šŸŒ» Lovelace UI ā€¢ Minimalist

Do you mean the Welcome Card? If so Iā€™ve just uploaded what I currently use right now. Not perfect by any means, but I hope it helps one of you. The important thing to note is changing the templates (for example line #241) and changing the navigation path from line #736 onwards and perhaps adding your own. As I said previously, I would like to do this dynamically in the future, but at this point Iā€™m still figuring it all out.

Thank you very much. Unfortunately the link doesnā€™t work

I have it setup for light groups following the page you posted (learned that trick early on :slight_smile: ). But I get the same result with a single light entry as well.
I have the following HACS extensions:

  • Integration: browser_mod

  • Front End: button-card, mini-media player, simple weather card, auto-entities, card-mod, mini-graph-card, and My Cards Bundle. I didnt think Light popup card (homekit style) was required, but I have it installed as well.
    An example of my code is:

                - type: "custom:button-card"
                  template: card_light
                  entity: light.loft_lights
                    ulm_card_light_enable_slider: true
                    ulm_card_light_enable_color: true
                    ulm_card_light_force_background_color: true
                - type: "custom:button-card"
                  template: card_generic

Is there anything I need to have at the top of the ui-lovelace config file? I still am amateurish with yaml, so was not sure if I needed to include resources?

Ran into another snag. Iā€™m trying to use Welcome custom-card and Fan card custom-card. Both cards that require the minimalist folder.

Getting the following:

Iā€™ve created the folder structure as outlined here:

Compared to what I have:

For the welcome card Iā€™ve added the following to my yaml Note - not using weather or news

Iā€™ve also added the template code to the button_card_templates.yaml

The fan card seems a bit more simple. Added the following to the yaml

What Iā€™m I doing wrong or what Iā€™m I missing?


Based on the info you are providing, you are using the deprecated wiki. The folder structure is now differently since it is delivered through HACS. Please try the things you want achieve again according this wiki page ui-lovelace-minimalist.github.io/ui/.

Edit: Btw button_card_templates: needs to be for good practice always on top of your ui-lovelace.yaml file. And not as a list item underneath cards.

You do have the right resources. Homekits-style is not needed :wink: Did you try activate the popup with a hold_action?

Or do you have installed all HACS cards by yourself and checked the box in the integration setup to install all needed dependencies? This can lead to double or not loading of the cards.

so i tried to get a double_tap_action on the room-card. copied it, made my own custom_card adding this to it:

      action: "none"
    action: >
      [[[ if (variables?.double_tap_action?.action) return variables.double_tap_action.action; else return 'none'; ]]]
    entity: "[[[ return variables.double_tap_action.entity; ]]]"
    navigation_path: "[[[ return variables.double_tap_action.navigation_path; ]]]"
    url_path: "[[[ return variables.double_tap_action.url_path; ]]]"
    service: "[[[ return variables.double_tap_action.service; ]]]"
    service_data: "[[[ return variables.double_tap_action.service_data; ]]]"

in my ui-lovelace.yaml i added the template to the button-card and

  action: toggle

to the entity_1.
this doesnĀ“t work tho. someone knows if i made something wrong or got to add something else?


Iā€™m trying to make a card for input_button.

So this helper has no state on / off but returns the last time has been pressed.

So I would like to color icon for a duration when button is pressed (for eg 1min) and return to this original color.

At the moment I do this :

### Card Call Service ###
    - "icon_only"
  #label: "[[[ return variables.ulm_custom_card_call_service_title; ]]]"
  label: |
        return entity.state;  
  icon: "[[[ return variables.ulm_custom_card_call_service_icon; ]]]"
      - color: >
              var currentTimestamp = Math.floor(new Date().getTime() / 1000) 
              var lastTimestamp = Math.floor(new Date(states['input_button.gate_btn'].state).getTime() / 1000)
              var timeDiff = Math.floor((currentTimestamp - lastTimestamp) / 60)
              if (timeDiff >= 1){
                return 'rgba(var(--color-red),1)';
                return 'rgba(var(--color-yellow),1)'
      - align-self: "center"
      - justify-self: "start"
      - font-weight: "bold"
      - font-size: "14px"
      - margin-left: "12px"
      - filter: "opacity(100%)"
      - background-color: "rgba(var(--color-blue), 0.2)"
      - grid-template-areas: "'i l'"
      - grid-template-columns: "min-content min-content"
      - grid-template-rows: "min-content"
    action: "call-service"
    service: "[[[ return variables.ulm_custom_card_call_service_service; ]]]"
      entity_id: "[[[ return variables.ulm_custom_card_call_service_entity; ]]]"

Use in ui-lovelace.yaml

 - type: 'custom:button-card'
   entity: input_button.gate_btn
     - custom_card_call_service
   #- green_no_state
     ulm_custom_card_call_service_title: Gate opener
     ulm_custom_card_call_service_icon: 'mdi:door'
     ulm_custom_card_call_service_service: input_button.press
     ulm_custom_card_call_service_entity: input_button.gate_btn

Any help to do this ?
Thanks you

After Iā€™ll propose this card to custom_cards :wink:

Anyone know where people have shared there config so i can look on what is possible, i dont feel the sample dashboard learns me how to build the dashboard.

Sorry if this has been asked before.

Look for everythingsmarthome on YouTube. He will provide a simple setup guide ( assumingly based on the mushroom card) and an advanced setup guide based on yaml and therefore the ui-minimalist dashboard.

In any case shoot your questions. Lot of experts here :slight_smile:

Thank you, i will look into those videos.

  1. I have a lot of questions. If i delete lovelace-ui.yaml and restart the sample design is still present. That confses me a lot. How can that be shown if i remove all the code in lovelace-ui.yaml.

  2. Whats the best practice for storing files, do i keep everything in one yaml file or move into lights.yaml, thermostats.yaml etc?

  3. Is there an easy way to know what kind of icons that are being used for scenes like here. For the document it says to use mdi: for the scenes view.

  4. For the lights its a group in this picture, how is this created, i want to use groups of devices, like i have 10 thermostats, about 30+ lights. I dont want to show single devices, but groups, how is that done?

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Just trying to get started with this, but I guess Iā€™m a bit slowā€¦

Most importantly, which documentation should I be following? Should I be using the documentation wiki or the Installation - UI-Lovelace-Minimalist documentation? I assume the documentation wiki since it has the HACS installation that I used? To be honest this is the most frustrating thing so far, there is so much information all over the place itā€™s hard to know which is accurate/current. Both are listed in the original post as resources.

Downloading custom cards - I canā€™t seem to get this. Where am I downloading from? Just copy the yaml from the github repo and save it, along with the language file, in a folder within custom cards?

Why do I have two UI-Minimalists folders. Maybe Iā€™m not understanding the structure here, but I have
Which of these (or both) should I be using?

Thanks, canā€™t wait to get this going.

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I have a problem with the custom card ā€œDWD Pollenā€ from @paddy0174. I would like to display the value above the name as in the generic card above. Can somebody help me with it?

hold_action works but shows the same entry card as tap. Is there a CSS configuration step I missed?
For the integration question, do you mean under UI Lovelace Minimalist interrogation for ā€œInclude custom card resources itā€™s depending on.ā€? If so, yes that is enabled.

You also have to set the popup variable to true to get it work like:

            - type: "custom:button-card"
              template: card_light
              entity: light.loft_lights
                ulm_card_light_enable_slider: true
                ulm_card_light_enable_color: true
                ulm_card_light_force_background_color: true
                ulm_card_light_enable_popup: true

Yes, If you also have installed some of the HACS repoā€™s by yourself it can lead to double loading the resources with a freeze as result.

This is deprecated and can be ignored when you have installed through HACS :wink:

Thatā€™s a the way to do it :smiley:

This is for the user to alter (store your custom_cards and dashboards). This will not be overridden with an update.

This is needed for HACS (all HACS integrations are stored in /custom_components/). Here are all needed files and scripts to make everything possible. All these files will be overridden with any update.

Thank you, starting to make some sense now! :grinning:
Does the rest of the documentation still stand, aside from the installation portion, in that link?

2022-04-05 20_01_40-Studio Code Server ā€“ Home Assistant

i feel so stupid, heres my folder strutcure, i have created a header, a ui-lovelace and a home yaml files, why does the ā€œcongrats with your installationā€ show up when i go to http://homeassistant.local:8123/ui-lovelace-minimalist/0

no matter what i change? is it a cache thing or what?

i dont understand at all :confused:

Im so stupid its sad, sorry about wasting your time reading that

Iā€™m just getting my feet wet with designing a dashboard specifically for mobile and I think this is a great solutionā€¦Two quick questions:

  1. Can this ā€˜themeā€™ be used in conjunction with existing themes on a home assistant setup? In other words can I have a mobile dashboard themed with Minimalist and leave my current Lovelace dashboards for my tablets in tact?

  2. Has anyone noticed any performance impact with this theme?

Great work! Appreciate it!

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