Lovelace Windrose Card

Released version 1.11.4


  • Text position error on Safari/MacOS/iOS, Tspan was added by the SVG library, causing padding issues.
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I had noticed that S cardinal is being cut off by the box padding / boundary and still present on 1.11.4 Chrome

Edit 1: The compass card is now history!


I can reproduce this only in a Sections view. You are also using the sections view?
Need to investigate this one. Can you open an issue in GitHub?

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Released version 1.11.5

  • Entity check code, revert to previous method.

The other method seams to fail for some entities.

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Hmm where is my mistake? My data comes from weather underground

Some special entity config required for the WindRoseCard?

The same Entity works in the compass card:


Config should be something like this:

  entity: sensor.wind_direction
  direction_letters: NOZWX
  use_statistics: false
  direction_compensation: 0

Released version 1.11.6


  • Margin calculation when speedbars are hidden. Fixes #97
  • Background image position fixed when using longer cardinal direction labels.
  • Small fix in measurement matching
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Fantastic card. I’m starting to feel like an idiot but I just can’t seem to get the background_image right. How is this parameter supposed to work, because whatever path I try all I get is this image:

Currently I have it working like this:

background_image: /hacsfiles/lovelace-windrose-card/bg.png

I put the image next to the windrose javascript file, downloaded bij HACS.

It should be a square image file.

Release version 1.11.7


  • Initial cardinal direction letters configuration when adding card now works. Fixes #101