Lovelace Windrose Card

I don’t know what I’m doing wrong, but I can’t get it to work since the last update.

Do you get any errors in the browser console?
Press F12 in de browser.

The config looks good

I found my problem, my weather station gives me the wind speed in mps, as I wanted to have the equivalence in kilometers, I created sensors to convert the wind speed into kilometers, but I specified KM as the unit of measurement. That’s why it wasn’t working.

Thank you for your work.

My wind speed entity uses the unit kn for knots. I’m guessing that is why I don’t see any output at all?

EDIT: also just realised that my weather integration is supplying a unit_of_measurement (degrees) and state class of measurement for a non numeric state value (NSEW). This is preventing history being saved. So that is stuffing things up too. I’ve opened an issue with the weather integration developer.

Just wanted to leave a thank you!
Exactly what I was looking for and worked out of the box after following the instructions in the README.MD.

Bug fix release version 1.0.1

Ignoring wind speed that are not a number.

@Tom, I forgot to add ‘kn’ as an recognized speed unit. Will be in the next version.


1.0.1 does not help me(((.
– the card is not displayed;
– in Editor - blank card.

Described here

Guess I realized a reason of my glitch.
It happened since a wind speed entity became unavailable for 5 minutes.
Happened more than 8 hours ago; that is why with “hours_to_show” > 8 there were blank card; with “hours_to_show: 8” the card is displayed.

Version 1.0.2 released.

  • Unit of measurement kn now recognized as knots.
  • Not recognized directions now ignored.
  • Not recognized speeds now ignored.
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With 1.0.2 the card is displayed even when a wind speed sensor is sometimes unavailable.
There is one more problem - the card is not displayed at all and IS displayed in Editor, will register a corr. issue:

First, thanks for your work. I’ve updated to 1.0.2. Deleted my old card and added a new one with a defaul config, only entering the two sensors. Shouldn’t the % rings autoscale to the longest “petal”? Or stated another way - shouldn’t the longest “petal” touch the outermost ring? Maybe I’m missing the simplest of config options. Thanks in advance.

Hmm. I think you found a bug.

What happens if you turn off the center calm speed. It’s a config propery.

1.02 working well after deleting and reloading chart and rebuilding yaml. original refused to load. my wind input is also kn so welcome this version!
2023-06-13 (2)

type: custom:windrose-card
title: Wind direction
max_width: 400
hours_to_show: 4
refresh_interval: 300
windspeed_bar_full: false
windspeed_bar_location: bottom
center_calm_percentage: false
cardinal_direction_letters: NESW
direction_count: 32
  entity: sensor.wind_direction
  direction: degrees
  use_statistics: true
  - entity: sensor.wind_5min_gust
    name: 5-min gust
    speed_unit: auto
    use_statistics: true
speed_range_beaufort: true
output_speed_unit: knots
matching_strategy: direction-first

A little off-topic: does anyone know a link to a topic for discussing wind-measuring-devices (roof-mounted) or may be propose a particular device? Please PM me then.

Release 1.0.3

Fix: with center_calm_percentage true, the leaves won’t use the available space, if the calm percentage is high enough.

@abrum fixes your issue.

Yup, that fixed it. Many thanks for your quick reply and super-quick fix.

@Ildar_Gabdullin Davis Anemometer Davis Anemometer 6410 and connected to ESP32. There a lot of threads on here and worth picking one up…as everybody uses something different…

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Version 1.1.0 released.

  • Feature: added option to modify the letters use by the direction entity for the cardinal directions. Some wind direction entities use language specific letters. No need to make a template sensor to convert these to the correct English letters.
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Version 1.2.0 released

  • Feature: new option to use only data from a specific hour of the current day. If the hour is not yet arrived, data from the previous day till now is used.
    See the readme on how to configure. The current hours_to_show is deprecated. This config is moved to the data_period object.

To see some information about measurement counts en matches. Add and set config log_level to INFO and open the browsers console (F12).

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My Windrose card is failing:

I have checked the wind_direction_entity, and it is valid and works fine. Any idea what’s going on? I am not entirely sure when the problem started, but it has been like that with 1.1.0 and 1.2.0, I cannot tell exactly when it started.
Any ideas?