šŸŒ» Lovelace UI ā€¢ Minimalist

Great! Do I have to include this in the raw editor of the Lovelace dashboard itself?

is it perhaps possible to desribe what I have to do and edit?

(Sorry for the questions, this is my first more advanced custom theme.) :slight_smile:

they are not hosted but if you want any code just tell me which one and i will post

For now it does only work if you dashboard is in yaml mode: Multiple Dashboards - Home Assistant
This is sadly not possible through the raw-editor. You can add new dashboards to your configuration.yaml file. See example underneath. Or edit the file which comes with the installation and add the cards you need to it.

  mode: storage
  # Add yaml dashboards
      mode: yaml
      title: Minimalist Mobile
      icon: mdi:flower
      show_in_sidebar: true
      filename: ui_lovelace_minimalist/dashboard/ui-lovelace-mobile.yaml

Than you have to create a yaml file in this folder:

And make sure the name of your file is the same as in your configuration.yaml file

PS: you could also send me a PM so I can help you a bit in Dutch :wink:

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thanks, message sent your way!

This really helped me out! Thank you for your help and time. :slight_smile:

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Damn, I somehow missed the part where they should be stored in /config/ui_lovelace_minimalist/custom_cards, my bad.

A note, it should be stated that even if you are only creating dashboards in YAML that you still need to do the integration install or the custom_cards wonā€™t be appropriately used, and you wont have the UI_LOVELACE_MINIMALIST option in the YAML Reloading section. I didnā€™t add the integration at first as I figured since I wasnā€™t editing the in the UI editor I didnā€™t need to. Just something to clarify in the documentation in the future :slight_smile:


Hi, I installed this ui, but my boxes arenā€™t curved and just doesnā€™t look like they should

Does anyone know how to fix that?

Looks like you havenā€™t selected the right theme, you need to choose one of the minimalist themes in your user settings

Oh, thanks, it works now :grinning:

I installed this and necessary addons manually. I dont use HACS. Running Home Assistant 2022.3.7 latest version. Around 3-4 update ago popup cards were working however for the past ~2 weeks I couldnā€™t make popup cards work. Does anybody have an idea?
I tried removing everything and installed again but still they wont workā€¦

Screenshot 2022-03-27 104555

Hello! The ā€œchip_presence_detectionā€ chip is not clickable at the moment. Is it possible to change this, so we can click on the chip (and navigate to a persons page?)

Thank you!

Hi, how to make settings button on this? I canā€™t open settings when using this theme on mobile.

You can still open settings pulling from the left side, but to get the navigation bar button back you must edit theme script.

Hi All,

someone has the same problem as me, while scrolling the UI dashboard can happens very often that inadvertently I change the brightness of the light card. Is there a way to avoid it?

I tried and it doesnā€™t show the menu

Hi All,

Did the v0.0.7 Hotfix solve the light and light slider issue for anybody?
I still canā€™t get lights to appear again, so trying to understand if its an issue my end.


How is it possible to implement custom popup cards? Any hints or link to a documentation?

I do have some chips for number of switched on lights and number of open window. Would love to have a list of the lights/windows when clicking on the chips.

Edit: Looks like I just now stumbled upon a hintā€¦ It seems to be possible using browser_mod and service: browser_mod.popup.

Edit2: Way easier than what I expected :slight_smile:. Just define a tap_action on the chip:

            action: "call-service"
            service: browser_mod.popup
              title: Popup example
                type: entities
                  - light.kitchen

Anyone doing conditional chips? I would like to only show the open windows chip if there are any open windows. It works as long as there is only a single conditional chip in hporizontal-stack. But as soon as there are multiple of them they start to jump around when they toggle and have large gaps in between.

No light switched on:

One light switched on:

As mentioned, I do have all the chips in a horizontal-stack. They are defined like this:

        - type: conditional
            - entity: sensor.current_lights_on
              state_not: "0"
            type: "custom:button-card"
            template: chip_icon_state
              ulm_chip_icon_state_icon: "šŸ’”"
              ulm_chip_icon_state_entity: sensor.current_lights_on

Looks like it could be related to this post. But I couldnā€™t figure out what the proposed solution is:

Hi, I added this line to my dashboard config

          - type: "custom:button-card"
               - card_media_player
            name: "TV"
            entity: media_player.eshare_5545
            ulm_card_media_player_enable_popup: true

But when I open the dashboard it doesnā€™t show up
imgur link

EDIT: Now this shows up

Look at your indentation :wink:
After variables: you need always a tab, otherwise all defaults of the variables will be overridden causing it to be undefined.

          - type: "custom:button-card"
               - card_media_player
            name: "TV"
            entity: media_player.eshare_5545
              ulm_card_media_player_enable_popup: true