Released v0.6.0
- Added config speed_range_step and speed_range_max to customize the speed ranges. Default depend on output speed unit.
Released v0.6.0
Released v0.7.0
This options is not working with the default output speed unit Beaufort. So you need to explicitly define an output speed unit other then Beaufort.
Released version 0.8.0
Released version 0.8.1
Released version 0.9.0
Released version 0.9.1
I hope your gradient background works now.
Thank you @aukedejong. This is awesome. Working with knots and two wind inputs. No card mods yet and I still have to work out my data collection status!
Released version 0.10.0
Is the same with my card, all values are NaN!
It might have to do with this:
I did install with HACS, not manual what I used to do, but that is getting more and more a hassle.
What I find is this:
If I go into manage resources I see, the folder where the lovelace windrose .js is stored this is-
butmaybe I do not know where to look so I googled it and it says the HACS folder is in www/community, whenever i go there and look there is no such folder, maybe it is hidden maybe ???
What I see in my www/community is a new folder lovelace-windrose-card which i would expect, but I do not dare change the resource in the resource manager to point to this address for that would mean the auto update from HACS will get broken.
So what is wisdom?
And is this what make all my values go NaN%
Nope that did not work either!
@jayjay If you can see the windrose, then your resource setting is correct.
Can you share a screencapture?
And are there errors in the browser console? Press F12 to display the console.
Sure here is the screenshot, in the browser console, I am lost no idea where to look and for what, for what I saw there are no errors.
type: custom:windrose-card
title: Wind richting
hours_to_show: 4
max_width: 400
refresh_interval: 300
windspeed_bar_location: bottom
windspeed_bar_full: true
wind_direction_entity: sensor.buienradar_wind_direction
- entity: sensor.buienradar_wind_speed
name: Windsnelheid
wind_direction_unit: degrees
input_speed_unit: kph
output_speed_unit: kph
direction_compensation: 0
windrose_draw_north_offset: 0
cardinal_direction_letters: NOZW
matching_strategy: direction-first
direction_speed_time_diff: 1
And the error I found now is this one:
The JavaScript exception “x is (not) y” occurs when there was an unexpected type. Oftentimes, unexpected undefined
or null
TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading ‘x’) (V8-based) TypeError: “x” is undefined (Firefox) TypeError: “undefined” is not an object (Firefox) TypeError: undefined is not an object (evaluating ‘obj.x’) (Safari) TypeError: “x” is not a symbol (V8-based & Firefox) TypeError: Symbol.keyFor requires that the first argument be a symbol (Safari)
I did a retry removed the not working card and redid it, now the bar at the bottom gives information in percentage but the windcircel still the same got a new error though… this one when you click the more option you still get that X <-> Y error.
Hello jayjay
I have the Wind rose installed and working since yesterday.
First I made one mistake: Using the wrong entities.
Using the following working code:
type: custom:windrose-card
title: Windmeter Buienradar
hours_to_show: 12
max_width: 500
refresh_interval: 60
windspeed_bar_location: right
windspeed_bar_full: true
wind_direction_entity: sensor.br_wind_direction_azimuth
- entity: sensor.br_wind_force
name: Laatste 24 uur
wind_direction_unit: degrees
input_speed_units: kph
output_speed_unit: kph
direction_compensation: 0
matching_strategy: speed-first
cardinal_direction_letters: NOSW
direction_speed_time_diff: 3600
class: top-level-card
Im curious what happens if you use:
sensor.br_wind_direction_azimuth and:sensor.br_wind_force
It is not fully there yet but it does show a winddirection now, thank you so much. So it needed a gradient number, and does not work with NOZW, good tip thank you so much Andre!
You can set the wind_direction_unit parameter to letters. Then the card accepts letters like: N, NE, SW up to 32 directions. But not the Dutch variants, so NO or ZW wil not work.
Howto do that, tried that with the English letters but then I got that error. Got it found an example in here
Nope letters did return the error, I stick to Andre’s setup, with the Azimuth as base that one works!
A thought I had from what you said Auke, it works with English letter notation, and that is the error, buienrader does provide NOZW as base and all in between, which will not work with the English notation, there lies the problem, so I could work around making a template sensor and rewriting the letters produced from buienradar to their English equivalents! That probably will do the trick, for whoever likes to try
Released version 0.11.0
Release 1.0.0
Breaking config changes:
The easiest way to update, is add the card to a dashboard and change the generated default configuration.
New features: