šŸŒ» Lovelace UI ā€¢ Minimalist

Thank you, it works now :sweat_smile:

Well, it worked for a while but now it doesnā€™t show anything

It works now, but it doesnā€™t appear in popup like it should, it just shows what is playing

I just installed Minimalist UI and started experimenting with it. Weirdly though, it looks like part of the theme isnā€™t loading for me. Anything that should be colored according to the template code and the examples, is not for me. E.g. in this screenshot the icons in the welcome card, the home labels on the person cards, the graph color, the room cards and icons - everything appears to be ignoring the colors.

Anyone have an idea where I can start looking for whatā€™s going wrong?

Edit: Dā€™OH Iā€™m stupid I just found out thereā€™s a Theme I need to select in my User profile as well. Never mind me.


Hi, first outstanding work ! Iā€™m having a small issue with language, my home assistant is set to french but some cards show PL texts displayed
Iā€™ve configured UI to use the french language and iā€™ve tried setting english but its keeps showing the PL translations.


hate to sound like a complete noob, butā€¦ iā€™ve installed all the required components to the point where i get the sample minimalist UI. Now I am kind of stuck as to how to build my UI from there. are there some samples or tutorials out there that can guide me on how to get started. I see some great designs in this thread, but i just donā€™t know where to start.

EDIT: found this resource online and working through their examples

@sebby (sorry it didnā€™t reply to you for some reason) That resource works fine for examples but be careful with copy and pasting. Itā€™s the old docs so some cards might be outdated. For layout and whatnot it will be fine though. For reference hereā€™s the link to the new docs (you can copy and paste individual cards out of here). It also helped me to make some cards in a testing dashboard using ui mode and then just change them to be minimalist cards.

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I have simply packed the conditional cards into a grid card.
The grid card always fills up the row from left to right. As the conditionals get true. On the iPhone display 5 columns are perfect. Maybe some space wasted. But it looks ok to me.

I donā€™t have access to the YAML code right now. But I can post a small example when I am back at my home computer.

Hi Dylan,

A small example would be fantastic, thanks! I donā€™t understand where the additional grid card comes into place. My complete layout is already grid based. So do I put one grid-card with 5 columns into the cell of the main grid layout? Or do I pack every individual chip in itā€™s own grid-card?

In my understanding all the cells in a grid card do have a name and I have to put the chips into one cell each to prevent them from overlapping. Is that wrong? Because here I fail to understand how I should put the chips into the cells.

Soā€¦ a small example would be great :).


Edit: Oh, I think I finally got itā€¦ youā€™re not talking about the custom:grid-layout or the corresponding card but the grid-card from Home-Assistant itself. But it does not look like this is working for me as Iā€™m also using the dashboard quite often from a big screen. So 5 chips get stretched a lot but more will not work on the phone. Too bad, but thanks for your time.

Iā€™ll take the liberty of re-launching, I didnā€™t get an answer!

how to put tabbars on the bottom instead of on the top?

Thereā€™s specific theme for tapbars, you need to apply the theme from your appā€™s settings. You can change themes by tapping on profile then theme section.

ok thanks. Itā€™s ok after install new theme minimalist-ios-tapbar

You did get an answer from me, but you probably missed it :wink:

For some reason even when I select the tap bar theme, my menu bar is still at the top. Any ideas how to fix this? Have reset cache etc.

I have a problem! Can everyone help me?
Thank you!

Hi all, Iā€™ve been searching this thread for a solution to my problem but I just canā€™t figure it out. I am unable to get the card_light popup to show up on either my desktop or in the HA mobile app.
I have followed the steps for the browser_mod integration and have included browser_mod: in my configuration.yaml as well as copying the data into the custom_components directory. Here is my code for the card itself:

- type: custom:button-card
            template: card_light
            entity: light.hue_go_1
              ulm_card_light_name: Hue Go
              ulm_card_light_enable_slider: true
              ulm_card_light_enable_color: true
              ulm_card_light_enable_popup: true

I have also made sure the my-card slider was installed and I have cleared the cache for both systems

Light popups arenā€™t working for me either recently, not sure what has changed but no longer seems to work

I thought this too, but I realised that they are supposed to appear when the button is held, not tapped. Personally I would prefer on tap.

Hold doesnā€™t work for me either, used to work fine until refently

Ok. Thatā€™s true. No optimal resolution for desktop view. I use it mostly on phone and tablet.

Hi, I use File Editor addon, where I edit lovelace ui, I added this line

 - type: "custom:button-card"
            template: "card_welcome_scenes"
               ulm_weather: "weather.dom

But it doesnā€™t show this card in dashboard