Luxpower ac inverter integration?

Drop me an email as above and I can get you setup

Hi Guy

Dropped you an email a few days ago. New to HA, but would love to set up my Luxpower on it.

Thx in advance!

I use lux LXP and want to connect to HA,
, you can send it to me via email . Thank you

Email: [email protected]

Hi Guy, Iā€™ve dropped you an email to get setup. github username is the same as here but the email I sent has the email details.

hi @guybw, Can I please join the project. Would love to see it working with my Lux inverter. Github usernames: ArnoS146 I have sent an email also requesting access to join your project.

Guy have you done any further work on this integration? Iā€™m looking for a system and before i commit i want to find one that connects to ha without outside servers.


I need it, can you send it to me? [email protected]. Thanks!

the lxp-bridge system works but needs a bit more configuration setting it up. I have a couple of small issues, one of which being itā€™s not actively developed at the moment so any new attributes arenā€™t added to your system without some poking around yourselfā€¦ Which is why Iā€™m looking to try Guyā€™s system.

Hi, sent emails and DMs, any luck? Would love to get access to it

It seems that this integration has also been abandoned by the author. The author hasnā€™t been active on this forum for a long time either. I still havenā€™t gained access, even though I sent a request almost a month ago and filled out the formā€¦

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Hello, I have one SNA 6000 WPV, I would really appreciate if you could try the integration, thank you. [email protected]

Andy, You (or any of the other people that recieved access before) donā€™t maybe still have access to the Luxpower github repo? Been trying to get hold of Guy for about a week without luck, if you still have access, any chance you can Fork or download a ZIP of the code for the rest of us? As can be seen lots of folks in here asking for access ^

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Hate to fork it because itā€™s his and my not be MIT license, but still would love to get access. Not sure why Guy hasnā€™t made the repo public?

Fair enough, those with access can review the licence, rest of us can at-best guess. Of course if its closed source (and not based on existing open source projects) I would give it a skip anyway.

Its maybe just the frustration of seeing that he has been online, and feeling a little ignored. Lots of folks here been asking for weeks too


I guess in a way, best if I convince myself I better move on from this, and explore (actually available) options despite how well marketed this is

OK gave up on an invite, and decided to get stuck in. The protocol is nicely documented online, so didnā€™t take long to get parsed data out. Lots more work but i am having fun. Being unable to go easy, was good motivation (:


Hey @guybw any chance i could get a copy of the luxpower integration please. I sent an email over earlier.

Many thanks

Hi sorry for the delay, my job has been really busy and Iā€™ve just not had time to reply to the emails Iā€™ve got. with LXP-Bridge closing Iā€™ve just had a ton of emails and I get so much spam they often get lost.
Give me a few hours I will get invites / forms out to everyone.

Not ignored but busy. It seems you have something working as this is written in Python so Iā€™m not sure if it would help you?

I donā€™t see an email from you? I would just point out I can only support BA dongles now so if you donā€™t have a BA dongle, I canā€™t help unfortunately.

No worries, was good to figure it out. Rejected your github invite, Iā€™m happy to keep going on my own.

It is going to be for HA, but as a nodejs bridge just like my old GitHub - openhardwarecoza/solarstats: NodeJS based application to read stats off a Chinese Solar inverter (EASUN iSolar II for example) for the previous axpert

Mqtt into HA, but did build a basic UI for the bridge, just helps with troubleshooting while figuring it all out