Lovelace Windrose Card

Supporting a windrose without windspeed info. Would be a nice option.
And I think it’s not that hard to build in the current version.

I’ll keep you posted.

I’ll post some details in the issue soon.

Released v0.4.1
Speed values that are not a number are now filtered correctly, not causing the card to crash.

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Great work!
Is it possible to round the m/s in the windspeed bar?

My provider of wind data only sends eight wind directions and some time it takes hours for it to change directions and update. I get wind speed a lot more frequent. Do you have any simple way of solving this on your side to get more frequent readings?
Perhaps I can create a template with timed updates of some sort? Or will it not update with the same value, hmm?

Hi Smefa,
I’m working on an option to only show wind directions in de rose, so direction and speed are not matched. I think that solves it, for your situation. But then you can’t see in what direction which speed is coming from.
About the rounding of m/s. The current ranges are the Beaufort speed ranges. I’ll change the m/s range to integer numbers.

Have you tried setting the windspeed_bar_full option to false?

It works well; need to correct the github for install to clarify the install that it is not ‘included’ in HACS, but must have the custom repository added. Obviously, anyone using HACS can probably figure this out, but it would save a few seconds in trying to find it in HACS when it is not there.

Edit Might want to reference Beaufort Scale for those that don’t know what bft is representative of.

Hi GlennHA,
I’m planning to get it added the HACS as a default repo. Before I do that, I want to make the card better and work on feedback from you guys.

Upcoming features and fixes:

  • :white_check_mark: m/s output scale without fractions.
  • summery information above the windrose, number of measurements etc.
  • :white_check_mark: display Beaufort instead of bft.
  • windrose rendering with only direction data, takes little more work.
  • styling with mod_card, I still have no idea how to fix this. Help needed. Already opened an issue at card_mod github.

I don’t see any difference when changing the windspeed_bar_full option.

Would it be possible to have a settings to choose which metric speed or direction that is the “master”?
I guess this could be solved if I could trigger using wind speed instead with a large time_diff?

If you set the windspeed_bar_full option to false, the higher speedrange are not rendered when there are no measurements in that range.
So if you have measurements during a heavy storm, it wouldn’t make difference.

Released v0.4.2

  • Meter per seconds speed range now without fractions.
  • Speed unit now displayed above the bar when the bar is in vertical mode.
  • Speed unit Beaufort now rendered with full name.

This version contains some quick wins.

The center percentage is usually 9% for me but occasionally reads 235%. I do not see what causes this.

It’s a bug. I saw that also one time, but forgot about it. I’ll look into it.

Released v0.4.3

  • Fix duplicate and missing speed ranges. (thanks Nathan Spencer for PR)
  • Possible fix for display of calm percentages higher then 100%.

Hi Smefa,
I implemented your suggestion to make it configurable which metric is leading, speed or direction.
First implementation was: for every direction, it looks up the speed within the configured time frame. This is the default.

Now there is a second option:
For every speed we find a direction. For this matching it looks only in the past, so the last measured direction is used. The direction_speed_time_diff is still used, to set the maximum time diff. If there are more direction measurements within the time difference, it uses the one closest to the speed measurement.

Released version 0.5.0

  • Added config matching_strategy, speed or direction first matching
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Great work! Thanks!

If you set the windspeed_bar_full option to false, the higher speedrange are not rendered when there are no measurements in that range.
So if you have measurements during a heavy storm, it wouldn’t make difference.

Is it the legend that should be changing?
I can’t see any difference between true/false with ~3m/s winds

De legend should be changing. True should show the legend for the higher wind speeds, false not if the higher speeds are not measured.
If you don’t see a difference, can you post a screenshot for both true and false and the configuration?

Does it work without the quotes? So only true of false.

windspeed_bar_full: false

Yes, then it works. Thanks!