template for that purpose:


    icon_color: theme
      - background-color: "[[[ return 'rgba(var(--color-' + variables.icon_color + '),0.05)'; ]]]"
      - color: "[[[ return 'rgba(var(--color-' + variables.icon_color + '),1)'; ]]]"

  template: custom_icon_color
    icon_color: >
        let colors = ['red', 'blue', 'green', 'yellow'];
        let colorCount = Math.floor(Math.random() * colors.length);
        return colors[colorCount];

Define a color by yourself:

type: "custom:button-card"
  - card_generic
  - custom_icon_color
  icon_color: yellow
entity: input_datetime.klingel

Define a color randomly:

type: "custom:button-card"
  - card_generic
  - custom_random_icon_color
entity: input_datetime.klingel
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hi together

I have the following scene switches which work with input_select entities.

Many functions are still very hard linked in the code if someone is interested to rewrite this with variables or help me a bit I would like to publish it.

I use it, for example, to control the automatic lawn mower or to display the status of people, and to control the alarm.

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hi, great work!
can this be used with a light entity??
I would like to use it with a light as an manual timer, after selected time the light would turns off?!!
are you able to adopt your code to make it work?

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Cannot figure out, why new welcome message shows bad welcoming message. It shows Good evening in the morning

Thanks a lot

Hi Madir,
basically yes! The button-cards “play”, “cancel” currently trigger a service or script - that could be changed to become a timer-automation / script …
I can provide you my code - but the adoption has to be done be yourself… I have not so much time to do it for you…

Hi, Schimmelreiter,
thanks for your reply! please do share your code, I will try use it for a light!
I am not a coder but lets see! Madir

Time to share my dashboard. Really inspired by 7ahang’s page.
Took me a few days to really understand this custom:button-card idea, but managed to make something nice!
Let me know what you guys think?


Hello guys/girls,

I am trying science a while to get the popups to work, but I only get the standard more info!
I have the latest version from HACS.
none of the popups are working for me!
I have tried light and thermostat.

and the code :

## climate control
  - type: "custom:button-card"
    template: card_thermostat
    entity: climate.thermostat_bedroom_1
      ulm_card_thermostat_enable_collapse: true
      ulm_card_thermostat_enable_controls: true
      ulm_card_thermostat_enable_hvac_modes: true
      ulm_card_thermostat_enable_popup: true
      ulm_card_thermostat_enable_display_temperature: true
#      ulm_card_thermostat_enable_background_color: true

can someone please explain me step by step how to get this working? any help is highly appreciated.

Hello everyone,

Is there already a video card for RING and other webcams?


Should be here :wink:

EDIT: Sorry, saw you already enabled that variable.
You’re trying tap&hold?

Check je DM’s

yes, I am trying tap and hold, and all possible other variation but only getting the standard more info!
do you also have the same problem??

do I need to have the popup templates copied in my local files together with other custom_cards??

Do you by any change have installed browser_mod? And also added in in your configuration.yaml file?


I do have browser_mod: in my configuration.yaml !
but only after two reboots it worked!

Thanks Basbruss!

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Would love that custom vacuum card and you code for the custom welcome card with scenes! Looks great!