Lovelace: Weather card with chart

Not using the chart card with Owm, but I do have a daily forecast on Owm:

There’s a free plan available for that .

Read the api docs, it’s a 3hr per da forecast, unless you use the new onecall api

@bobzer, following your advice I have opened an issue on Github about your weather card.
But since you haven’t answered any questions since January on Github, I don’t know if you are still maintaining your project.
It would be nice if you could say something about it.

Thanks for the issue?
Sorry about that, I wasn’t able to maintain it lately.
I’ll not give up on it but I didn’t had time.
I hope to get some time to fix it this month.
I use it also and want to get it fix.
Sorry about the inconvenience

anyone else missing the icon for wind bearing? Suddenly notice this, not sure if is has been gone longer…dont really understand the error in inspector either :wink:

windbearing is available:


fixed by @koying here
sorry I missed that before. Btw Do we really need the --mdc-icon-size: 74px; ? Suppose that is for the main icon… (which I don’t use, so never mind)

I’ve only changed the

-              <ha-icon icon="hass:[[getWindDirIcon(windBearing)]]"></ha-icon> [[getWindDir(windBearing)]]<br>
+              <ha-icon icon="[[getWindDirIcon(windBearing)]]"></ha-icon> [[getWindDir(windBearing)]]<br>

line and the icon came back, thank you very much :wink:

Yep, that’s only to get the big main icon. Without this, you get the default 48px size.

thanks, yes, figured that out after I posted, sorry… Don’t use the big Main icon myself, as you can see I use the animated icons, so was confused (we dont edit these files daily dont we…)

as there is no such thing as coincidence, after I had posted the successful gif, the full placeholder was empty, no icon, no direction…

took me a while to notice my weather integration was at fault, and didn’t materialize the sensors completely. Buienradar does that sometimes, more often than one would wish for.

Still, they’re back now…:wink: #fingerscrossed

btw, this: would suggest you need to replace the width and height with the new mdc-icon-size, not add it, as I read your fix?

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Well, if all the HA users would migrate instantaneously to 110.x, sure.
If you want the code to still work under < 110.0, better keep both :wink:

a yes, didn’t think about that. Though in the end we probably all will have to go with the flow and adjust…

Is there anyway to change the line color?

Is anyone having issues on .111.2 with icon size?



yes, same problem here.

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I’ve opened an issue here if you want to track

Does anyone know if there is a way to change the height of the graph? I would likt to reduce it just a litlle bit to fit everything on my screen…

Okay, so I seem to have gotten the icon size fixed on 0.110+

Just remove the height and width css in line 119 and 120:

          --iron-icon-height: 74px;
          --iron-icon-width: 74px;

and put this in it’s place:

          --mdc-icon-size: 74px;

Link to diff is below, I’ve opened a PR for @Yevgeniy

Edit: jesus christ, I just realized that @koying fixed this already. I thought you guys were fixing the wind icon.

Hi guys,

After the update to 0.115, the graph in the card stopped working. Does this happen to anyone else?
This is the result:

The only error I have is the below:

ncaught (in promise) TypeError: Cannot read property 'language' of undefined
    at HTMLElement._formatTickValue (chunk.93de88efd85a8b7b4ec4.js:26957)
    at Object.tickFormatFunction (chunk.d9cbf2fe4e32a009641f.js:1)
    at Object.convertTicksToLabels (chunk.d9cbf2fe4e32a009641f.js:1)
    at Object.update (chunk.d9cbf2fe4e32a009641f.js:1)
    at Object.update (chunk.d9cbf2fe4e32a009641f.js:1)
    at chunk.d9cbf2fe4e32a009641f.js:1
    at Object.each (chunk.d9cbf2fe4e32a009641f.js:1)
    at Object.update (chunk.d9cbf2fe4e32a009641f.js:1)
    at tn.updateLayout (chunk.d9cbf2fe4e32a009641f.js:1)
    at tn.update (chunk.d9cbf2fe4e32a009641f.js:1)

And this is my card config:

current: true
details: true
entity: weather.dark_sky
forecast: true
graph: true
hide_precipitation: true
name: Lisbon
type: 'custom:weather-card'

I opened the issue:

Yes same here. Strange thing is that it does show a graph in the UI editor

Hi bobzer, are you still using your card?
It’s my favourite one, but on 0.115, the graph is not showing anymore.

As mentioned 2 posts above you, this has already been logged as an issue.

It has also been fixed already, in PR#43.

However until the author pushes a new release for the repository, HACS wont pick up the changes.

Until that happens you can either read the single line change that was made in the PR and edit your file locally or add my own repo as a custom frontend component. However I intend on deleting mine again once the main repository is working again.

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