Lovelace wind card

hi iam trying to add wind card that will read wind direction from combined sensor from 4 hall sensors i was trying to do that but it doest show anything only blank card i also have wind speed sensor
Zrzut ekranu 2024-05-10 114136
i dont know how to configure it

That is not enough information to help you.

What are your four sensor entity_ids?

How do they relate to wind direction?

thats my inputs from hall sensors

  - platform: gpio
    pin: 33
    name: "Kierunek polnocny"
  - platform: gpio
    pin: 25
    name: "Kierunek zachodni"
  - platform: gpio
    pin: 26
    name: "Kierunek poludniowy"
  - platform: gpio
    pin: 27
    name: "Kierunek wschodni"

thats my logic converter

platform: template
      friendly_name: Kierunek wiatru
      value_template: >-
        {% if states('binary_sensor.stacja_Kierunek_zachodni') == 'off' and states('binary_sensor.stacja_Kierunek_polnocny') == 'off' %}
        {% elif states('binary_sensor.stacja_Kierunek_wschodni') == 'off' and states('binary_sensor.stacja_Kierunek_polnocny') == 'off' %}
        {% elif states('binary_sensor.stacja_Kierunek_zachodni') == 'off' and states('binary_sensor.stacja_Kierunek_poludniowy') == 'off' %}
        {% elif states('binary_sensor.stacja_Kierunek_wschodni') == 'off' and states('binary_sensor.stacja_Kierunek_poludniowy') == 'off' %}
        {% elif states('binary_sensor.stacja_Kierunek_polnocny') == 'off' %}
        {% elif states('binary_sensor.stacja_Kierunek_wschodni') == 'off' %}
        {% elif states('binary_sensor.stacja_Kierunek_poludniowy') == 'off' %}
        {% elif states('binary_sensor.stacja_Kierunek_zachodni') == 'off' %}
        {% endif %}

and speed sensor

- platform: pulse_meter
    pin: 19
    unit_of_measurement: 'm/s'
    name: 'Prędkość powietrza'
      - multiply: 0.0083332
      - multiply: 3

You seem to have a mix of ESPHome and Home Assistant config there. You can do it with either. I’m not great at C# so here’s the Home Assistant version.

You should be using the new template sensor format for new sensors. Also you need to provide the English cardinal points (NSEW) for the Wind Rose card to work.

configuration.yaml (not sensors.yaml)

  - sensor:
    name: Kierunek Wiatru
    state: >
      {% if is_state('binary_sensor.stacja_Kierunek_zachodni', 'off') and is_state('binary_sensor.stacja_Kierunek_polnocny', 'off') %}
      {% elif is_state('binary_sensor.stacja_Kierunek_wschodni', 'off') and is_state('binary_sensor.stacja_Kierunek_polnocny', 'off') %}
      {% elif is_state('binary_sensor.stacja_Kierunek_zachodni', 'off') and is_state('binary_sensor.stacja_Kierunek_poludniowy', 'off') %}
      {% elif is_state('binary_sensor.stacja_Kierunek_wschodni', 'off') and is_state('binary_sensor.stacja_Kierunek_poludniowy', 'off') %}
      {% elif is_state('binary_sensor.stacja_Kierunek_polnocny', 'off') %}
      {% elif is_state('binary_sensor.stacja_Kierunek_wschodni', 'off') %}
      {% elif is_state('binary_sensor.stacja_Kierunek_poludniowy', 'off') %}
      {% elif is_state('binary_sensor.stacja_Kierunek_zachodni', 'off') %}
      {% else %}
      {% endif %}

yours code is working but still nothing on card

type: custom:windrose-card
title: Wind direction
  hours_to_show: 1
max_width: 400
refresh_interval: 1
windspeed_bar_location: bottom
windspeed_bar_full: true
wind_direction_count: 8
  entity: sensor.kierunek_wiatru2
  direction_unit: letters
  use_statistics: false
  direction_compensation: 0
  direction_letters: NSEWX
  - entity: ''
    name: ''
    speed_unit: auto
    use_statistics: false
output_speed_unit: mps
speed_range_beaufort: true
windrose_draw_north_offset: 0
direction_letters: NSEWX
matching_strategy: direction-first
center_calm_percentage: true

mayby iam missing something

Is that the correct entity id?

Also you need a wind speed entity for it to work.

This ESPHome config is not correct:

Should be:

- platform: pulse_meter
  pin: 19
  unit_of_measurement: 'm/s'
  name: 'Prędkość powietrza'
    - multiply: 0.0083332
    - multiply: 3

I’m surprised it let you compile it.

And that filter can be simplified to one multiplication:

- platform: pulse_meter
  pin: 19
  unit_of_measurement: 'm/s'
  name: 'Prędkość powietrza'
    - multiply: 0.025

it even works
i will try changing it
also the direction id is correct

So it is working now?

i was talking about multiply that u mentioned

It is the indentation that is the problem.


- platform: pulse_meter
    pin: 19
    unit_of_measurement: 'm/s'
    name: 'Prędkość powietrza'
      - multiply: 0.0083332
      - multiply: 3


- platform: pulse_meter
  pin: 19
  unit_of_measurement: 'm/s'
  name: 'Prędkość powietrza'
    - multiply: 0.025

See how all the options are aligned under the word “platform”?

still doesnt work

It’s like pulling teeth. What “doesn’t work”?

Be specific and descriptive.

doesnt show anything on card blank screen
entities works alone and shows direction and speed

Ok, now we’re getting somewhere. So it is just the Wind Rose card that is the problem now.

Have you supplied a wind speed entity?

its current code for card

type: custom:windrose-card
title: Wind direction
  hours_to_show: 1
max_width: 400
refresh_interval: 1
windspeed_bar_location: bottom
windspeed_bar_full: true
wind_direction_count: 8
  entity: sensor.kierunek_wiatru2
  name: wiatr
  direction_unit: letters
  use_statistics: true
  direction_compensation: 0
  direction_letters: NSEWX
  - entity: sensor.stacja_predkosc_powietrza
    name: powietrze
    speed_unit: auto
    use_statistics: true
output_speed_unit: mps
speed_range_beaufort: true
windrose_draw_north_offset: 0
cardinal_direction_letters: NSEW
matching_strategy: direction-first
center_calm_percentage: true

Try this:

type: custom:windrose-card
title: Wind Rose
  hours_to_show: 4
max_width: 400
refresh_interval: 300
windspeed_bar_location: bottom
windspeed_bar_full: true
  entity: sensor.kierunek_wiatru2
  direction_unit: letters
  use_statistics: false
  direction_compensation: 0
  - entity: sensor.stacja_predkosc_powietrza
    name: Last 4 Hrs
    speed_unit: auto
    use_statistics: false
output_speed_unit: mps
speed_range_beaufort: false
windrose_draw_north_offset: 0
cardinal_direction_letters: NESW
matching_strategy: direction-first
center_calm_percentage: true

finally its working but it doesnt update in real time on browser only in app on phone

It is not a wind compass. It is a history of the directions and speeds for last x hours.

If you want a wind compass look at this card:

The help topic is here: Compass Card - Points you in the right direction 🧭

You can lower the refresh interval of the wind rose a bit, but not 1 second as you had it. This updates every five minutes:

There’s not much point going lower than 30 seconds as your sensor probably does not update that often. So somewhere between 30 and 300.

yes i know its not wind compass but its update in 1second on phone but on pc browser only when i refresh site