Luxpower ac inverter integration?

Hi it’s best to email me to get you setup, it’s my username at


Hi . can i get an invite to the github ?

Hi @guybw

I finally managed to get HA up and running I am also interested in this integration.
Could you please share it with me?

[email protected]


BTW this is awesome

Hi, your solution looks awesome!, could i please give it a go, [email protected]

I would also like this have sent my email via PM

Would you make the python implementation of the luxpower api available to me?

Hi Guy,

Is it my email you require? It is [email protected]


Hi Guy - This looks fantastic - Would love to try it on my Luxpower. From your comment I understand you are connecting to the local connection of the Luxpower Dongle.
Please could I get access to the Integration? [email protected]

Thanks so much

Hi Guy

Would appreciate access as well, I’ve sent you an email at your hotmail account.

It’s looks awesome.

If you want access please email me at my username guy… at hotmail dot com (I’m not typing my full email address to stop getting spammed!)

hi everyone. I have a lux acs 3600 and 9.6kw batteries.
I did see solar assistant and tried their free beta version. I did get it working, but some values were not correct and so would be difficult to build a reliable automation on.
I have been trying chris lxp-bridge, but I am struggling to understand how to make it work.
Usually I get
[2023-02-17T12:21:30.290 INFO lxp_bridge::mqtt] initializing mqtt at localhost:1883
[2023-02-17T12:21:30.309 INFO lxp_bridge::influx] initializing influx at http://localhost:8086
[2023-02-17T12:21:30.362 INFO lxp_bridge::lxp::inverter] inverter BA12222580: connected!
but then I get continuous:
[2023-02-17T12:22:20.406 ERROR lxp_bridge::mqtt] I/O: Connection refused (os error 111)
[2023-02-17T12:22:20.407 INFO lxp_bridge::mqtt] reconnecting in 5s,

Occassionally I get:
[2023-02-17T12:24:03.786 INFO lxp_bridge::mqtt] publishing: lxp/BA12222580/inputs/1 = {“status”:16,“v_pv_1”:0.0,“v_pv_2”:0.0,“v_pv_3”:0.2,“v_bat”:51.6,“soc”:33,“soh”:100,“p_pv”:242,“p_pv_1”:242,“p_pv_2”:0,“p_pv_3”:0,“p_charge”:0,“p_discharge”:3054,“v_ac_r”:238.1,“v_ac_s”:25.6,“v_ac_t”:0.0,“f_ac”:49.89,“p_inv”:2902,“p_rec”:0,“pf”:1.0,“v_eps_r”:238.1,“v_eps_s”:281.6,“v_eps_t”:9.6,“f_eps”:49.89,“p_eps”:0,“s_eps”:0,“p_to_grid”:0,“p_to_user”:0,“e_pv_day”:3.7,“e_pv_day_1”:3.7,“e_pv_day_2”:0.0,“e_pv_day_3”:0.0,“e_inv_day”:0.1,“e_rec_day”:2.7,“e_chg_day”:2.7,“e_dischg_day”:0.1,“e_eps_day”:0.0,“e_to_grid_day”:0.1,“e_to_user_day”:3.1,“v_bus_1”:365.0,“v_bus_2”:300.5,“time”:1676636643,“datalog”:“BA12222580”}

And these values look correct.
Can I connect direct to the lux inverter to see if the values are consisteent from the source.
I am not expert, as you can see, but any help would be appreciated.
Essentially, I only want values of battery SOC, power from/to supplier and power from panels in order to construct a load switching algorithm. Stop my supplier getting my excess power cheap. Your all doing a great job, and I would like to help if I can.

Thinking overnight about Chris information regarding the fact that any request for data from the inverter is broadcast on both connections, ( his warning regarding the manufacturer getting inundated by data updates),prompted me to investigate. The actual values i’ve shown being recieved are co-incident with the lux inverter being interrogated by my phone app.( Thanks Chris). So I’m much further on in understanding. As I’m running lxp-bridge on its own pi, ( although I understand the concepts of docker, I havenet actually understood how to implement it yet), I am going to install mosquitto on the same pi and try to expand my understanding of mqtt implementations.
My goal is to implent hardware on a binary load type implementation,( doubling every stage), to try to use all my spare power. Node red seems the best decision route, smart plugs powering devices to be determined depending on time of year etc. I’ll update when I have something of interest.
Thanks again for all contributing to the luxpower project. Paul


I would love to get my luxpower up and running on a homeassist setup. Can you please share how you did it. Sorry new on the homeassist side.

Thanks in advanced.

HA crashed during update which caused a lot of problems. Please remember to do regular full backups, BUT I didnt realise when I lost my SD card use, I would lose these also. SO, very easy:
Do the regular backups on HA
Then select the backup in the lst, the last one.
Click the three dots to access further options
Select download, ( I know it seems odd,) but this will save your backup to your laptop/pc also so you can genuinely have a saved configuration. Wish i had known this somewwat obvious point before!
Another useful tip.
Read carefully the messages fro lux bridge on the terminal screen where you launched it.
Error connection refused for me was username password problem.
Solution was to set up the new user in home assistant with the same username/pwd as set up in LUxbridge config.yaml file.
the other problem was I think error112, host not found.
This was ip address of mqtt bridge in HA, ( an add on), or the Port was incorrect.
And yes, luxbridge polls the inverter regularly, but the HA readings ( and those on the luxbridge terminal screen), update every 5 mins approx, presumably when china asks for the readings.
Perfect for me to now design a control system.
Sorry this is a bit rushed, supposed to be packing for hols.
If I get time, I will try to help others with some more information,

that looks helpful especially the solar forecast. Luxpowers weather optimiser seems to be very hit and miss

Ciao potrei sapere come fare per installarlo sulla mia plancia Home Assistant. Anche io ho un impianto della LuxPower e mi piacerebbe avere le informazioni sulla plancia. Spero di ricevere una tua gentile risposta grazie mille Tommy

Hi Tommy,
This is easy enough to do although my instructions on GitHub in English it should still work just fine.
If you drop me an email at guybw (@) I can get you setup.

Ciao Tommy,
Questo è abbastanza facile da fare anche se le mie istruzioni su GitHub in inglese dovrebbero funzionare ancora bene.
Se mi mandi un’e-mail a guybw (@) posso farti configurare.

Google translated

Ciao ti ho inviato la mail. Grazie mille Tommy

Hi Guy,did you receive my email that i send you in connection with the Lux Power integration.

I did and replied.